
  1. 尾翼火箭不稳定过程运动参量的确定

    Determination of motion parameters of FIN-ROCKETS in unstable process

  2. 凸轮接触运动参量的定量分析

    Quantitative analysis of the parameter of the contact motion between cam and driven member

  3. 检测及精估目标运动参量的广义自适应相关器技术

    Generalized adaptive correlation technology for measuring and accurately estimating the motive parameters of a target

  4. 通过测量受力后火炮与炮塔的运动参量,计算出炮控系统的性能参数,为坦克炮控系统能否定型提供依据。

    The influence of low velocity properties of gun control system caused by friction nonlinearity is analyzed based on the friction moment of the stribeck model .

  5. 利用闭环滤波估计出目标运动参量并预测出目标未来时刻的位置。

    By using the digital close loop filtering , the parameters of a moving target are estimated and next positions of the moving target are forecasted .

  6. 进行了变频振动下料试验,试验结果表明,在该变频范围内可获得良好的断面质量,且下料机构的运动参量与误差模型符合。

    Finally , experimental results show that manufacturing quality is higher when excited frequency is within above optimum frequency range , and vibration parameters are in good agreement with error model .

  7. 研究昆虫飞行的三维空间运动参量需要对二维图像进行重构,传统的重构方法是采用两个或者多个相机从不同角度拍摄以获得同时刻不同角度的图像。

    Studying three-dimensional dynamic parameters of an insect flight requires reconstructing from 2D images , and two or more cameras are needed to capture images from different angles at the same time in the conventional method .

  8. 汽车安全部件的工作状态直接影响汽车的安全行驶,运用小波变换理论对汽车在不同部件参数作用下的运动参量进行小波分解。

    The working status of automotive safety parts shall effect directly the automotive safety driving . The ripplet decomposition is conducted for motor vehicle dynamic parameter under action of different parts parameters by the ripplet change theory .

  9. 并且引入运动特征参量,通过交互式控制,使跑步运动的姿态多样化。

    Moreover , by introducing motion characteristic parameters the postures of running are made diversely .

  10. 上位机软件实现对距离、角度、时间三个运动控制参量进行处理,将其转化为相应运动控制信息,并发送至主驱动模块和摆臂驱动模块。

    After three parameters about position and velocity are converted into motion control information which is sent to main drive module and arm drive module .

  11. 结果表明:两原子初始纠缠量、光场的平均光子数、光场的初始纠缠量和原子运动速度参量对两原子纠缠动力学有显著影响。

    The results show that the initial entanglement of two atoms , the average photon number of the field and the velocity of atoms affect the entanglement dynamics of the two atoms remarkably .

  12. 本文根据导弹弹体运动的变参量线性化微分方程组,利用LyaPunov稳定性理论导出了具有充分条件的变参量的弹体自由运动稳定性的判据。

    Based on the linear differential equations of motion of missile body with variable parameters , the present paper has developed the stability criterion of the free motion of missile body with variable parameters having sufficient conditions , using Lyapunov stability theory .

  13. 方法在定义运动的特征参量时利用了大量的经验数据,并且采用解析的方法求解逆运动学问题。

    A lot of experience data are used to define characteristic parameters , and analytical methods are adopted to solve inverse kinematics problem .

  14. 运用协同学的微观处理方法,以岩石块体相对于平衡位置的位移为序参量,建立块体运动的序参量主方程。

    By the microcosmic method of synergetics , established main equation of order parameter , which is the displacement of blocks compared to balance position .

  15. 本文研究中,首次提出了增量运动系统的非参量建模问题,采用动态矩阵控制(DMC),取得很好的控制效果。

    In this paper , presents the non-parameters modeling issue about increment motion system for the first time , use the dynamic matrix control ( DMC ) technique and obtain well control effect .

  16. 仿真结果表明,运动参数通过本质参量停留概率而影响临界传输半径。

    Simulation results show that mobility affects the critical transmitting range by pause probability .

  17. SAR运动目标检测与运动参量估计方法研究

    Research on SAR Moving Targets Detection and Motion Estimation

  18. 这些工作为并联结构系列化设计提供了理论依据,并对并联机床的运动分析、运动控制参量求解都有直接的意义。

    These are useful for design of this machine , kinematics analysis and control parameters .

  19. 当今世界,存在不少病、伤、残者需要通过运动训练进行康复治疗,运动参量的量化监控和运动干预对他们的康复治疗非常重要。

    Nowadays there are quite a number of sick , injured and disabled people who need to receive rehabilitation therapy by exercise training . Quantitative monitor of movement parameters and movement intervention are important for their rehabilitation therapy .

  20. 物理上说,相分析中的不定性相应于自旋的某种运动,它保持自旋张量在动量方向的分量不变,且表征此种运动的参量取一定数值。

    In general , the ambiguity in the phase shift analysis corresponds to the motion of spin which conserves the components of spin-tensors in the direction of momentum , and the parameters which characterize those general spin motion take the fixed values .