
  • 网络intelligent electronic device;ied
  1. 随着计算机在继电保护应用中的深入,智能电子设备(IntelligentElectronicDevice,IED)成为变电站自动化系统中的重要设备。

    With the deep development of computer in the application of relay protection , IED ( Intelligent Electronic Device ) turns into the important device of the substation automation system .

  2. 总结了IEC61850的面向对象技术和智能电子设备的建模方法,并对智能电子设备进行功能建模和统一建模语言的描述,实现了基于C语言的数据类。

    The object-oriented technology and the modeling approach of the IED are described , function modeling and UML ( Unified Modeling language ) description of IED are accomplished in the paper .

  3. MMS技术在电力系统智能电子设备中应用

    Application of MMS in IEDs of power system

  4. 随着计算机、通信及网络技术的发展,实现大量智能电子设备与Internet的结合,即电子设备Web化是信息时代的新趋势。

    From the paper , it can be concluded that it is necessary to make many intellectual electronic equipments access the Internet in the new era with the development of the computer , communication and the network technique .

  5. 以嵌入式Internet技术为基础,研究变电站内的智能电子设备(IED)如何实现嵌入式Internet接入,从而实现现场生产信息在广域范围内的共享。

    The interconnection of IEDs ( Intelligent Electronic Devices ) in substation is studied based on the embedded Internet technology to realize sharing for field operation information in wide areas .

  6. 基于IEC61850的变电站智能电子设备的实现技术

    Preliminary technology analysis on implementing IEDs in substation based on IEC 61850

  7. 基于IEC61850标准的智能电子设备及变电站自动化系统的测试

    Testing of IEC 61850 Based Intelligent Electronic Device and Substation Automation System

  8. IEC61850;母线保护;智能电子设备。

    IEC61850 ; Bus protection ; Intelligent Electronic Device .

  9. IEC61850的理想方案是在智能电子设备(IED)的逻辑访问点的地址层下实现通信冗余,即IED单一IP地址实现通信冗余。

    The ideal scheme for IEC 61850 is to realize redundant communication below the address ing level provided for logical access point , i.e. IED using a single IP address .

  10. 阐述了国际电工委员会(IEC)对变电站自动化系统(SAS)、远方终端装置(RTU)、智能电子设备(IED)等术语的定义;

    In this paper the definitions on Substation Automation System ( SAS ), Remote Terminal Unit ( RTU ) and Intelligent Electronic Devices ( IED ), etc. , given by IEC are expounded .

  11. 以过程总线通信中跳闸命令传输为例,详细阐述了智能电子设备(IED)开发过程。

    Taking the transmission of a trip signal of the process bus communication as an example , the process development of intelligent electronic device ( IED ) is elaborated .

  12. 在牵引变电所的设备中,智能电子设备(IED)得到了越来越广泛的使用。微机保护、故障探测、数字式变送器等已逐步在牵引变电所推广使用。

    Among the devices used in a substation , intelligent electronic devices ( IED ) such as numerical relay protection , fault locator and digital electric transducer are getting popularized .

  13. 该系统利用西门子S7-300型PLC作为井下集中控制站,可以处理多种电力系统远动规约,还可与多种智能电子设备进行通信,实现煤矿井下变电所的自动监控。

    In the system uses Siemen S7-300 PLC as underground centralized control station , which can deal with various telemechanical protocols of power system and can communicate with various intelligent electronic devices ; therefore , the automatic monitoring of underground substation can be implemented .

  14. 电力系统中微机综合保护装置和自控装置等智能电子设备IEDs(IntelligentElectronicDevi鄄ces)的功能越来越复杂,不同厂家之间的产品因通信规约不同,造成互通困难。

    As the complexity of IEDs ( Intelligent Electronic Devices ) such as microprocessor-based integrated protector in power system has increased , the communication between the products of different manufacturers becomes more difficult .

  15. IEC61850标准的推出对变电站通信系统与网络提出了新的要求,其中有关智能电子设备(IED)的访问安全管理是确保操作主体身份与授权合法的关键问题。

    The proposition of IEC 61850 makes new claims on the substation communication system and network . To ensure the access security of an intelligent electronic device ( IED ), there should be an appropriate authentication and authorization method .

  16. IEC61850标准是基于通用网络通信平台的变电站自动化系统唯一国际标准,目的是使变电站内不同厂家的智能电子设备实现互操作。

    IEC 61850 standard , is the only international standard based on the universal network communication platform for substation automation system . The purpose of the standard is to realize interoperability for substation IEDs from different manufactures .

  17. 智能电子设备在变电站综合自动化中的应用

    Application of Intelligent Electronic Device in Substation Automation

  18. 这些工业实践经验表明制定标准通信协议的强烈需求和机遇,支持不同制造厂生产的智能电子设备具有互操作性。

    These industry experience told us that it would be a intense demand and opportunity to build a standard communication protocol .

  19. 智能电子设备的飞速发展,使变电站综合自动化技术进入了全数字化的新阶段。

    The development of intelligent electronic device has brought substation automation technology into a new stage which is called full digital substation .

  20. 当前变电站自动化技术发展很快,国内外厂商相继推出了多种变电站自动化系统的智能电子设备。

    The manufacturers all over the world promote various IEDs ( Intelligent Electronic Devices ) of the substation automation system subsequently as the technology of substation automation is developing rapidly .

  21. 其中,后者在逻辑上将各相关智能电子设备设备划分为一个虚拟局域网,减少数据流量,在提高变电站通信系统中数据传输实时性的同时,可以提高传输安全性。

    VLAN technology logically divides the relevant IEDs into a virtual local area network ; it can greatly reduce the data traffic , which can solve the substation communication system both in real-time and information security .

  22. 特别给出了嵌入式以太网的应用模式(每个间隔层设备配置一个以太网接口、多个智能电子设备通过RS-232/485或现场总线与以太网连接、以上2种的混合模式);

    Three application modes of the embedded Ethernet are presented : one Ethernet interface for each device in cell ; communication manager with Ethernet interface for IEDs ( Intelligent Electronic Devices ) connected via RS-232 / 485 or field bus ;

  23. 近年来随着计算机及嵌入式技术、微电子技术和信息网络技术的发展,手持和移动智能电子设备发展迅猛,如智能手机、掌上电脑、车载卫星导航等。

    As the developing of the computer science , embedded technology , microelectronic technique and Information network in recent years , the hand-held and mobile electronic devices , such as smartphone , palm computer and GPS for car , are growing rapidly .

  24. 作为电网的数据源和执行终端,变电站的数字化建设首当其冲,由此带来了一、二次设备和系统的革命性改变,促成站内智能电子设备软硬件的更新换代。

    To deploy smart grid has been necessary . As the data source and implementation terminal , digital substation should be constructed first and foremost . That would lead to revolutionary changes in primary and secondary systems by updating of IEDs ' hardware and software .

  25. 随着变电站自动化、通信和微电子等技术的快速发展,在变电站自动化系统领域出现了大量基于微处理器/控制器的智能电子设备,变电站自动化的水平在不断提高,系统集成成为趋势。

    With the swift development of substation automation , communication and microelectronic technology , many IEDs ( intelligent electronic device ) based on microprocessor / controller appeared in Substation Automation System . The substation automation technology improves constantly and the system integration becomes the trend .

  26. 随后论文分析了智能电子设备的互操作测试要求和方法,讨论了数字化保护的测试框架,即分为通用测试和功能、性能测试两部分。

    So the testing system can perform completed test for digital protection device . Then , the paper analysised the requirements and methods for IEDs interoperability testing , and discussed the testing architecture of digital protection which was divided into universal testing and function and performance testing .

  27. 韩国在从手机到自动根据衣物多少采用最低水量的洗衣机的各种“智能”电子设备设计领域名列前茅。

    Korea leads in design of " smart " electronic devices , from mobile phones to washing machines that sense the size of loads and the minimum amount of water to use .

  28. 这个病症就是“i弓背”,因长期连续低头查看智能手机等电子设备而导致的上背部弯曲。

    It is the " iHunch " , the forward curve of the upper back caused by constantly looking down at a smartphone or similar device .

  29. 本文主要叙述了安钢综合原料场的自动控制系统,本系统基于西门子PLC、变频调速装置、智能电子皮带秤等设备。

    This paper introduces the control system of Composite Materials Market , this system is based on Siemens PLC , Inverter , Intelligent electronic belt scale .

  30. 目前嵌入式系统技术已经成为最热门的技术之一,如:mp3,PDA,网络家电,智能家电,车载电子设备等各种各样数字化产品的嵌入式设备已经进入了我们的生活。

    Recently , embedded system technology has become one of the most popular technologies . All kinds of digital products , such as mp3 , PDA , Internet appliances , smart appliances and automotive electronics , have entered our lives .