
yùn qiú tū pò
  • drive in
  1. 篮球变向运球突破组合技术的动作方法及其技术分析

    An analysis of basketball direction-changing dribbling breakthrough combined technique movement methods and techniques

  2. 特别是持球队员无论是运球突破,还是投篮,都必须在身体对抗的情况下完成动作。

    No matter when a play is dribbling or shooting , the action must be completed with body confrontation .

  3. 中、美女子足球运动员个人运球突破能力比较研究速矢端线的主要性质

    A Comparison of Dribbling Pass an Opponent Technique between Chinese and American Women Player The Principle Properties of Hodographs

  4. 中国队队员在传接球、运球突破和时间违例方面容易造成失误。

    China team players in passing , dribbling breakthrough and easy to cause the mistakes in time violations . 2 .

  5. 结果表明:全运会男子足球比赛中路进攻获得的射门以及进球率仍居首位,个人运球突破获得的射门及进球率有较大幅度提高的趋势;

    The results indicate that center attacks still play a dominant role in winning chances for shooting and scoring , and an increasing rate of shooting and scoring is gained through dribble ;

  6. 3突破方式中持球突破与运球突破差异明显;助攻次数少,助攻传球的方式比较单一;进攻失误的次数较多,造犯规方式比较单一,造犯规能力不强。

    [ 3 ] a breakthrough in the way and dribbling breakthrough Breakthrough significantly different ; assists small , relatively simple way of passing assists ; attack errors to the frequent and relatively simple way of making foul , foul is not strong .

  7. 具体到每个防守技术环节,中国队在防守有球人过程中,防守传球,防运球,防突破表现较差,而防守投篮表现较好,防守篮板球的能力有了很大提高。

    Specific to each defense technology link , the processes of defense with the ball , the defensive passing , dribbling prevention , the breakthrough performance is poorer , and defensive shots behaved well , defensive rebounding had greatly improved .