
  • 网络chin up
  1. 她看见疲惫的消防员正带着救火设备向上冲。

    She saw exhausted firemen going up carrying equipment .

  2. 她向上冲着黑暗的空间大喊,没有人回应她。

    She screamed into the black void above her . She got no response .

  3. 是不是系统会在它发力向上冲最高点范围内的自动成交?

    Can the system send force to develop apogee range up in it inside clinch a deal automatically ?

  4. 蔺相如气愤得连头发都竖了起来,向上冲着帽子。

    Lin was angry , and his hair stood up so stiffly on his head that it lifted up his hat .

  5. 宇宙射线将电子剥落,使它们脱离大气的空气分子,同时闪电促使这些电子沿着电场向上冲去。

    The cosmic rays knock electrons off of atmospheric air molecules , while the lightning forces the electrons upward along electric fields .

  6. 介绍了一种利用杠杆机构进行由下向上冲裁和弯曲,以及利用活动凸模进行封闭形状弯曲的级进模。

    A progressive die that adopting the lever mechanism to stamp upwards and bend the part and utilizing the movable punch to bend the part of close shape was introduced .

  7. 约翰匆匆忙忙穿上裤子,向街上冲去。

    Hastily John drew on his trousers and rushed out into the street .

  8. 可是,过了不久,有一种称为「东北风」的飓风,向岛上冲来。

    But not long after , there arose against it a tempestuous wind , called Euroaquilo .

  9. 那战士拔剑向敌人身上冲去。

    The warrior drew his sword , and rushed upon his enemy .