
  • 网络Operation manager;Operation MGR
  1. 桑迪·帕拉吉拉斯在2011年和2012年间担任脸书的平台运营经理,他说他在任期间,公司内部确实意识到脸书容易让用户上瘾。

    Sandy Parakilas , who was a platform operations manager at Facebook in 2011 and 2012 , said there was definitely an awareness8 that Facebook was habit-forming when he worked at the company .

  2. 例如,考虑这样一个供应链管理例子,其中地区运营经理构造了一个Web页面(混搭应用程序),它包含一个天气feed、一个Yahoo!

    For instance , consider a supply chain management example in which a regional operations manager constructs a Web page ( mashup ) containing a weather feed , a Yahoo !

  3. 如今,在一个典型的生产企业中,运营经理负责协调所有地面操作(flooroperation)。

    In a typical manufacturing enterprise today , operations managers are responsible for coordinating all floor operations .

  4. 再举一个例子:IT运营经理接到通知,一个装载事实表的ETL作业在处理准备阶段DB2InputFacts中读取输入时失败了。

    In another example , the IT Operational Manager has been notified that an ETL job for loading the fact table has been aborted when reading its input in the processing stage DB2_Input_Facts .

  5. 有时候,我们觉得这很有趣,公司的运营经理艾哈迈德•法鲁克(AhmedFarouk)说。

    Sometimes we find it funny , said Ahmed Farouk , the company 's manager of operations .

  6. 现任运营经理的戴安娜•奥特(DianeAlter)曾经在一个超级乐观主义者手下供职。即使每天工作中危机四起,她的上司也总会说“平安无事”。

    Operations manager Diane Alter once worked for such a committed optimist that despite a litany of daily workplace crises , he 'd say , 'It 's all good . '

  7. 通过这些与采用KPI设计的仪表板结合使用,运营经理可以采用可视方式进行监视,从而更好地以实时方式管理各个工作项的进度。

    When these are combined with KPI-designed dashboards , operational managers can visually monitor and , thus , better manage the progress of individual work items in real time .

  8. TolgaÖncu是宜家全球零售运营经理。

    Tolga Ö ncu is IKEA 's Global retail operations manager .

  9. 首席信息官会前来考察数据中心,并询问安全方面的情况,微软数据中心运营经理凯文蒂蒙斯(KevinTimmons)表示。

    Chief information officers come and look at the data centre and ask about security , says Kevin Timmons , manager of data centre operations at Microsoft .

  10. 商务运营经理的职责范围很广,不同的公司会有不同的需求。

    Duties vary widely and depend on the company 's needs .

  11. 运营经理是美国薪酬最高的职位之一。

    Operations managers have one of the highest-paying occupations in the U.S. .

  12. 需要时,从值班维护运营经理处寻求建议和支持。

    Seek advice and support from the duty maintenance service manager if necessary .

  13. 德国历史悠久的面包公司现寻求优秀的运营经理共同开创上海市场。

    Traditional German bakery seeks qualified operations manager to lead Shanghai market entry .

  14. 对空气滤清器的生产进行监控,并及时反馈给运营经理。

    Supervise all the air filter production and provide feedback to operations manager .

  15. 无论什么行业,无论公司大小,都需要商务运营经理。

    Every business needs them , large or small , regardless of industry .

  16. 商务运营经理协调公司内部的各个部门通力合作、达成目标。

    They help various departments within a company coordinate to meet the end goal .

  17. 一旦被监视的数据可以由生产线运营经理查看,整个系统将变得智能化。

    Once this monitored data becomes visible to line operation managers , the whole system can become intelligent .

  18. 一开始他们还不知道发生了什么事,沃尔玛的运营经理德布戴维斯说道。

    ' They didn 't know what was happening at first , ' said Wal-Mart operations manager Deb Davis .

  19. 所以,在运营经理忽视人力资源部门的建议和劝告时,就可能发生冲突。

    As a result , conflict can occur when operating managers appear to ignore the suggestions and recommendations of the human resource department .

  20. 该系统应允许物业经理和运营经理输入有关房地产的详细信息。

    The Operations Manager 's responsibilities include creating reports for providing information about inquiries on proposed investments and sale and purchase details for properties .

  21. 例如,运营经理常常利用盈亏平衡分析来确定为使一个产品能盈利至少要生产和销售多大的数量。

    For instance , operations managers often make use of break-even analysis to determine how much be produced and sold before a product becomes profitable .

  22. 提供指向一些主题的链接,这些主题讨论使结构设计师、运营经理和开发人员可以针对其运行环境验证面向服务的解决方案的可视化设计器。

    Provides links to topics discussing visual designers that enable architects , operations managers , and developers to design service-oriented solutions that can be validated against their operational environments .

  23. 双十一一整天下来,阿里巴巴的数据分析团队和运营经理都密切关注和实时分析网站上的交易数据,以保证与客户和物流合作伙伴沟通协调好,确保供应和交货正常进行。

    On the whole day of November 11 , Alibaba 's data analysis team and operational managers were paying close attention to and analyzing in real time the transaction data to ensure communication and coordination between customers and their logistics partners and normal supply and delivery .

  24. 运营部经理安宁表示,每次参展,公司都得到很好的推广宣传,也有一些新合作。

    Operations Manager for the peace that each participating company have been very good marketing and publicity , there are some new co-operation .

  25. 她还担任过IBM全球服务部战略、市场与销售运营部总经理。

    Rometty also has served as the general manager of strategy , marketing and sales operations for IBM Global Services worldwide .

  26. 这其中包括对首席执行官的过度服从,首席执行官常常决定了非执行董事何时可以、甚至是否可以走访企业的运营部门并对经理们提问。

    They include excessive deference to the chief executive , who often decides when , or even whether , non-executives can visit operations and quiz managers .

  27. 如果创始CEO缺乏运营技能&就像当年的我一样,那么公司就该雇佣一位非常强力的首席财务官(CFO)或运营经理,甚至不妨雇佣一位总裁或首席运营官。

    If the founder lacks operational expertise as I did the company should hire a really strong CFO or head of operations , or even a president / CoO .