
  1. 碳纳米管电化学储能的研究进展

    Research progress on electrochemical energy storage with carbon nano-tubes

  2. 但目前的液流电化学储能体系是以大规模蓄电为主要特征的,不适合需要大功率的应用场合。

    The flow system , however , was used mainly for a large-scale energy storage .

  3. 目前车辆制动能量回收的方法有液压储能、飞轮储能和电化学储能等等。

    Many ways are used to recover the breaking energy , such as the hydraulic way , flywheel and the electrochemical way .

  4. 锂离子电池作为一类重要的电化学储能装置,有着高的能量密度、较多的循环使用次数和较少的环境污染等优点。

    Lithium-ion batteries as an important class of electrochemical energy storage device foe the high energy density , more cycle times and less environmental pollution .

  5. 锂离子电池与超级电容器是最具希望的两种电化学储能设备,而提高其性能的最为有效的方法无疑是研究与制备性能优良的新型材料。

    Lithium-ion batteries and super capacitors are two most promising electrochemical energy storage devices . And the most effective way to improve its performance is to develop new materials .

  6. 超级电容器由于能量密度高、功率密度高和循环寿命长等特点,成为电化学储能领域研究的热点。

    Electrochemical supercapacitor ( EC ) has attracted tremendous attention recently for energy storage application because of its great advantages including high power density , long cycle life and so on .

  7. 第四周期过渡金属氧化物以其独特的物理化学性质在电化学储能、光电器件、催化等领域都发挥着举足轻重的作用。

    The fourth-period transition metal oxides have been widely applied in electrochemical energy storage , optoelectric devices , catalysis , and etc. , owing to their unique physical and chemical properties .

  8. 针对这一情况,本工作选择了几类高比能新型储氢储锂材料,研究了这些新体系的电化学储能性质及其相关的应用问题。

    D work was aimed at developing a new generation of high capacity batteries through exploring new H or Li storage materials and studying their electrochemical properties and associated applied problems .

  9. 锂离子电池因其重量轻、比能量/比功率高、寿命长等特点被视为最具竞争力的电化学储能技术之一。

    Due to its light weight , high energy density , high power density and long serving time , lithium ion battery is one of the most competitive electrochemical energy storage technologies .

  10. 电化学储能是一种很具有发展前途的方案,它具有结构简单,操作方便,可靠性好,制动能量回收率高的优点。

    The electrochemical way is the most promising one , and it is reliable , easy to operate , and has a simple structure and higher recover rate of the breaking energy .

  11. 介绍了汽车制动能量再生原理,分析了飞轮储能、液压储能和电化学储能三种汽车制动能量再生方法。

    The principle of the regenerative braking energy of automobile is introduced . Three types of the regenerative braking system , i.e. , energy accumulator of the flywheel , hydraulic pressure and electrochemistry , are discussed .

  12. 液流电化学储能作为一种新型的储能方式以其长寿命、无污染、容量可调控等优点,有希望成为本世纪新型的绿色能源。

    As a new energy storage type , the flow energy storage system was investigated extensively because its advantages such as long life , pollution-free , adjustable capacity . It will be a kind of green energy source in this century .

  13. 温度越高,聚苯胺膜的峰值电流越大,电化学活性越强,聚苯胺在对应电位时的电化学储能能力越强。

    Higher the temperature , greater the anodic peak current of CV , and PANI film is more electroactive and has a higher electrochemistry ability of repositing energy on corresponding potential .