
  1. 研究LCP-POSS溶液的紫外光致异构行为,发现随着紫外光照时间增加,LCP-POSS的偶氮基元发生由反式向顺式构型的转变,其吸光强度逐渐降低。

    The trans-isomers of azobenzene moieties in LCP-POSS were gradually transformed to cis-isomers with increasing the UV-irradiation time , accompanied by a decrease in the absorbance .

  2. 它是由一种北半球朝逆时针方向旋转而南半球向顺时针方向旋转的大气体系形成的。

    It is formed by a system of air rotating anticlockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern .

  3. 当延长器螺杆部分向顺时针旋转时,每旋转一周,延长器轴向延长0.40mm。

    When the screw of the distraction device rotates a circle in a clockwise direction , the distraction device will extend 0.40 mm in axial direction .

  4. 在碱性条件下,羧基与探针的配位出现顺反两种异构体,随着时间的进行,反式会逐渐向顺式转变。

    In alkaline condition , the carboxyl group can coordinate with Os , and the coordinating species have trans and cis isomers , and the trans isomer can convert to cis with time ;

  5. 靶向超顺磁性脂质体整合素受体MR成像实验研究

    Integrin receptor MR imaging with targeted superparamagnetic liposome

  6. 光顺攻击采用了Laplacian光顺和平均法向光顺,针对模型不同几何细节特性采用不同的光顺方法进行攻击。

    Smoothing attacks use Laplacian smoothing and averaging normal smoothing method , in view of the details of different geometric characteristics of the model .

  7. 基于函数样条的船舶型线的三向光顺的研究

    Automatic Space Fairing Study of Hull Lines Based on Funtion Spline

  8. 穿浪双体船型线绘制及三向光顺研究

    Research on Hull Lines Drawing and 3D Fairing of WPC

  9. 本文从船体数学放样中最基本的曲线光顺问题出发,研究船体型线的三向光顺。

    This paper considered the problem of fairing in three directions about basic single line fairing in mathematics ship-lofting .

  10. 研究表明:塔高和输电线张力均会影响大跨越输电塔-线体系的横线向与顺线向的位移和加速度响应和风控效果。

    The response and controlling effect of displacement and acceleration in transverse and longitudinal would be affected by tower height and tension of transmission lines .

  11. αvβ3整合素受体靶向性超顺磁性脂质体的建立及体外磁共振观察

    Development of α _v β _3 integrin targeted superparamagnetic liposome and in vitro MR observation

  12. 水轮机旋向为俯视顺时针。

    The turning direction of this water turbine is overlook clockwise .

  13. 高层建筑顺风向风荷载风致响应研究顺向选择法顺向选择法

    Study on the Wind Induced Response in Along Wind of the High-rise Building ; forward selection procedure

  14. 有时我们会顺利迈向顶峰,然后一切都会倒转,走下坡路了。顺向选择法顺向选择法

    Sometimes we will be rising toward the heights , then all will seem to reverse itself and stare downward . forward selection procedure

  15. 当磁场在箱子的底部被扭曲时,乔发现参与者们有类似的反应,但是当磁场向上或顺时针旋转扭曲时,就不能够再观测到这一现象了。

    Kirschvink found a a similar response when the magnetic field was contorted on the floor of the box , but not when the magnetic field twisted upwards or rotated clockwise .

  16. 传统的FDI研究都建立在发达国家产业水平及其跨国公司优势上,即由发达国家或地区向发展中国家地区的顺向型投资。

    The traditional FDI researches always establish in the developed country industry level and its multinational corporation 's superiority , namely normal investment from developed countries or areas to developing countries or areas .

  17. 毛竹的气干密度、基本密度、弦向干缩率、顺纹抗拉弹性模量和顺纹抗拉强度从竹青向竹黄方向变异很大,呈逐渐降低的趋势。

    The basic properties ( including basic and air-dried density , the shrinkage rate , the tensile strength and the tensile modulus of elasticity parallel to grain ) of Moso bamboo at different locations were studied .

  18. 我们在社会转型时期所面临的特殊道德境遇已经指明了这一时期道德建设的一个根本任务就是通过加强引导和调控使道德向有计划、顺向的方向变迁。

    The particular circumstance for the social moral has shows clearly that the basic assignment for the construction of the social moral is to make the change of moral develop in a sequence facing , planned way through strengthen the boot , regulation and control .

  19. 靠近壁面处燃油浓度最大,向燃烧室中心方向浓度逐渐降低,沿周向、顺涡流方向形成了明显的由浓到稀的分层。

    It is also found that the air fuel mixture is richer near the combustion chamber wall and becomes leaner gradually from the wall to the combustion chamber center , the stratification concentration from rich to lean of air fuel mixture forms along the direction of air swirl motion .