
  • 网络Navitas;Navier;L.M.H.Navier
  1. 在整个设计过程中,我们首先构建纳维人的衣食住行。

    Throughout the design process , we first build the basic needs of Navier people .

  2. 而在整个的场景布置上,我们将纳维人统一成崇尚自然的生命形态。

    The layout of the whole scene , we were unified into the Navier respect for the natural life forms .

  3. 但是霍格说,要在苏格兰寻找最强烈的斯堪的纳维亚风,得去奥克尼(Orkeny)和设得兰(Shetland),于是我们打开GPS向北行进。

    But Mr. Hogg had said we would find the most striking examples of Scandinavian-style Scotland in Orkney and Shetland , so we fired up the GPS and headed north .

  4. 详细分析了纳维-斯托克斯方程(简称N-S方程)等基本控制方程、雷诺时均方程及其标准的k-ε模型、大涡模拟方法和壁面函数与近壁模型。

    The governing equation such as Navier-Stokes ( N-S ) equation , the Reynolds time-averaged equa-tions and its standard k - ε model , the Large eddy simulation ( LES ) method , the wall function and near wall model are analyzed in detail .

  5. 上海纳维加特公司是中国超声波筛分机行业的著名制造企业。

    Is a well-known manufacturer in ultrasonic sieving industries in China .

  6. 密歇根州纳维郭郡,四周密林环绕。

    Newaygo County , Michigan , is surrounded by a dense forest .

  7. 拉希摩尔的兰杰-纳维-辛格说,当旗子被展开的时候,安全警报和游客提醒了有关人员。

    Mount Rushmore Ranger Nav Singh said security warnings and tourists alerted officials when the banner was unrolled .

  8. 在层流状态下简化纳维-斯托克斯方程并推导出该强化方式所产生的流场及压力场的解析式;

    The expressions of its velocity and pressure are deduced from Navier-Stokes equation on the basis of laminar flow .

  9. 第二天,吉纳维芙继续说道,她一直盯着那另外的一半蛋糕,最后为她自己切了一小块。

    The next day , Genevieve continued , she kept staring at the other half , until finally she cut a thin slice for herself .

  10. 本周,他们二人受本届大赛赞助商——纳维英语的邀请,前往澳大利亚作最后一轮的有关文化冲突的主题演讲。

    The pair , hosted this week in Australia by the competition sponsor , Navitas English , addressed the subject of cultural clashes in their final talk .

  11. 通过解纳维-斯托克斯方程,获得了方腔内不同边界条件下的速度场流谱①。

    The Navier-Stokes equation for steady flow is solved with SIMPLE method and graphs visualization of the velocity fields in square cavity is obtained with different boundary condition .

  12. 根据库伦-纳维强度理论,本文提出了临界走向断层的概念,探讨了形成闭锁段的物理机制。

    Based on the Coulomb-Navier strength theory , the present author proposes in this paper the concept of fault with critical strike and discusses the physical mechanism forming the blocked segment of fault .

  13. 利用其静电模块模拟电势分布;利用单相层流不可压缩纳维-斯托克斯方程模块模拟气流场分布;利用系数型偏微分方程模块模拟电荷输运。

    It uses electrostatic model to simulate the electric potential distribution , single phase laminar incompressible Navier-Stokes model to simulate the flow field distribution and coefficient model of partial differential equations to simulate charge transport .

  14. 该流体有限元程序的理论基础是纳维-斯托克斯方程的有限元法离散,有限元的网格采用的是四结点四边形等参单元和八结点四边形等参单元。

    The theoretical base of the fluid FEM program is the discreteness of Navier-Stokes equation . The iso-parametric element with four nodes and the iso-parametric element with eight nodes are used in the FEM program .

  15. 论文还根据神经的电缆模型的瞬态解建立了神经局部电流的偶极子模型:在引入纳维-斯托克斯方程的基础上,建立了完整的磁场中偶极子电流场和位移场模型。

    Based on the transient solution of neural cable model , a dipole model of local current is studied . Based on the Navier-Stocks equation , the models of current field and the displacement field are established .

  16. 本文遵循地震发生的断层成因说,应用三维应力圆和纳维-库伦强度理论,提出一种定性描述孕震过程的应力图象。

    According to the hypothesis of fault failure of earthquake genesis , this paper concerns with a stress pattern describing qualitatively the process of genesis o'f earthquakes by means of a three-dimensional stress circle and Navier-Coulomb strength theory .

  17. 本文是粘性流体力学中的纳维&斯托克司方程的又一准确解,对其它异形断面管有指导意义,对工程实际问题有实用价值。

    The paper is a good example and an exact solution of using the Navier-stokes equations for such a problem , which is instructive for solving such problem on other non-circular pipes as well as solving such practical problems on engineering .

  18. 英特尔实验室的用户互动和体验部主管吉纳维芙•贝尔博士说:人们仍然在摸索分享的意义:你要与之分享的观众是谁,这些观众需要什么,他们对所分享物的感觉如何?

    People are still sorting through what does it means to share , who is the audience you are sharing with , what do those audiences want and how do they feel about things ? said Dr Genevieve Bell , the director of user interaction and experience at Intel Labs .