
  • bar splicing
  1. 环氧树脂涂层钢筋搭接长度及梁受弯性能试验研究

    Research of Splice Length of Epoxy Resin Coated Steel Bars and Bending Test of R.C. Beams

  2. 再者是梁、板主筋位置不准确、钢筋搭接位置不正确,导致构件承载力不足发生质量事故。

    Second is the inaccurate main steel bars ' position of beam or plate or wrong bonding position of steel bars causing the reduce of bearing strength .

  3. 当符合上述(3)的规定,拉力作用下的钢筋搭接可允许的百分比在100%的钢筋都在1层。

    When the provisions comply with ( 3 ) above , the permissible percentage of lapped bars in tension may be100 % where the bars are all in one layer .

  4. 这两种搭接方案会造成混凝土浇筑困难、施工复杂等问题,因此工程界迫切希望顶层端节点梁、柱负弯矩钢筋搭接能得到改善。

    The two measures may lead to difficulty in concrete placement and construction , therefore , improvement of connection of steel bars for beam and pillar negative moment in end node of frame top layer is highly expected .

  5. 预制混凝土结构插入式预留孔灌浆钢筋锚固搭接试验研究

    Experimental Study on Plug-In Filling Hole for Lap-Joint of Steel Bar of PC Concrete Structure

  6. 试验表明,在配置螺旋箍筋约束的情况下,可有效地降低钢筋的搭接长度。

    Test indicate that on deploying spiral hoop restrain occasions , it could effectively reduce lap length .

  7. 冷轧扭钢筋的锚固和搭接长度的确定

    The Determination of Anchorage and Lapping Length of Cold rolling Reinforced Ben

  8. 混凝土配筋砌体结构结合带中钢筋的锚固与搭接长度的试验研究

    Experiment and Research on the Bar Anchorage and Lap Length in the Bond Beam of Reinforced Concrete Block Masonry Structure