
  • 网络reinforcement cages
  1. 现浇箱梁钢筋骨架整体吊装施工技术

    Construction Technology of Cast-in-place Box Girder Steel Framework Integral Lifting

  2. 考虑钢筋骨架作用的混凝土徐变计算方法

    The Computation Method of Concrete Creep in Consideration of Effect of Reinforced Skeleton Frame

  3. 使用一个特制的钢托架来安装预制的锚固横梁的钢筋骨架,使其就位于上部结构内预定的位置上。

    A special steel spreader beam was used to erect the fabricated cage in its proper position in the roadway structure .

  4. 钢筋骨架网衬砌模注砼及初期锚喷砼支护,采用水泥裹砂半湿式喷砼法;

    The re bar net preliminary lining mould shotcrete and preliminary and anchor shotcrete are used for support by the use of the semi wet spraying method with sand entrapped in cement .

  5. 这种感觉也并不奇怪:哈里•杜鲁门第二任期时重建白宫,使用了内部钢筋骨架,而且在装修主要楼层时,为节省经费,原材料购自纽约的一家奥特曼百货公司。

    That was not an accident ; after the White House was gutted and rebuilt with an interior steel frame during Harry Truman 's second term , Truman had saved money by having the New York department store B. Altman furnish the mansion 's main floor .

  6. 传统的剪力墙施工工序一般为绑扎钢筋骨架、支护剪力墙模板、浇筑混凝土、拆模养护、粘贴/喷涂外墙保温层、涂抹保护层、涂料/面砖饰面层。

    The traditional construction process of shear wall generally were included : binding steel bar , supporting shear wall formwork , pouring concrete , demolition of the template and maintenance , paste / spraying thermal insulation layer of exterior wall , daub coating , coating / brick on the surface .

  7. 组合式钢筋承重骨架支撑模板进行隧洞混凝土衬砌施工

    Concrete brickwork lining construction for combining-style steel bearing reinforced bar framework support mould in tunnels

  8. 自密实混凝土在钢筋混凝土劲性骨架拱桥中的应用

    Application of Self-Compact Concrete in Steel Reinforced Concrete Rigid Frame Arch Bridges

  9. 实验构造墙体的保温性能完全满足木结构住宅和钢筋混凝土框架木骨架填充墙体的使用要求。

    The insulation properties of the experimental structure walls were qualified to the technical code for wood construction and partitions with timber frame - work used in reinforced concrete frame .

  10. 在圆煤仓施工中,通过采用钢筋滑道、钢筋骨架等新方法有效解决了仓壁钢筋间距等问题;

    In the process of round coal bunker construction , the interval distance problems are settled by the new ways of steel bar slip way , steel bar framework , and the like .

  11. 空间钢构架是由横向和斜向缀条与纵向弦杆焊接而成的承重轻钢结构,将空间钢构架替代传统钢筋混凝土结构中的绑扎钢筋骨架,形成空间钢构架混凝土结构。

    The load-bearing lightweight steel structure is built by welding the transverse and inclined lace bars on longitudinal chords , which is called the spatial steel frame .

  12. 本文按砼的加载龄期,用有限元方法推导建立了砼的徐变方程并根据钢筋与砼的变形协调条件分析了钢筋骨架对砼徐变的影响作用。

    On the basis of load age of concrete this paper presents the creep equation of concrete and analyses the effect of reinforced skeleton frame on creep of concrete in accordance with deformation between concrete and reinforced skeleton frame by means of finite-element methed .

  13. 一阶段预应力钢筋砼输水管优点及应用范围,特殊的加工工艺,原材料检验及要求,钢筋骨架成型,预应力施加,高温蒸汽养护,成品出厂检验。

    A stage prepares at the request of the dint reinforced concrete lose pipe line advantage and applications , processing the craft specially , original material examination and , the reinforcing bar framework models , preparing should dint infliction , the heat steam protects , finished product a factory examination .

  14. 严把钢筋、水泥等原材料的进厂质量关,控制钢筋制作、主筋焊接接头、钢筋骨架绑扎、铁件制作和混凝土拌合物等关键工序,有效保证了隐蔽工程质量。

    Through the control for the quality of the reinforcing steel bar and concrete and the procedure of construction the engineering quality can be ensured effectively .