
  • 网络planning
  1. 湖南省电源规划与电网规划关系探讨

    Discussion of the Relation between Power Source and Power Grid Planning of Hunan

  2. 基于GIS的农村电网规划方法的研究

    Study on the Method of Rural Power System Planning Based on GIS

  3. 多层Petri网应用于电网规划

    Application of A Multi-layer Petri Net Model for Power Grid Planning

  4. 基于UML的城市电网规划系统的对象建模

    UML-based Electric Network Planning System Object Modeling

  5. 电网规划问题的优化模型可以经过适当的加工简化最终归结为TSP类型问题。

    Electrical network planning can be contributed to TSP problem .

  6. 从理论上实现了GIS空间分析与电网规划理论的有机结合,推动了GIS技术的发展及其在电力系统中的应用。

    This work combined the GIS analysis theory with power system planning , promoted the development of GIS and its application in power system .

  7. Pareto蚁群算法在多目标电网规划中的应用

    Pareto Ant Colony Algorithm for Multi-objective Power Network Planning

  8. 模糊集对分析法应用于计及ATC的多目标电网规划

    Application of Fuzzy Set Pair Analysis in Multi-objective Transmission Network Planning Considering ATC

  9. 最后,通过案例分析,对H新城区电网规划方案进行风险综合评价,并提出了风险规避的策略。

    Finally , it gives an elementary study , a comprehensive risk assessment of network planning of Hexi new city program is conducted and risk mitigation strategies are proposed .

  10. 本文还研究了农村电网规划GIS数据库的设计和建立,以及基于GIS的农村电网规划应用系统的开发方法。

    In addition , the paper studies the design and construction of GIS database for rural power system planning and software method of rural power system planning based on GIS .

  11. 针对电网规划的多目标性,提出一种改进的多种群遗传算法(Poly-populationGeneticAlgorithm,简称PPGA)。

    This paper suggests an improved poly-population genetic algorithm ( PPGA ) with an aim at multi-object distribution electric network planning .

  12. 因此将GIS与城市电网规划工作相结合,不仅减轻规划设计人员的工作强度,而且可以从整体上提高电网规划的科学决策水平,对于电网发展具有重要的学术和现实意义。

    Therefore , integration of the GIS and urban power grid planning not only reduces the intensity of planning the work of designers , but also improves the overall level of scientific decision-making of power grid planning .

  13. 江西500kV电网规划调整研究

    Adjustment and Research of 500 kV Network Plan in JiangXi

  14. 在确定了模型和算法后,应用面向对象的程序设计思想,以可视化编程工具Visualc++作为开发平台,开发设计了低压电网规划设计系统软件。

    By object-oriented programming technique and visual programming technique-Visual C + + , the paper develops the currency planning system software for low-voltage network , which has been tested in the planning and reconstructing low-voltage network , achieving optimal designs .

  15. 城市电网规划中10kV配电网接线模式研究

    Research on Connection Mode of 10 kV Distribution Network in City Power Network Layout

  16. 最后,使用Visualc++开发平台完成了配电网优化规划程序的编制,经改进的自适应遗传算法在济南电网规划的网架优化中应用,取得了较好的效果。

    Finally , designs program using Visual C + + development platform in distribution network structure optimal planning , the improve adaptive genetic algorithm has been applied to grid frame optimization in the power grid planning of Ji-Nan City and good results obtained .

  17. 针对目前农村电网规划难以满足规划人员实用要求的现状,提出应用地理信息系统(GIS)技术改进农村电网规划的设想,并结合珠海斗门县电网进行了试验性的研究。

    Since the present rural power grid planning method can not meet the practical demand , A new planning is presented under the assume that the Geographical Information System ( GIS ) technology being introduced into rural power distribution system planning .

  18. 以投资费用和运行费用最小为目标函数、综合考虑了N-1、过负荷、电磁环网等约束条件,建立了考虑电磁环网因素的电网规划模型。

    With the objective function of minimum investment cost and minimum operation cost , the factor of N-1 、 overload 、 electromagnetic loop network ect .

  19. 基于贪婪随机自适应搜索法(GRASP)能有效地解决电网规划的组合优化问题,其每一次迭代包含构造和局域搜索两阶段。

    Greedy randomized adaptive search procedure ( GRASP ) is a high-efficient heuristic randomly iterative algorithm , which can effectively solve the combinatorial optimization problem of transmission network planning . Each iteration includes a construction and a local search phase .

  20. 此外,基于电网规划CIM接口,实现了负荷预测管理系统与传统规划软件中总量负荷预测系统的无缝结合,形成了覆盖负荷预测全业务流程、支持多部门协同负荷预测的系统。

    In addition , this paper realizes the seamless integration between management system and the traditional load forecasting system based on the planning CIM interface and forms a synergetic load forecasting system which covers all the load forecasting business .

  21. 提出了基于Voronoi动态空间数据模型的地理空间设施选址与分配的算法,并用于配电网规划中新增配电变压器的自动定位和最佳供电区域的自动划分,丰富了空间分析及电网规划理论。

    The feasibility was analyzed abstractly that Voronoi dynamic spatial data model was used to solve the problem of new distribution transformers automatic locating and serve area self-distribution . This work enriched the theories of spatial analysis and power system planning . 6 .

  22. 其次,对电网规划模型求解算法展开研究,采用粒子群算法进行求解。提出了一种改进的动态权重PSO方法,并将模拟退火思想引入PSO算法中。

    A volatility factor is added into the definition of a wave-style manipulation constraint model with flexible features to enhance the adaptability of network planning . Secondly , particle swarm optimization is researched , and an improved dynamic weight PSO method considering the idea of simulated annealing algorithm is proposed .

  23. 结合特高压骨干电网规划及华中电网十一五500kV电网规划,对1000kV荆门变电站落点位置进行综合分析研究,并进一步对其接入电网方案进行技术经济比较和分析,提出推荐意见。

    Based on the ultra-high voltage grid plan and the 11th Five Year Plan of central China 500 kV power grid , a comprehensive study on the location of Jingmen substation was made . The system scheme of Jingmen substation was introduced by the technical and economical analyses and comparisons .

  24. 初论适合城市电网规划的负荷预测方法

    Preliminary Discussion on Load Forecast Suitable to Urban Power Grid Planning

  25. 贪婪随机自适应搜索法在电网规划中的应用

    Application of Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure in Transmission Network Planning

  26. 基于可靠性电价-赔偿机制的电网规划研究

    Power System Planning Model Based on Reliability Price and Compensation Mechanism

  27. 电力市场环境下基于成本&效益分析的电网规划

    Power Network Planning Based on Cost-Benefit Analysis under Power Market Environment

  28. 考虑二次规划因素的电网规划方法

    Electric power network planning method based on factors of secondary planning

  29. 供用电网规划专家系统

    An expert system for the power distribution / utilization network programming

  30. 电网规划中的模糊可靠性评估方法

    The evaluation method of fuzzy reliability in electric power network planning