
  1. 航运是把人类载向文明彼岸的渡船。

    Shipping is the right ferryboat that carries people to the coast of civilization .

  2. 向文明游客致敬!

    Salute to Civilized Tourists !

  3. 货币的出现,促进了人类从野蛮的初民社会向文明社会的转变。

    The currency appearance promoted the humanity transformation from the barbaric primitive people society to civilized society .

  4. 这样才能将禁锢在黑暗面纱后面等待解救的妇女们带向文明希望的花园。

    Arab women await deliverance from the dark cage of veiling to a promised garden of enlightenment .

  5. 爱尔兰向文明行列迈进,使徒帕特里克带来的基督教对此产生重大作用。

    In terms of Ireland striding into civilized ranks , Christianity that disciple Patrick brought about played an important part .

  6. 当我们能做到这一切的时候,我们的社会便向文明的彼岸又靠近了一步。

    When we can do it all the time , our civilized society on the other side also made a step closer .

  7. 到了新石器时代中晚期,女神崇拜又与巫术活动相掺杂,构成了文明起源的主要因素,对推动人类社会由野蛮向文明过渡起到了其他文明因素不可替代的作用。

    Later , goddess worship intermingling with magic formed the main factor of civilization 's origin , and promoted the transition from wildness to civilization .

  8. 分析了居住空间的行为摸式,考虑住宅从生存型向文明型(小康型)过渡的特点,提出居住空间的技术要求。

    This paper analyzes the action style of the resident space considering the transitional trait of house from living style to cultural style being fairly well-off .

  9. 在这种规定下,休漠区分了野蛮君主制和文明君主制,并认为,欧洲的政治文明进程就是由野蛮君主制向文明君主制演进的过程。

    Hume differ barbarous monarchy from civilized monarchy , he think , the progress of European political civilization is just from barbarous monarchy to civilized monarchy .

  10. 唐前山水文化经历了从蒙昧向文明、从物质依赖向精神诉求、从非理性向理性发展的进程。

    The Chinese landscape culture before the Tang Dynasty underwent the evolutionary process from ignorance to civilization , from material reliance to spiritual pursuit and from irrationality to rationality .

  11. 笔者从死刑的执行方式由野蛮逐渐向文明转化、死刑并不比终身监禁残忍等方面进行了回应。

    The author argues that the means of implementation of the death penalty is from barbarism to civilization gradually and the death penalty is no less cruel than life imprisonment .

  12. 分析住宅中厨房、餐室的行为模式,考虑厨房从生存型向文明型(小康型)过渡的特点.提出厨房、餐室空间设计新理念。

    Analyzing behavior pattern of residential kitchen and dining-room , considering kitchen 's characteristic of transition from the survival type to the civilized type ( middle-class family type ), the paper puts forward new design concept about kitchen and dining-room space .

  13. 河北北部文明起源过程有着鲜明的特点:两种经济并重交错共存,向文明社会迈进的过程中具有文化多元和不平衡性,起源早但很晚才进入文明社会。

    The process of the originality of the northern civilization of Hebei has its striking characteristics : 2 kinds of economies co - exist with equal scale , the existence of multi - culture and unbalance in the process of stepping into the civilized society ;

  14. 马克思主义生态思想为工业文明向生态文明的转变提供理论指导

    Transformation from Industrial Civilization to Eco-civilization Guided by Marxism Eco-thought

  15. 贵州从工业文明向生态文明的历史性跨越研究

    Study on Historic Spanning from Industry Civilization to Zoology Civilization of Guizhou

  16. 人类文明正处于从工业文明向生态文明的过渡。

    The human civilization is in the transition from industrial boom to ecological conservation .

  17. 从上世纪末开始类文明开始向生态文明发展。

    Started from last century , human civilization began its turn to an ecological civilization .

  18. 当下人类的文明发展史是由工业文明向生态文明过渡时期,低碳经济已成为这一时期的主要特征。

    Low carbon economy has become the main characteristics of the industrial civilization to the ecological civilization transition .

  19. 众所周知,当今世界正处在由工业文明向生态文明转型的时期。

    As everyone knows , we are now in a transitional period from industrial civilization to ecological civilization .

  20. 人类经历了农业文明和工业文明,正在向生态文明的现代文明范式演进。

    The human beings have entered modern civilization whose main feature is ecological civilization after agricultural and industrial civilization .

  21. 这是中国社会形态由农业文明向工业文明转化的必然结果。

    This was the inevitable outcome of China 's social form from the agricultural civilization to the industrial civilization .

  22. 加强生态文明建设是中国现代化实现的必由之路,在实现社会主义现代化的过程中逐步实现从工业文明观到生态文明观的过渡,为向生态文明时代过渡奠定坚实的基础。

    We can realize the intermediate state from industrial civilization to ecological civilization in the process of our modernization construction .

  23. 以期为加快东北地区森林经营由木材生产向生态文明建设的转变提供一定的数据支撑。

    In order to provide data support for speeding up the forest management shift from wood production to ecological civilization construction .

  24. 在近代由农耕社会向工业文明社会的转型中,中国民间美术受到强烈的冲击。

    From the farming community in modern civilized society to the industrial restructuring , China Folk Art has been badly hit .

  25. 随着人类社会从工业文明向生态文明转变,人类住区进入一个崭新的发展阶段&生态社区。

    With the transfer of industrial civilization to ecological civilization , human settlement step into a new stage – ecological communities .

  26. 最终现代奥运会发生了由传统宗教的、同质性的男子单一结构,向现代文明的、异质性的男女双重结构转化的结构性演变。

    Eventually , modern Olympic Games changed from a religious homogeneity and masculine structure into a civilized , heterogeneous , double-sex structure .

  27. 农耕文明向工业文明的转型也在加剧着古老的民间剪纸传统的流变与消亡。

    The transformation from the farming civilization to the industrial civilization increase the possibility that the old folk papercutting tradition will die out .

  28. 她处在黄河上游古代中国游牧文明向农耕文明的过渡地带。

    Her in the upper reaches of the Yellow River in ancient Chinese civilization to the nomadic farming civilization of the transition zone .

  29. 而20世纪和21世纪的交替,正经历着人类社会从工业文明向新文明的过渡。

    The alternation from the 20th century to the 21st century , is undergoing a transition from the industrial civilization to a new civilization .

  30. 而现在世界正面临着社会发展模式的另一次社会变革,即工业文明向绿色文明转变。

    Nowadays , the world is facing another change of social development model . It is that industrial civilization is changing to the green civilization .