
  • 网络Operation regulation;RUN;commissioning
  1. 为此,在该方式的多种工况下进行了NOx燃烧排放实炉测试,着重研究缩腰配风对NOx排放的影响及低NOx的运行调节方式。缩腰型配风方式在燃煤调整中的应用

    So we have conducted detailed testing of the emission-NOx in a full-scale PCC plant aimed at analyzing the effect of shrinked-middle wind on NOx-emission . Application of Constricted Air Distribution Mode in Fire Regulation

  2. 分布式变频泵供热系统的运行调节方式

    Operation Regulation Mode of Heat-supply System with Distributed Variable Frequency Pump

  3. 浅谈集中供热运行调节

    Brief Analysis of the Operational Regulation for the Central Heating Project

  4. 计量供热系统运行调节降温过程分析研究

    Analysis and reach to regulation temperature process of metered heat metering

  5. 集中供热网运行调节与控制策略的研究

    Research of Adjustment and Control Method in District Heating Network

  6. 说不完的爱铁路客车空调系统的全年运行调节

    The Whole - year Working Regulation of passenger Train Air Conditioning System

  7. 供暖运行调节关系式的试验确定

    Determination of relational expression for running adjustment of heating system

  8. 空调系统的分区多工况运行调节方法

    Divided-zone and multi condition operation and adjustment method to air conditioning systems

  9. 最后,除了控制系统之外,暖通系统的设计也将一定程度上影响运行调节的合理性。

    Finally , the HVAC system itself affects its operation in some extent .

  10. 轴流泵的性能分析及其运行调节

    Analysis on Performance and Operational Adjustment of Axial-flow Pump

  11. 离心泵运行调节能耗分析

    Operation adjusting methods for energy consumption of centrifugal pump

  12. 变频调速供水系统的运行调节与诊断

    Operation and Diagnosis of Speed Controlled Supply Water System

  13. 除尘风机的选择及运行调节

    Selections of Dedusting Fans and Their Operation Adjustments

  14. 初调节和运行调节对供暖节能的影响

    The influence of initial regulation and operational regulation on energy saving in heat supply

  15. 双水管风机盘管加新风系统的运行调节分析

    Operation regulation analysis in the two pipe fan coil unit plus fresh air system

  16. 采暖循环水泵的运行调节与经济分析

    Conditioning of Heating Circulation Pump and Economic Analysis

  17. 分析了采暖循环水泵的几种运行调节方式。

    The analysis on the ways of the conditioning of heating circulation pump is given .

  18. 湿法烟气脱硫系统的运行调节

    Operational adjustment of a wet FGD system

  19. 计量供热系统的运行调节

    Operation Regulation of Metered Heating System

  20. 试验结果对油页岩循环流化床锅炉的放大设计与运行调节具有一定的参考价值。

    Testing results are useful for large capacity oil shale circulating fluidized bed boiler design and operation .

  21. 铁路客车空调系统的全年运行调节空气源热泵全年运行的经济性分析

    The Whole - year Working Regulation of passenger Train Air Conditioning System Economic Analysis of ASHP Year-round Operation

  22. 集中供热系统的运行调节优化控制是实现节能的重要举措。

    And central heating system optimal regulation and control is an important measure to realize energy saving implementation .

  23. 热氨除霜系统及其管路控制阀件的运行调节方法(2)

    Hot ammonia gas defrost systems and their operational methods of control valves on the pipelines ( 2 )

  24. 介绍了现代管道仿真技术及其发展趋势和管道系统的运行调节与控制。

    Pipeline simulation technology and its development prospect and the piping system movement adjustment and the control are introduced .

  25. 用实际供暖效果和实测数据来验证供暖系统的运行调节方法的效果和可行性。

    Using heating effects and actual measured data to verify the effect and feasibility of the operation of heating system .

  26. 热电厂集中供热网最佳供回水温度及运行调节的研究

    Research on design temperature of water supply & backwater and adjustment method in district heating system of thermo-electric power plant

  27. 末端用户的不断增加对管网的运行调节方式也提出了更高的要求。

    With the end user increasing , the system put much higher forward to the pipeline network running adjustment method .

  28. 采用树状结构组织课程中的知识点,着重展示复杂的原理和运行调节过程。

    Tree structure is employed to organize the knowledge , and emphasis focuses on the complex principles and the operation processes .

  29. 分析了一、二级管网在节热供热及升温供热过程中的运行调节方式。

    The operation regulation mode of primary and secondary circuits in the course of heat-saving heating and warm-up heating is analyzed .

  30. 继续搞好经济运行调节,进一步缓解煤电油运紧张状况。

    We will continue to regulate economic activities to further alleviate tight supplies of coal , electricity , petroleum and transportation .