
  • 网络navarre;Navarra;navara
  1. 西班牙纳瓦拉大学(UniversityofNavarra)哲学系商业伦理教授阿莱霍?西松(AlejoSison)写过大量关于亚洲腐败的文章,尤其是在他的祖国菲律宾。

    Alejo Sison , professor of business ethics in the philosophy department of the University of Navarra , Spain , has written widely on corruption in Asia , especially in his native Philippines .

  2. 纳瓦拉大学(UniversityofNavarra)IESE商学院上个月也公布说,根据对包括城市治理、科技、公共管理和城市规划等50个指标的研究,东京是全球最“聪明”的城市,排在其后的是伦敦和纽约。

    IESE Business School at the University of Navarra last month also revealed that Tokyo is the ' smartest ' city in the world followed by London and New York , according to a study of 50 indicators including governance , technology , public management and urban planning .

  3. 巴斯克自治区与临近的纳瓦拉(navarra)自治区享有自主征税权。

    The Basque country and adjoining Navarre collect their own taxes .

  4. 根据《今日美国》获得的一份警方声明显示,当地时间15:20分,纳瓦拉的Fitbit智能手环显示她心跳加速,而视频证据显示,艾洛的车当时就停在纳瓦拉家。

    According to a police statement obtained by USA Today , Ms Navarra 's Fitbit Alta device showed a raised heart rate at about 15:20 local time , when video evidence suggested Mr Aiello 's car was at her house .

  5. 路易十五法国与纳瓦拉的君主

    King Louis XV , Monarch of France and Navarre ,

  6. 2016年,她参观了斯里兰卡的平纳瓦拉大象孤儿院。

    In 2016 , she visited the Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage in Sri Lanka .

  7. 酝斯库纳瓦拉山庄是库纳瓦拉地区最老的酒厂,一个澳洲最受好评的酿酒地区。

    Wynns Coonawarra estate is the oldest established winery in Australia 's most celebrated fine wine region-Coonawarra .

  8. 南澳的库纳瓦拉有两样举世闻名,一是它独特的红土地,二来便是优良的赤霞珠红酒。

    Coonawarra in South Australia , is world famous for its unique red soil and exquisite Cabernet .

  9. 另外,弗兰西斯声明有权拥有邻国纳瓦拉,它曾经是查理先帝所霸占领土的一部分。

    Moreover Francis laid claim to the neighbouring Navarre , part of which had been annexed by Charles 's predecessor .

  10. 安东尼·艾洛否认了谋杀,他告诉警察自己是来看望纳瓦拉,在她家呆了15分钟,还给她带来了披萨。

    Anthony Aiello , who denies murder , told police he had visited her for 15 minutes to drop off pizza .

  11. 但警方发现,纳瓦拉佩戴的健身追踪器显示,在艾洛在现场的那段时间,纳瓦拉的心率明显提高,然后又迅速下降。

    But police say a fitness tracker she was wearing showed a significant spike in heart rate followed by a rapid slowdown at the time he was there .

  12. 每年从7月7日至14日成千上万的人到潘普洛纳开始庆祝西班牙最有名的奔牛节,纪念纳瓦拉首都的守护神&圣佛明。

    Every year from July7th-14th thousands pack into Pamplona to start Spain 's most fa ­ mous bull-running fiesta to honour Navarre capital 's patron saint , San Fermin .

  13. “本来可能是悲剧最后成了场大惊吓。”引述塔法利亚市长克里斯蒂娜·索塔在主要地区报纸纳瓦拉日报中的话。

    " What could have been a tragedy ended up as a big fright ," Tafalla mayor Cristina Sota was cited as saying in the main regional newspaper , Diario de Navarra .

  14. 我住在佛罗里达州北部的一个小镇叫纳瓦拉,我们鲍思-笔真的有这样的地方,但我们有很多运河,把我带到另一端。

    I live in the panhandle of Florida in a small town called Navarre , we dont really have any areas like that but we do have a lot of canals which brings me to another tip .

  15. 除了几起在环法自行车赛经过纳瓦拉地区时危害不大的爆炸事件外,从6月6号东山再起以来,埃塔还没能造成太多损害。

    Apart from a couple of harmless explosions as the Tour de France cycling race passed through the Navarre region , ETA has been unable to inflict much damage since it took up arms again on June6th .

  16. 米格尔·马丁内斯-冈萨雷斯教授,现任位于西班牙潘普洛纳市的纳瓦拉大学公共健康学院主席,领导了这项研究。他讲道,“看电视是项主要的久坐行为,且现在各种形式的久坐行为都开始增加了。”

    Professor Miguel Martinez-Gonzalez , chair of the Department of Public Health at the University of Navarra in Pamplona , who led the study , said ' Television viewing is a major sedentary behaviour and there is an increasing trend toward all types of sedentary behaviours .