
  1. 粗集理论(RoughSet)作为智能信息处理技术的一个新成果,是由波兰科学家Z。

    Rough Set theory , as a new product of the intellectualized information disposal technique developed by a Polish scientist , Z.

  2. 如今出现了很多诸如检索、集成、抽取和数据挖掘等的智能信息处理技术,帮助人们方便存取所需的Web数据。

    Now a lot of intelligent information processing techniques of retrieval , integration , extraction and data mining come out to help people access Web data of interest readily .

  3. 航天器自主控制与智能信息处理技术

    Autonomous Control and Intelligent Information Processing Technique for Spacecrafts

  4. 智能信息处理技术的研究是科学发展中非常富有挑战性的课题。

    Intelligent information processing technology is a very challenging task in the scientific development .

  5. 对智能信息处理技术在空瓶检测中的应用进行了分析研究和试验。

    This paper makes an attempt to using intelligent information processing technologies for empty bottle inspection .

  6. 以知识发现为核心的智能信息处理技术在知识的生产过程中具有越来越重要的作用。

    Knowledge discovery , as the core of intelligent information processing technology , plays more and more important role in the knowledge production .

  7. 作为一种有效的智能信息处理技术,人工神经网络已经取得了令人瞩目的发展,并得到了广泛的应用。

    As an effective intelligent information processing techniques , artificial neural network has achieved remarkable development and is widely used in many fields .

  8. 对于复杂系统的故障诊断问题,采用智能信息处理技术是现今故障诊断技术发展的必然与研究的热点。

    For fault diagnosis of complex system , intelligent information processing technology is current hot spot and inevitable tendency to development of fault diagnosis .

  9. 本文介绍了一种基于隐马尔可夫模型的信息抽取技术,探讨了把这种技术用于生成结构化的中医文献数据库的方法,旨在把智能信息处理技术和中医研究相结合,以辅助中医药研究发展。

    We discuss the application of the technology in managing Traditional Chinese Medicine information in order to assist the development of Traditional Chinese Medicine .

  10. 人工免疫系统正是借鉴生物免疫系统信息处理机制的基础上发展起来的智能信息处理技术。

    The Artificial Immune System ( AIS ) is an intelligent information processing technology that is based on the mechanism of the vertebrate immune system .

  11. 采用信息融合的智能信息处理技术可以有效解决图像理解中的不确定性问题,是一种新颖的研究思路,具有深远的理论意义和广阔的应用前景。

    It is effective to apply information fusion , which is one of the most important fields in intelligent information processing , to process the uncertainty in image understanding .

  12. 本课题从服装企业供应链管理的实际需求出发,结合感官评估和智能信息处理技术,研究并设计了信息反馈系统原型。

    In this thesis , taking the practical demands of supply chain management as the point of departure , we study and design the information feed system prototype by combining the sensory evaluation and intelligent technique .

  13. 本文结合偏微分方程和机器学习等智能信息处理技术研究台风风场的反演方法,主要包括以下四个方面的研究工作:(1)基于偏微分方程的台风眼提取。

    This paper researches the method of typhoon wind field retrieval based on the techniques of partial differential equation , machine learning and so on . The main work of this paper includes four aspects as follows : ( 1 ) Typhoon eye extraction by partial differential equations .

  14. 文章详细分析了现代雷达系统对新一代雷达测试系统的要求,分别从MC3一体化技术、虚拟仪器技术、网络测试技术以及智能传感器信息处理技术四个方面对新一代雷达测试系统进行了展望。

    This paper analysis the requirement of modern radar system in new radar measurement system and the prospect of new radar measurement system in application of MC ~ 3 technology , virtual instrument technology , networked measurement technology and intellectual sensor technology .

  15. 光电子智能信息处理系统技术研究

    Research of optoelectronic intelligent information processing system technique

  16. 提出了光电子智能信息处理系统技术新概念,并分析了它的技术特性;

    The new concept of optoelectronic intelligent information processing system technique is proposed and technical characteristics are analyzed .

  17. 信息融合是一种智能信息综合处理技术,从本质上讲,故障诊断具有与信息融合相同的目的和要求。

    Information fusion is a comprehensive intelligent technology . Fault diagnosis has the same aim and demand with it in principle .

  18. 论述作为网络环境下信息服务发展方向的知识服务,必须以智能化信息处理技术为基础;

    Knowledge service , the future development of information service under the network environment , must be based on the intelligent information technology .

  19. 数字神经网络一种模仿人脑信息加工过程的智能化信息处理技术,最主要的特点就是自组织性和自适应性,它可以随着信息数据的变化自动学习和调整其算法。

    The most noticeable character of digital neural network is the self-organization and self-adaptation , with which the digital neural network can learn automatically and alter the algorithm with the change of data .

  20. 为了提高中厚钢板轧制负荷的预测精度,提出利用在线智能化信息处理技术进行建立轧制过程负荷分配模型的新方法。

    In order to improve the precision of rolling load prediction for the plate rolling , A new method to establish the model to control rolling process is proposed which is based on the online information processing technology .

  21. 智能嗅敏信息处理技术中神经网络方法的应用研究

    The Applied Research on Neuro-network Method in Intelligent Scent Information Processing Technology

  22. 智能化管理信息处理技术的研究与发展

    Research and Development on Information Processing in Intelligent Management

  23. 智能化信号信息处理技术的发展与展望

    Development and Prospect of Intelligent Signal Information Processing Technology

  24. 人工智能技术、信息处理技术、信息服务技术以及知识工程方法,为开展信息化教育工作提供了有力支持。

    Artificial intelligence technology , information processing technology , information services technology and knowledge engineering methods have been providing effective supports for carrying out information-oriented education .

  25. 广域后备保护系统采集空间多点广域信息,通过智能优化和信息处理技术进行综合决策,不必牺牲动作时间来保证选择性,能够实现快速的和最小范围的故障隔离。

    Wide area backup protection system collects spacial multi-point information , and makes integrated decision through intelligent optimization and information processing technology , without sacrificing movement time to ensure selectivity .

  26. 运用现代人工智能方法和信息处理技术提高接地电阻测量的准确性和实用性,开发研制降阻效率高、抗腐蚀性好的新型降阻材料将成为接地网降阻的研究方向。

    It is suggested that the grounding resistance reduction research direction will be to use modern intelligent method and information processing technique to improve the accuracy and practicability of grounding resistance measurement and to develop efficient and anti-corrosive resistance reduction material .

  27. 目前,脉冲MIG焊接技术,综合了人工智能技术、数字化信息处理技术、计算机技术等,正朝着焊接高速高效化、全数字化、智能化的方向发展。

    Currently , pulsed MIG welding process makes a combination of artificial intelligence technology , digital information processing technology and computer technology .

  28. 近年来随着机器人视觉技术、智能控制技术和信息处理技术的快速发展,机器人足球世界杯(RoboCup)中的中型组足球机器人竞赛水平有了较大的提高。

    In recent years with the rapid development of robot vision , intelligent control and information processing technology , the competition level of middle-size soccer robots in robot football World Cup ( RoboCup ) has been greatly improved .

  29. 卫星自主智能控制多传感器信息处理技术研究

    Study on Technology of Multi-Sensor Information for Intelligent Control of Satellite

  30. 科技监测是指以科学技术信息、数据分析为基础,以智能信息处理、数据可视化技术等信息科学前沿技术为手段,对科学技术活动进行动态监测、分析及评估的方法。

    Science and technology ( S & T ) monitoring is to monitor , analyse and evaluate the scientific and technical activity dynamically , based on scientific technical information and data analysis , and integrating with advanced information technology such as Intelligent Information Processing , Information Visualization .