
  1. 光纤照明:实心侧光光纤、尾光光纤、单只光纤、通讯光纤(光缆)、数码光纤树、光纤水晶吊灯。

    Optical Fiber series : solid side light of optical fiber , end light of optical fiber , optical fiber cable , Dmx512 optical fiber tree , crystal droplight of optical fiber .

  2. 白光中虽包含所有波段的可见光,但是侧光光纤对其的透光率很低,对小球藻的生长不利。

    Although it contained all the wavelengths of visible light , light optical fiber for its light transmittance was very low , which would have an unfavorable influence on the growth of Chlorella .

  3. 由于侧光光纤相对其他光导纤维而言,结构简单且廉价易得,如能验证其在传输光能的高效性方面具备一定优势,就可以一定程度上为光生物反应器的优化提供理论研究的基础。

    Due to the structure of side-lighting optical fiber is relatively simple and cost-effective , if the research can verify that the side-lighting optical fiber is efficient and has its own advantages to transfer light energy , it can be a certain theoretical basis for the optimization of optical bioreactor .