
cè jī
  • pleural muscle
侧肌[cè jī]
  1. 结论共同性斜视弱侧肌肌萎缩、退行性变可能是肌组织中NGF表达下降所致。

    Conclusion The decreased expression of NGF in the weaker side muscle of concomitant strabismus is probably one of the reasons which lead to abnormal morphologic changes , such as atrophy and degeneration .

  2. 旋转轴点为腓动脉外踝后上方(5cm)的最远侧肌间隔穿支。

    The flap was supplied by the lowermost perforator of peroneal artery in the posterolateral septum . The pivot point was located at 5 cm above lateral malleolar tip .

  3. 手骨间掌侧肌数目的观察

    The observation on the number of palmar interossei muscle in hand

  4. 对照侧肌纤维萎缩变细、色泽苍白。

    The muscle became atrophy with pale appearance at the control side .

  5. 六种鱼大侧肌的比较解剖

    Comparative anatomy of lateral muscle in six species of fishes

  6. 第一骨间背侧肌的应用解剖

    Applied anatomy of the first dorsal interosseous muscle

  7. 桡侧肌皮支的临床应用解剖

    Applied anatomy of the radial musculocutaneous ramus

  8. 环杓侧肌、环杓后肌、甲杓间和杓间肌经常受侵;

    Lateral cricoarytenoid muscle , posterior cricoarytenoid one , thyroarytenoid and interarytenoid ones were often invaded .

  9. 腹侧肌,特别是腹壁斜和横肌,比其它躯干肌参与更多的躯干稳定功能,尤其见于轻负重侧放情况。

    It is speculated that ventral muscles may have more function in trunk stabilization than the dorsal muscles .

  10. 目的:为临床选择舌翼下颌全口义齿舌侧肌功能整塑方法提供依据;

    Objective : To supply foundations with choosing methods muscle molding of lingual flange mandible complete dentures in clinic ;

  11. 结果:①桡侧肌皮支80.4%来源于前臂骨间背侧动脉,19.6%来源于桡侧返动脉。

    RESULTS : 80.4 per cent of the radial musculocutaneous rami originated from the dorsal interosseous artery of the forearm .

  12. 9例环构侧肌出现纤颤电位,声门形态分别为梭形裂隙7例,三角形裂隙2例。

    LCA presented fibrillation in 9 cases which the glottic shapes respectively showed spindle in seven and triangle in two .

  13. 另有2具2侧肌内供血动脉与肌肉前缘较大分支并存;

    On 2 sides of 2 cadavers , intramuscular nutrient arteries coexist with the big branches anterior to the muscle ;

  14. 按其位置关系双肌腹可分为尺侧肌腹和桡侧肌腹。

    Double muscle belly could be divided into cubitalis muscle belly and radialis muscle belly , according to its position relation .

  15. 肌纤维横截面积、最大宽度有显著增加(P<0.01),增加的幅度均为环杓后肌>环杓侧肌>甲杓肌。

    The cross sectional fiber area and the maximum width increased significantly in patients ( P < 0 . 01 ) .

  16. 自身对照侧肌纤维类型与正常对照组肌纤维无明显差别。

    There was insignificant difference between the fiber type at the auto-control sides and the muscle fiber in the normal control group .

  17. 共同性外斜视弱侧肌静息态肌卫星细胞的不足与神经生长因子的低表达有关。

    The decrease of quiescent muscle satellite cells of weaker side muscle is relevant to the low expression of neural growth factor in concomitant exotropia .

  18. 环杓侧肌收缩使杓状软骨内翻跨动,声带突向前、内、下方旋转,膜间部声门闭合;

    Contraction of lateral cricoarytenoid muscles cause arytenoid cartilages towards internal rocking , vocal processes to-ward turning down-anteriorly-medially , closing the intermembranous part of glottis .

  19. 3具4侧肌内供血动脉与肌肉深面疏松结缔组织内较大分支并存;

    On 4 sides of 3 cadavers , intramuscular nutrient arteries coexist with the big branches in the loose connective tissue deep to the muscle ;

  20. 尤其注意观测了第三骨间掌侧肌支的发出部位,走行,长度,宽度和厚度及第三骨间掌侧肌的大小。

    The branching place , courser , length , width , thickness of muscular branch of the third palmar interosseous muscle and the size of the third palmar interosseous muscle were given especial attention .

  21. 结论:牙颌形态影响口周肌压力的大小,骨性反牙合患者口周肌压力的最显著的特征为姿势位时下切牙唇侧肌压力值最大。

    Conclusion : The perioral force in t he patients with skeletal crossbite is larger than that in the health subjects , the muscle pressure on the labial side of mandibular incisors was the largest .

  22. 结论甲杓肌及环杓侧肌失神经支配后5个月内保持高增殖水平,以后均降低,失神经支配6个月后肌萎缩开始明显。

    Conclusion The proliferation of thyroarytenoid muscle and lateral cricoarytenoid muscle cell of dog remained at high level in 5 months after denervation and then slowed down and atrophy of muscles occurred 6 months after denervation .

  23. 腹侧肌的双侧协同活动大于背侧肌,并且侧放时大于侧提,无和轻负重大于重负重。

    The co - activation ratios of bilateral ventral muscles were greater than that of bilateral dorsal muscles , of lowering compared with lifting , and of no - load or low - load compared with heavy load conditions .

  24. 结果本实验观察到躯干肌活动的三个期,两个来自对侧肌在运动开始和结束,一个来自同侧肌在运动的中期。

    Results Three periods of trunk muscle activation in whole spine motion could be observed : two were from the contralateral muscles at the beginning and end of the motion and one from the ipsilateral muscles during the mid-part of the motion .

  25. 在腕部支配指伸肌腱腱周组织、腕背关节囊、腕背韧带及滑膜组织、骨间背侧肌肌膜和第三第四掌骨背侧的骨膜;

    At the wrist the innervation areas included tissues surrounding the digital extensor tendon , joint capsule and ligament of the dorsal wrist , synovial membrane , the myolemma of the dorsal interosseous muscle and the dorsal periosteum of the 3rd , 4th metacarpal bone .

  26. 结果显示实验组失神经支配侧比目鱼肌的肌重、总蛋白含量、肌纤维截面积均大于对照组,差别有显著性(P<0.05)。

    RESULTS The wet weight , total protein content and cross-section area of the experimental group were obviously increased ( P0.05 ) and the normal soleus and heart were not changed .

  27. 乙酰胆碱酯酶染色示端侧组肌皮神经主干运动神经纤维比例为[(0.39±0.07)%,x±s,下同],与正常组的差异无统计学意义;

    AchE staining showed that in the end-to-side neurorrhaphy group the percentage of motor fibers of musculocutaneous nerve main branch was 0.39 ± 0.07 , not different from normal control group .

  28. 术后2周、4周、8周辐照侧腓肠肌和比目鱼肌湿重质量与对照侧比较,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    The qualities of gastrocnemius muscle and soleus muscle were significant difference between the two group at 2 , 4 , and 8 weeks ( P0.05 ) . 4 .

  29. B组9例术后膈神经修复侧膈肌均麻痹不动,肺活量及最大呼吸容量为术前的72%~84%及76%~84%;

    And in group B , ipsilateral diaphragm paralysis in 9 cases after surgery , whose vital capacity and forced vital capacity had decreased to 72 % - 84 % , 76 % - 84 % of that before the surgery respectively ;

  30. 同侧镫骨肌声反射测试与反向曲线

    The ipsilateral stapedial acoustic reflex test and the directional inverse curve