
gāng jià
  • steel frame
钢架[gāng jià]
  1. 钢架在烈火的高温下开始变形。

    The steel frame began to buckle under the intense heat of the fire .

  2. 基于ANSYS的布袋除尘器钢架有限元分析

    Finite element analysis of bag precipitator steel frame based on ANSYS

  3. 钢架在重压下开始变形。

    The steel frames began to buckle under the strain .

  4. 推导出适合于钢架的类似步骤也是可能的。

    It is possible to devise corresponding systematic procedures for rigid jointed frames .

  5. 基于I-DEAS的锅炉钢架有限元结构分析设计

    The structure design of boiler steel framework with fem by I-DEAS

  6. 结合《门式钢架轻型房屋钢结构技术规程》的相关规定,将遗传算法应用于H型钢檩条截面优化设计问题的求解,并在此基础上建立了H型钢檩条截面优化的数学模型。

    Based on the Codes of Technique of Door-type Steel Support Structure for Light Houses , in this paper , the genetic algorithm method was applied to the optimum design of H-shaped purlin .

  7. 水立方多面体空间钢架结构与ETFE膜结构探讨

    Polyhedron Spatial Steel Frame Structure and ETFE Membrane Structure of Water-Cube

  8. BluHomes公司应用麻省理工学院(MIT)开发的技术,设计出使用钢架结构、可以像一张轻便小桌那样绕着铰链折叠的现代建筑。

    Applying technology developed at MIT , Blu homes designs its modern structures using steel frames that fold on hinges much like a card table .

  9. ANSYS有限元分析软件在钢架结构力学分析中正在被广泛地使用,而且由于其分析速度快、精度高而成为当今有限元分析的主流软件。

    ANSYS Finite Element Analysis ( FEA ) software is being applied extensively to the mechanics analysis of steel-truss structure . It has become the international representative software due to its fast operation speed and high-grade operation .

  10. 双门的车身上印有路虎商标,钢架上的铝面板以及体现了Rover最新的安全技术,包括与前排折叠座椅相结合的安全带。

    The two-door body features Land Rover 's trademark aluminium panels on a steel frame and embodies Rover 's latest safety technology including seat belts integrated with the folding front seats .

  11. 本文主要研究用碳纤维布(CFS)及小钢架加固核心区没有配置箍筋的混凝土框架节点的加固方法和加固效果。

    This paper mainly focuses on the rehabilitation of the RC frame joints with the Carbon Fiber Sheets ( CFS ) which had no stirrup in the joint cores .

  12. 宁海电厂1000MW塔式锅炉钢架吊装

    Hoisting and Installation of 1000 MW Tower-type Boiler Steel Frame of Ninghai Power Plant

  13. 在河内美丽雅酒店(theMeliaHanoihotel),当地寺庙中的壁画与当代艺术齐聚一堂,从客房向外看,中式、法式和玻璃钢架结构的建筑在市中心交相辉映。

    At the Melia Hanoi hotel , murals of local temples share space with contemporary art . Guestrooms look out onto Chinese , French and glass-and-steel buildings , all mixing together in the heart of the city .

  14. 这款车内部有钢架结构,外部是碳涂层,奥地利BRP公司制造的四缸“Rotax912”航空引擎为其提供动力。

    It has a steel framework and carbon coating and is powered by a Rotax 912 , a four-cylinder aircraft engine from BRP of Austria .

  15. 这是该厂典型的一天:身穿黑色制服的bsp工人弯着腰,忙着组装新电气列车车厢底部的线路和零部件,周围是几座巨大的钢架。

    On a typical day at the plant , BSP workers in dark uniforms are hunched over assembling wiring and parts to the underbody of a new electrical railcar , surrounded by several huge steel frames .

  16. 我怀疑这是因为5c装备了更大的电池,而且塑料也需要更多的体积和质量来提供足够的强度和刚度——虽然有内置的钢架进行支撑。

    I suspect this is a mix of larger battery and the plastic requiring more volume and mass to have enough strength and rigidity , although this is aided by an internal steel frame .

  17. 洛阳热电厂l号锅炉钢架立柱扭曲、弯曲变形的主要原因是由于存放时间长,焊接应力释放造成的。

    The main reasons for torsion and bending deformation of the steel frame columns of No. 1 boiler in Luoyang Heat Power Station are the results of long-time storage and release of the welding stress .

  18. 由于建设单位原因,在施工到层34时,业主建议再加建3层,共14.4m高,办公用途;顶部钢架40m。

    According to the requirement of the unit in charge of the building who asked to add 3 stories and 14.4m high for business use when the construction was in the 34th floor , the top mega-frame of steel is 40m .

  19. 分析了采用美国UGS公司的I-DEAS系统进行锅炉钢架有限元结构分析设计的一般过程,讨论了建立钢架有限元模型的关键技术,并给出了成功的分析设计案例。

    This paper illustrates how to accomplish the structure design work of boiler steel framework with FEM by I-DEAS of UGS , and discusses those key technologies applied in building the FE model , in addition , a successful analysis project is provided as a case study .

  20. 优型装配式钢架温室的性能、建造与使用

    The Property , Construction and Utility of a Good Type-Assembling Greenhouse

  21. 钢架砼柱刚构之分析

    Analysis of rigid frames composed of steel trusses and reinforced-concrete columns

  22. 钢架及照明仪器均为英国制造。

    The steel tower and light apparatus were obtained from england .

  23. 立式或卧式布置,全承重钢架设计。

    Vertical or horizontal layout , full load-bearing steel frame design .

  24. 温室钢架防腐技术的回顾与探讨

    Review on Anticorrosive Technology of the Plant Greenhouse with Steel Frame

  25. 立即将烤好的饼干放到钢架上晾凉。

    Remove from the cookie sheet immediately and cool on rack .

  26. 隧道格栅钢架喷混凝土支护安全性评价

    Assessment on safety of lattice girder reinforced shotcrete support for Tunnels

  27. 采用等效方法模拟钢架、锚杆;

    The steel frame and bolt are simulated by equivalent method .

  28. 内承式钢筒仓内承钢架的优化设计

    Optimization design of the steel framework of internal supported steel silo

  29. 飘杆钢架法在隧洞穿越塌方段中的应用

    Application of drift bar steel frame method for tunneling landslide area

  30. 55米跨局部三角形钢架结构设计

    Design of local triangle steel structure with 55 meters ' span