
  • 网络Smart Weapons;intelligent weapon
  1. 目标特性的研究是智能武器系统进行目标识别的基础。

    The target recognition about intelligent weapon system is based on the target characteristics .

  2. 数据融合技术是多源信息处理的一个非常活跃的研究领域,也是未来智能武器系统的重要支撑技术。

    Data fusion technique is a very active field of processing multiple source information , and the important technique in the future intelligent weapon system .

  3. 中国政府希望减少对GPS的依赖,因为它担心美国“屏蔽或减少传送到中国的GPS信号,导致中国的精确制导智能武器无法发挥作用,”他说。

    Beijing wants to reduce its dependence on GPS because it is concerned the United States " could disable or degrade the GPS signal to China and thus render its precision-guided smart weapons dumb , " he said .

  4. 在智能武器方面有许多变化,通讯和计算机的运用方面有许多重大改进。

    There have been many changes in terms of smart weapons and big improvements in communications and the use of computers .

  5. 航空、航天、单兵电子智能武器、机载和弹载的无线系统等均对小型化微波系统有迫切需求。

    Aviation , aerospace , radar systems , individual soldier intelligent weapons and airborne radio system , etc. request high performance and miniaturization microwave devices .

  6. 本文叙述的半导体芯片及红外敏感器的某些近期进展可能为智能武器的研制展现了广阔的前景。

    This paper describes some recent progresses in semiconductor chips and infrared sensors which may possibly open up broad prospects for the development of brilliant weaponry .

  7. 目标跟踪在机器人技术、智能武器、医学图像处理等各个领域都有着广泛的应用,在这些应用的现实环境中存在着各种不确定性的因素,给测量的数据带来了一定的误差。

    Target tracking is widely used in robotics , smart weapons , and medical image processing , etc. In these practical applications , there are several uncertain factors which introduce some errors to measurements .

  8. 随着先进磁传感材料、电子学和地磁学的发展,地球磁场在定向技术、航天环境监测和预报、海空智能武器的研发,尤其是导航、制导领域展现出了巨大的潜力。

    With the development of sensor-material , electronics and geomagnetism , earth magnetic field have huge potential for directional technology , monitor of space environment and research of weapon system , especially navigation and guidance .

  9. 灵巧弹药是一种传统弹药技术与先进制导控制技术创新性融合的新型智能武器,是军事装备发展系统化、信息化、智能化的必然产物。

    Smart munition is a new type of intelligent weapon with the innovative integration of the traditional bullet technology and the advanced guidance and control technology . It is the inevitable results of military equipment development with the trend of systematize , informationization , intelligence .

  10. 反坦克智能雷武器系统最佳射击点分析

    Analysis on the Best Shooting Point of Anti-Tank Intelligent Mine

  11. 智能化武器系统发展的关键技术&雷达自动目标识别技术

    Radar Target Recognition : A Key Technology for Development of Intelligent Weapons

  12. 得到了智能雷武器系统在各种因素影响下对机动目标的毁伤概率。

    The killing probabilities of Intelligent Mine weapon system against the mobile target is calculated while many random influencing factors are considered .

  13. 从现代火控理论出发,分析了反直升机智能雷武器系统射击诸元的计算方法。

    This paper has been analyzed calculating methods of shot elements about anti helicopter intelligent mine weapon system by proceeding from modern fire control theory .

  14. 基于智能体的武器装备体系评价模型研究

    Research on Evaluating Model of Army Weapon Equipment System Based on Agent

  15. 目前以现场总线为基础的故障诊断系统应用已经比较广泛地用到工业控制、自动化仪器仪表、智能化的武器装备等许多领域。

    With the wide application of field bus , fault diagnosis system platform based on field bus been widely applied in such a lot of fields as industrial control , automatic instrument and apparatus , intelligent weaponry .

  16. 运动目标检测和跟踪一直是计算机视觉领域内研究的热点问题,它在智能监控,武器装备,自主导航车,医学诊断等众多领域都有广泛的应用。

    Moving object detection and tracking remain as the hot spot issue in the field of computer vision . They have been widely used in various fields like intelligent monitoring , military hardware , autonomous navigation and medical diagnosis .

  17. 智能卵石概念是武器小型化的一个很好的例子。

    The " Brilliant Pebbles " concept is a good example of weapon miniaturization .

  18. 运动目标的跟踪技术是计算机视觉领域非常活跃的一个课题,是实现智能机器人和智能化武器等的关键技术之一,在军事、交通、生物医学等多种领域都有广泛应用。

    Automatic tracking of moving target is an active problem in computer vision and it is the key technology of intelligent automatic weapon and intelligent robots . It has wide application in many fields such as autonomous vehicle guidance , biology and so on .

  19. 那些支持在战争中更多使用人工智能的人认为,此类技术有可能减少伤害,不只因为所需部署的前线部队减少,也因为智能武器系统可以更好地减少平民伤亡。

    Those who support the increasing use of AI in warfare argue that it has the potential to lessen suffering , not only because fewer front line troops would be needed , but because intelligent weapon systems would be better able to minimise civilian casualties .