
  • 网络NELSON;Lord Nelson;Willie Nelson;Horatio Nelson
  1. 纳尔逊∙曼德拉是一本新传记的传主。

    Nelson Mandela is the subject of a new biography .

  2. 纳尔逊汽车修理厂有你要找的那种二手车。

    Nelson Garage has the used car you 're after .

  3. 纳尔逊•曼德拉(NelsonMandela)的《漫漫自由路》(LongWalktoFreedom)。

    Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela .

  4. 1994年,阿非利卡人将权力移交给纳尔逊•曼德拉(NelsonMandela),然后马上就变得无足轻重了。

    In 1994 they handed power to Nelson Mandela and instantly became irrelevant .

  5. 纳尔逊(Nelson)可能无法赢得特拉法加之战。

    Nelson might not have won at Trafalgar .

  6. 当纳尔逊•曼德拉(NelsonMandela)终于开始说话时,他的言语比往常更加简短干脆。

    When Nelson Mandela finally started speaking , his words were even more clipped than usual .

  7. 罗兰•纳尔逊(RolandNelson)记得,几年前他从妻子那儿收到了一份父亲节礼物,那是个薄薄的、长方形的东西。

    Roland Nelson remembers receiving a slim , rectangular Father 's Day present from his wife a few years ago .

  8. 曾为已故的纳尔逊•曼德拉(NelsonMandela)当了19年私人助理的赛尔达•拉格兰赫(ZeldaLaGrange)称,人们瞧不起看门人。

    Zelda La Grange , personal assistant to the late Nelson Mandela for 19 years , says people underestimate the gatekeeper .

  9. 从纳尔逊(Nelson)坐直升机远道来码头享用鱼与薯片的4位会计师已打道回府。

    The four accountants who 'd come down from Nelson by helicopter to have fish and chips on the quay had flown back home .

  10. 问:劳伦斯·希克曼后来成了纳尔逊-阿特金斯艺术博物馆(Nelson-AtkinsMuseumofArt)的总监,他也参与了华纳的探险之旅。

    Q. Laurence Sickman , who later became the director of the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City , was involved with some of Warner 's exploits .

  11. 本文对西南极地区纳尔逊冰盖边缘N1沉积序列化学元素组成特征和风化作用地球化学过程进行了研究。

    Geochemical characteristics and chemical weathering of periglacial sediments on the edge of Nelson Ice Cape , Antarctica were studied in a profile .

  12. 实际上,金山大学与比勒陀利亚大学(UniversityofPretoria)举行比赛时,可鄙的通行证法禁止纳尔逊与他的黑人同学前往后者所在的60公里左右以外的邻市。

    Indeed , when Wits played the University of Pretoria , the despicable pass laws prevented Nelson and his fellow black students from travelling the 60 or so kilometers to the neighboring city .

  13. 凯丽表示:我们即将失去纳尔逊•曼德拉(NelsonMandela),而这时,玛拉拉在另一个领域登上了世界舞台。

    Ms Kelly says : We are about to lose [ Nelson ] Mandela and then , in another area , Malala steps on to the world stage .

  14. 福格艺术博物馆(TheFogg)和纳尔逊艺术博物馆于是同意一同出资,买下所有残片并将其带到堪萨斯城重新组装。

    The Fogg and the Nelson agreed together to provide funds to acquire all the pieces and reassemble them in Kansas City .

  15. 根据纳尔逊(Nelson)的说法,大约凌晨2点45分,它爬到了顶层,跳上屋顶,还发现了诱捕笼里的猫食。

    Around 2:45 a.m. , according to Mr. Nelson , it scaled the top and hopped onto the roof . It also found the cat food inside the trap .

  16. 埃里克•范杜森(EricVanDusen)在自己的间隔年从阿根廷穿越大陆来到加利福尼亚州,而他的妻子卡拉•纳尔逊(KaraNelson)则在津巴布韦的一个难民营教书。

    Eric Van Dusen traveled over land from Argentina to California during his time off , while his wife , Kara Nelson , taught in a migrant camp in Zimbabwe .

  17. Sprinkles联合创始人坎迪斯?纳尔逊和查尔斯?纳尔逊夫妇在坎迪斯怀上第一个孩子时有了这个新颖的想法。

    The novel idea came to the company 's co-founders Candace and Charles Nelson when Candace was pregnant with their first child .

  18. 罗利赫拉赫拉?曼德拉(RolihlahlaMandela)出生于1918年7月18日,“纳尔逊”是他上学后添加的南非科萨人腾布王朝的一酋长的名字。

    Rolihlahla Mandela - 'Nelson ' was added when he started school-was born July 18 , 1918 , to a chief of the Thembu tribe of the Xhosa people in South Africa .

  19. 种族隔离制度的灭亡告诉我,政治是重要的,个别政治家可能扭转乾坤(白人政权信任纳尔逊•曼德拉(NelsonMandela)执掌国家),以及历史永远不按照你预期的道路发展。

    Apartheid 's demise taught me that politics matter , that individual politicians matter ( the white regime trusted Nelson Mandela with the country ) and that history never happens the way you expect .

  20. 南非聋人团体成员称,纳尔逊&12539;曼德拉(NelsonMandela)通过电视直播的追悼会上的手语翻译自创手语手势,让其无法理解这位刚去世的政治家的追悼会上到底发生了什么。

    Members of South Africa 's deaf community have accused a sign-language interpreter at Nelson Mandela 's televised memorial of making up his hand gestures , rendering the service for the late statesman all but incomprehensible .

  21. 荷兰合作银行(Rabobank)全球策略师大卫?纳尔逊(DavidNelson)表示:“当前(美国的收成)灾难是实实在在的,而2008年农作物价格飙升在某种程度上是由投机推动的。”

    David Nelson , global strategist at Rabobank , said : " Today the [ US crop ] disaster is real , whereas to some degree the big run-up in prices in 2008 was speculatively driven . "

  22. Turner与他87岁的新西兰国籍的妻子Doris决定离开居住的汉普郡村庄,前往新西兰南部的纳尔逊寻找冒险和消除妻子的乡愁。

    Eric King-Turner and his New Zealander wife Doris , 87 , have decided to leave their village in Hampshire , for the city of Nelson on the South Island , seeking adventure and a cure for her homesickness .

  23. 西南极纳尔逊岛Stansbury半岛火山岩地质和岩石学基本特征

    The volcanic geology and the petrological characteristics of the Stansbury peninsula , Nelson Island , West Antarctica

  24. XCOR公司的首席运营官安德鲁-纳尔逊告诉记者,东京到纽约的航线有望于20年内实现。

    XCOR COO Andrew Nelson told the reporters that flights between Tokyo and New York are likely to be available within the next 20 years .

  25. 亚马逊公司的纸质图书和Kindle电子书编辑部主任萨拉&12539;纳尔逊(SaraNelson)说,她认为电子书给予如饥似渴的读者的并不是太多的弃读许可权,而是根据心情点进点出图书的能力。

    Sara Nelson , editorial director of books and Kindle at Amazon . com , says she believes that e-readers have given voracious consumers not so much license to stop , but the ability to dip in and out of books , depending on their mood .

  26. 谷歌新任欧洲工程业务负责人纳尔逊•马托斯(NelsonMattos)表示:欧洲与美国不同,在这里对待某些话题的态度要严肃得多。来自欧洲的工程师将对这些问题更为敏感。

    Europe is different from the US and there are certain topics that are taken a lot more seriously here . Engineers from Europe will be more sensitive on these topics , says Nelson Mattos , Google 's newly appointed head of engineering for Europe .

  27. 如果你还不相信历史有时会产生让人惊喜的结果,那你可以看看英国今年1月新推出的一部关于纳尔逊?曼德拉(NelsonMandela)的精彩纪录片。影片表明,南非的“革命”跟美国革命一样了不起。

    And if you want another reminder that history can sometimes deliver pleasant surprises , take a look at the brilliant new biopic of Nelson Mandela being released in the UK in January : as it shows , the " revolution " that took place in South Africa was almost as extraordinary as anything that occurred inAmerica .

  28. 纳尔逊的肖像画得据说和他真人一模一样。

    Nelson 's portrait is said to be a formidable likeness .

  29. 纳尔逊?曼德拉和瓦茨拉夫?哈维尔是这样

    it was true for Nelson Mandela and V á clav Havel

  30. 南极纳尔逊冰缘沉积物元素地球化学特征及其化学风化作用研究

    Geochemistry and chemical weathering of Nelson periglacial sediments , Antarctica