
  • 网络Operating time;run time;runtime;uptime;Run Hour
  1. 设备安装过程中的找正、找平及试运转时间的确定原则

    Making the straight and level during installing equipments and the principle of determining test run time

  2. 文章论述了设备安装过程中找王、找平的技术要求,以及试运转时间的确定原则。

    Abstract The paper discusses technical demands of making the straight and level during installing equipments , and points out the principle of determining test run time .

  3. 本文通过将无线技术应用于CRM系统,使企业员工能在任何时间、任何地点访问系统,及时、快速的获得或更新相关信息,缩短企业各流程的运转时间。

    In this paper , wireless technology is applied in the CRM System , which makes system and related information accessible at any time and any place timely and quickly as well as reducing operating time .

  4. 如果需要在陆地上试机时,运转时间不得超过5min。

    If you need to test drive on land , the operation shall not exceed5min .

  5. 寿命测试结果表明0.5%Pt/5%SrO-5%CeO2-Al2O3催化剂在300h运转时间内其转化率和选择性可以分别稳定在95%和91%以上,具有理想的工业应用价值。

    Life test indicated that 0.5 % Pt / 5 % SrO-5 % CeO2-Al2O3 catalyst had excellent performance during a 300h run , whose conversion rate and selectivity could be maintained over 95 % and 91 % respectively thus made it very promising for industrial use .

  6. 对修理柴油机磨合运转时间的几点看法

    Some thoughts for repair diesel engine on its abrasive operation time

  7. 系统的连续运转时间及其影响因素的分析

    Analysis of Continuous Operating Time and Effect Factors for a System

  8. 分形结果表明,不同摩擦阶段振动信号的关联维数随运转时间逐渐增大。

    The fractal results show us , the vibration dimension is decreasing .

  9. 确认运转时间和日常维护活动及明细表。

    Identify on-stream time and routine maintenance activates and schedule .

  10. 定时器控制泵的运转时间,较便宜且操作简单。

    Timer control pump operation time , less expensive and easy to operate .

  11. 连续运转时间长。

    Continuous operation time is long .

  12. 系统的稳定性和可靠性通常以连续运转时间和系统的可靠运行时间来度量。

    System stability and reliability are generally measured as continuous hours of operation and reliable uptime of a system .

  13. 通过多种铁谱实验表明随着运转时间的增加,活塞环-缸套系统的磨损率逐渐增加。

    Through different types of ferrograph analyzing , the piston ring-liner system wear rate increase with the running time increasing .

  14. 探讨两种不同干预方法对胶囊内镜在小肠运转时间的影响。

    To investigate the influence of the two different methods on the runtime of capsule endoscope in the small bowel .

  15. 指出,建设大型三氧化硫磺化装置的首要条件是必须要有市场,要能使装置有足够的连续运转时间,以充分显示其优越性。

    It is pointed out that the market is the necessary pre-condition for the building of the large scare sulfonated facility , so that could display its advantages .

  16. 许多已有的高能激光技术,如气动和化学激光器技术的运转时间短,因而总燃料也有限。

    Many existing HEL technologies , such as those of gas dynamic and chemical lasers , have been developed for applications requiring short total operating time and , hence , limited total fuel .

  17. 具有构思新颖、结构简单、运行可靠的特点。克服了常规排气设备耗能多、噪声大、运转时间有限等缺陷。

    It has such characteristics as special designing , simple structure , reliable operation , and has overcome the shortcomings like consuming too much energy , loud noise , limited working time of the conventional airy equipment .

  18. 汽车地毯发泡机是汽车地毯生产过程中一种必需的设备,由于其连续运转时间长、节奏性强、可靠性要求高、负载状况复杂,所以对液压系统的要求较高。

    Carpet foam machine is a commonly used equipment in automotive carpet industry , Because of its continuous operation for a long time 、 strong rhythm 、 high reliability and complex load conditions , it has a more strict requirement for the hydraulic system .

  19. 试验结果表明,高压柱塞式注水泵在同等功率下泵速可降低约30%~50%,即使在苛刻的使用条件下,高压油田注水泵可靠运转时间大幅度提高。

    Test results show that the speed of high pressure plunger type water injection pump is reduced by about 30 % ~ 50 % , even under aggressive operating conditions , the reliable operating cycle of high pressure water injection pump for oilfield can be greatly improved .

  20. 现场试验表明:本文研制的专用杆组成的壳体杆柱断脱率明显降低,无机械强度和密封问题,正常运转时间长,可以作为优先选用的重力热管壳体专用杆件。

    Field test show that the rate of pipe broken and thread tripping of the shell string made up by the special pipes developed in this dissertation reduced obviously ; there is no problems of mechanical strength and sealing ; the string has a long duration of normal operation .

  21. 空调器在进行制冷(热)运转单位时间内从密闭空间除去的热量,法定计量单位W(瓦)。

    Air conditioner in refrigeration ( hot ) operation unit within the time from an airtight room removed from the heat , the statutory measurement unit W ( watts ) .

  22. 经常查看烘干机中的衣物,这样运转的时间不会超过需要。

    Check clothes in the dryer often so you don 't run it longer than you need to .

  23. 电动机在低负荷情况下运转的时间较长,不必考虑超负荷时转速降低的影响。

    The motor is mostly operating in a low load condition , hence the influence of decreasing speed in over load may not be considered .

  24. 这是一部借助于自然的周期运转和时间的流逝而表达生活之节奏的具有优美风格的诗化作品。

    It is a beautifully stylized , poetical work that conveys the rhythm of life in synchrony with the cycle of nature and the passage of time .

  25. 我国铁路内燃机车惰性运转的时间占全部运转时间的30%,消耗大量的燃油。

    For diesel locomotive in China the idle hours take up 30 % of the total operating time , and the fuel oil is consumed in a great quantity .

  26. 他还说广告商还想知道引擎已运转的时间,从而令他们“能够从导航系统了解到,这辆车正要经过一家麦当劳(McDonald's),而车已跑了三个小时,车上的孩子可能饿了。”

    He said that advertisers also wanted to know how long the engine has been running so that they could tell " from the navigation system , they 're about to pass a McDonald 's , the car 's been running for three hours and the child 's probably hungry . "

  27. 动态转化动态转化运转一段时间之间的JVM请求为工人阶级和载货一班。

    Dynamic Transformation Dynamic transformation operates at some time between the JVM request for a class and the loading of that class .

  28. 此外,转子运转的响应时间与负载力矩间的关系也可由模拟计算导出。

    The relationships between the response time and load have also been calculated and measured .

  29. 逐步提高转速和负荷,在每个负荷和转速上持续运转一段时间。

    Gradually run speed and load up and stay at each step for a duration of time .

  30. 闰年是对地球绕太阳运转所需时间和公历时间之差所作的调整。

    Leap years are necessary to keep our calendar in alignment with the Earths revolutions around the sun .