
  • 网络intelligent video;Smart Video;IVS
  1. 基于DSP的实时智能视频跟踪系统设计

    Software and Hardware Design of Intelligent Video Tracking System with DSP Chip

  2. 智能视频监控系统中运动目标跟踪有关问题研究及其DSP实现

    Research of Moving Object Tracking Techniques on Intelligent Video Surveillance System and DSP Implementation

  3. 实现了一个基于Web的智能视频监控与检索的原型系统,完成了实时监控的功能和能够对监控视频进行多种方式的检索。

    We present an intelligent video surveillance and retrieval system based on web technology which can do real-time monitoring and video retrieval .

  4. J2EE架构下智能视频检索系统集成框架研究

    Research on Integrated Framework of Intelligent Video Retrieval System Under J2EE Architecture

  5. Linux动态扩展MPEG-4智能视频监控系统

    Dynamic Extensible Intelligent Video Surveillance System based on MPEG-4 and Linux

  6. 因此,adhoc网络和智能视频监控系统的融合将是一种发展趋势。

    Thus , the integration of Ad Hoc network and intelligent video surveillance system will be a trend .

  7. 本文在公交车智能视频监控系统的基础上,介绍了基于DSP和无线模块的接口以及无线通信的设计与实现。

    The thesis is mainly about the interface circuit and wireless communication between DSP and wireless module based on intelligent video surveillance system used on BUS .

  8. 本文研究的智能视频监控的系统主要由CCD摄像头,红外热释电传感器,步进电机,计算机构成。

    In this paper we study the intelligent video surveillance system . The system includes CCD camera , infrared pyroelectric sensor , stepping motor and computer .

  9. 在智能视频监控系统中,基于DSP平台的解决方案是在功耗、灵活性和性能开发成本上较为均衡的一种选择。

    In the Intelligent Video Surveillance System , based on the DSP platform solutions in the power , flexibility and performance of development costs on a more balanced choice .

  10. 本文的工作便是设计以DSP处理器为核心的硬件平台,在此基础上,在CCS集成开发环境中实现人脸检测算法、人脸定位与跟踪算法,为实现新一代智能视频监控提供技术基础。

    The object of this thesis is to provide technology support to realize new generation intelligent video monitoring system with the DSP processor as the core hardware platform .

  11. 基于OpenCV和无线通信的智能视频监控报警系统设计

    The Design of an Intelligent Video Monitor and Alarm System Based on OpenCV and Wireless Communication

  12. 目前出现了很多基于FPGA或芯片的硬件模块或平台作为视频分析引擎用于智能视频监控,加快了视频处理速度使监控更加流畅。

    Recently there appear some hardware modules or platforms based on FPGA or chip as the video analysis engine for intelligent video surveillance . The video analysis engine improves processing speed and makes the surveillance fluent .

  13. 本文研究和设计了一种力图解决上述问题的红外智能视频监控报警系统(简称ⅡAVM)。

    To try hard to solve the above questions , this paper studied and designed a kind of intelligent infrared alarm system based on video monitoring ( to be called IIAVM ) .

  14. 本文研究了关于对重要阀门操作进行动态监测并即时报告,并在此基础上采用Directshow技术设计和实现了一种操作方便的通用型智能视频监控系统。

    This paper studies the important valve operation on dynamic monitoring and real-time reporting and on this basis using DirectShow technology on the design and implementation of a general-purpose user-friendly intelligent video surveillance system .

  15. 利用GPRS模块实现了短信的收发和通过GPRS网络的数据传输;对智能视频监控中使用的背景差分法和帧间差分法进行了初步研究,给出了两种运动目标检测的仿真结果。

    Also , we have realized the receiving and dispatch of short messages and data transportation through GPRS network ; done preliminary research on the background-difference and frame-difference which are used in intelligent video surveillance , and then given simulation results of two moving object detection algorithms .

  16. 本文将CB-TFRC应用到IVSS智能视频监控系统中,解决了端对端传输的拥塞控制问题。

    Furthermore , we apply CB-TFRC in IVSS , an Intelligent Video Surveillance System , then solve its end-to-end congestion control problem .

  17. 行人是智能视频监控系统的重点关注对象。

    Pedestrians are the important objects for intelligent video surveillance system .

  18. 智能视频桥梁检测车工作臂避障系统的研究

    Research on Obstacle-avoidance System of Performance Arm of Intelligent-video Bridge-detection Vehicle

  19. 行人跟踪是智能视频分析领域的一个重要研究方向。

    Human tracking is an important branch in intelligent video analysis .

  20. 对智能视频监控系统的实质性研究处于只对一个视频流分析、理解、处理的状态。

    Substantive research of IVS is just on one video stream .

  21. 设计了一个对交通车辆违章逆行行为进行智能视频监控的方案。

    A scheme of converse traffic peccancy monitoring intelligently is developed .

  22. 智能视频监控系统中目标检测算法的研究

    Study on Algorithm of Object Detection in Intelligence Video Surveillance System

  23. 智能视频监控中基于机器学习的自动人数统计

    Automatic People Counting Based on Machine Learning in Intelligent Video Surveillance

  24. 智能视频监控中的人体运动分析及关键技术研究

    Research on Human Motion Analysis and Key Technologies in Intelligent Video Surveillance

  25. 基于计算机视觉的电梯内防暴力智能视频监控

    Intelligent anti-violence surveillance system in elevator based on computer vision

  26. 智能视频监控中基于粒子滤波的目标跟踪系统研究

    Particle Filter Based Object Tracking System for Intelligence Video Surveillance

  27. 智能视频分析技术在周界报警系统中的应用

    Application of Intelligent Video Analysis Technology in Perimeter Surveillance and Monitoring System

  28. 一个基于行为分析的智能视频监控系统的原型

    Prototype of Intelligent Video Surveillance System Based on Behavior Analysis

  29. 智能视频监控系统在许多领域得到应用。

    Intelligent video surveillance systems have been widely used in many fields .

  30. 智能视频监控是目前研究的热点问题。

    Intelligent video surveillance is a hot issue for the present study .