
  1. 利用常压气体放电非平衡等离子体实现了纳米粉体材料(TiO2)的制备。

    Nanoscale TiO2 powder were prepared by atmospheric pressure non-equilibrium plasma .

  2. 建立了有机溶剂(甲苯)液滴与超临界反溶剂(超临界CO2)之间的传质模型,用于模拟超临界反溶剂制备微纳米粉体材料的传质过程。

    A mathematical model of mass transfer between droplet of organic solvent ( toluene ) and antisolvent ( CO_2 ) was presented .

  3. 通过该装置可以达到试验目的,收集到合格的Al2O3纳米粉体材料。

    By the equipment the purpose of the experiment can be achieved and eligible Al_2O_3 nanometer powder material can be collected .

  4. 电弧喷涂是一种重要的热喷涂技术,应用这种技术改变压缩气体的成分进行铝喷涂时,可以获得Al2O3纳米粉体材料。

    The arc spraying is a kind of important heat spraying technology . The experiment shows that the Al_2O_3 nanometer powder can be obtained when using it for Al spraying by changing the composition of compressed air .

  5. 旋转填充床(RPB)是一种常见的超重力设备,并且已经成功应用于多种纳米粉体材料的超重力法制备。

    Rotating packed bed ( RPB ) is a familiar high-gravity apparatus , and it has already been used in the preparation of nanoparticles .

  6. 采用醇盐水解溶胶-凝胶法成功制备出分散性良好的BaO-La2O3-TiO2(BLT)系纳米粉体材料,其平均粒径约为30nm。

    In present paper , the homogeneous dispersive nano powders of BaO-La_2O_3-TiO_2 ( BLT ) were prepared by Sol-Gel process with tetrabutyl titanate , barium acetate and lanthanum nitrate . The average size of particle is about 30 nm .

  7. 液相化学法是制备纳米粉体材料的常用方法。

    Liquid chemical method is widely used to synthesize nano powders .

  8. 旋转填料床生产纳米粉体材料的研究进展

    Research progress in nano-powder material produced by rotating packed bed

  9. 无机纳米粉体材料改性建筑外墙乳胶漆的研究

    Research of Inorganic Nano-powders Modified Exterior Architectural Latex Coating

  10. 纳米粉体材料在道路水泥中的应用前景

    Application prospect of nano-powder material in road cement

  11. 纳米粉体材料的团聚问题及解决措施

    Problems on Reunite of Nano-powder and its Counter-Measures

  12. 纳米粉体材料生产新技术

    New Productive Technology of Nano Powder Material

  13. 热喷涂纳米粉体材料及其涂层制备

    Thermal Spraying Nanoscale Powder Materials and Coatings

  14. 本论文采用微波辅助合成法,方便快捷的合成了钨酸盐、钼酸盐和三氧化钨纳米粉体材料。

    Here , we prepared tungstates , molybdates and tungsten trioxide nanostructure materials by microwave-assisted method .

  15. 几种纳米粉体材料的生产现状

    Production status of several namo-powder materials

  16. 当利用溶胶-凝胶法制备纳米粉体材料时,最关键的问题是防止聚集体的生成。

    Preventing agglomeration of particles is the most important problem in the preparation of the nanometer powders by means of sol gel method .

  17. 超重力旋转床作为新型高效的多相流接触装置,可以极大地强化微观混合与传质过程,已广泛应用于化工分离和反应沉淀法制备纳米粉体材料等领域。

    As a novel multiphase contactor , Rotating Packed Bed ( RPB ) can greatly intensify the processes of micromixing and mass transfer herein .

  18. 采用常压非平衡等离子体进行了金属表面的渗扩处理和纳米粉体材料的制备研究,提出了相应的技术原理。

    Studies on nitriding and nanoscale powder preparation by atmospheric pressure non-equilibrium plasma were conducted , and the corresponding principles and technology were got thereby .

  19. 从方法的改进与完善、技术的组合与创新方面综述了液相法制备纳米粉体材料的研究进展。

    Advances on the preparation of nano powders by liquid chemical method were summarized in terms of the improvement of the method and the combination and innovation with related technologies .

  20. 其次,研究了常压非平衡等离子体在纳米粉体材料制备中的应用,为润滑油纳米添加剂的制备提出了新的制备方法。

    The study on the application of atmospheric pressure non-equilibrium plasma in nanoscale powder preparation was also conducted , and a new method of nanoscale powder preparation for lubricants additives was given .

  21. 由于介质阻挡丝状放电具有更大的电场强度,放电气体等离子体中的离子、活性原子等的浓度高,电子能量大,因此,在纳米粉体材料制备中,制备效率和收集效果更好。

    Since stronger electric field intensity may be got in the filamentary discharging , the discharging gas has higher concentration of ions and activated atoms thus , the preparation efficiency and collecting efficiency are higher in nanoscale powder preparation .

  22. 当激光束照射纳米粉体材料时,激光束光斑内呈高斯分布的能量密度使得在激光束作用下的粉体材料处于一个梯度温度场内,为材料的合成提供了条件。

    When the laser irradiated the nano-materials , the energy density took on gauss distributing in the facula of laser bean , and made the materials be in the graded temperature field , thus the preparation of the materials had an essential condition .

  23. 这里介绍了应用吹显技术对14种纳米粉体材料在玻璃、瓷器、油漆等不同光滑客体表面遗留汗潜指纹的显现方法,实验证明显现效果较好。

    This article introduces the blow-and - reveal technology 's methods of revealing the sweat fingerprints on the surface of 14 different smooth objects , such as glass , porcelain , paint , etc. , which is proved to have good effect by experiments .

  24. 旋转填充床作为新型的高效反应传质设备,广泛应用于快速反应过程,如通过快速反应沉淀的方法制备纳米粉体材料。

    It is well verified that the micromixing in the rotating packed ( RPB ) bed is extensively intensified and therefore it is of great potential as a novel reactor for the applications such as the synthesis of nanoparticles through reactive precipitation under fast reactions .

  25. Al2O3-SiO2纳米复合粉体材料的超临界制备及其性能

    Preparation of Al_2O_3 - SiO_2 nanometer composite powder by supercritical technology

  26. 本论文中,我们采用电化学方法制各TiO2&Cu2O纳米复合粉体材料。

    In the thesis , nano-size TiO2-Cu2O particle composites were prepared by a novel electrochemical method .

  27. 掺杂纳米NiO粉体材料的气敏性能研究

    Study on the gas sensitivity materials of doped nano-NiO powder

  28. 从锌焙砂湿化学法制备高纯、球状纳米ZnO粉体材料的研究

    Studies on the Preparation of High Purity , Spherical and Nanometer Zinc Oxide Powder Materials From Zinc Sand Calcined by Hydro-Chemical method

  29. 基于激光熔覆技术,以纳米Al2O3粉体材料为研究对象,研究了纳米陶瓷块体材料制备的技术。

    Fabrication of Nano-Al 2O 3 bulk materials by laser cladding technology with Nano-Al 2O 3 powder was achieved .

  30. 采用Ti(SO4)2和尿素为原料,利用均相沉淀-发泡工艺制备出了纳米氧化钛粉体材料,并用DTA-TG、XRD、IR和FS等方法对样品进行了表征。

    Nano-sized titanium oxide powders were prepared from Ti ( SO_4 ) _2 and urea by homogeneous precipitation-frothing method DTA-TG , XRD , IR and FS were used in characterizing the products .