
  1. 集团客户是通信企业进入3G全业务运营时代争夺的焦点,集团单位稳定是开展集团客户营销服务工作的基础支柱之一。

    Group Customers is becoming the focus of competition for communication enterprises to enter 3G full services operation period , and the Group unit stability is one of the basic crutches to carry out Group Customers marketing service .

  2. 全业务运营时代用户数据库技术研究

    Study on User Data Repository for Full Service Operation

  3. 随着磁悬浮列车技术的发展与成熟,磁悬浮列车的商业运营时代即将到来。

    With the development of Maglev technology , the age of Maglev commerce is coming .

  4. 电信重组与全业务运营时代吉林铁通竞争策略研究

    Research on Competitive Strategy of Jilin Railway Telecom in the Time of Telecommunications Reorganization and Full-service Operation

  5. 上海城市轨道交通已经进入网络化运营时代。

    Shanghai Urban Rail Transit ( SURT ) system has entered a new era of networking operation .

  6. 在早期网络游戏运营时代,策划者还很难想到道具收费模式。

    In times of operation of inchoate network game , machinator thinks of prop collects fees very hard still mode .

  7. 随着全业务运营时代的到来,渠道的建设和管理就显得更为关键。

    With the arrival of the era of full service operation , the construction and management of channels becomes more critical .

  8. 随着电信行业新一轮改组的尘埃落定,全业务运营时代已经到来。

    With the new round of restructuring of the telecommunications industry settled , the period of all business operations has come .

  9. 电信业重组与全业务运营时代的到来使得电信企业内外环境发生急剧变化,企业从关注增量转向注重存量捆绑维系。

    Telecommunication industry restructuring and the arrival of the era of all business operation prompted drastic changes in telecom enterprise external environment .

  10. 随着2008年中国电信行业重组的启动,全业务运营时代姗姗来迟,社会分销渠道的竞争日趋激烈。

    The period of communication operation is started with the reorganization of the telecommunications industry in 2008 . The competition among social distribution channel becomes increasingly fierce .

  11. 固网和移动网的融合,是业务融合、基础网络融合的过程。二者的融合对于全业务运营时代的企业来说,无疑将有效降低建网成本和运营成本。

    The convergence between fixed network and mobile network is a process of service convergence and network foundation convergence , which can effectively help full service carrier reduce cost .

  12. 经过电信业务的重组,中国电信进入了全业务运营时代,移动业务成为电信主要支柱业务之一。

    After the restructuring of telecommunications services , China Telecom has entered the era of full-service operations , mobile business has become one of the main pillars of business .

  13. 从业务转型来看,随着中国电信全业务运营时代的到来,运营商间的竞争将聚焦在政企客户与带宽等领域。

    From the view of business transformation , with the arrival of full-time business operations of China Telecom , the competition between telecommunications services will focus on government-enterprise customers and the bandwidth and so on .

  14. 全业务运营时代的到来,导致电信运营商之间以价格为主导的客户关系维系手段逐渐成为历史,而更加开放的电信运营策略使得电信产品、电信服务的种类成爆炸式的增长。

    Full service operation time arrival , causes between the telecom operators to price as the leading customer relationship means gradually become history , and more open telecom strategy makes telecommunication products , telecommunications services into the explosive growth .

  15. 纽约、巴黎、东京和莫斯科等国外发达国家主要城市的轨道交通路网早已进入了网络化管理运营时代,有着丰富的网络化运营管理经验。

    Some big cities in the developed countries , such as New York , Paris , Tokyo and Moscow , have already entered the era of Urban Rail Transit Network management and operation , and they also have rich relevant management experience .

  16. 随着中国电信业新移动、新电信、新联通三足鼎立的全新竞争格局形成,中国电信行业发展迈入了新的全业务运营时代,进一步加强电信行业竞争。

    The telecommunications industry in China has entered a new era of all-business operations , in which the new Mobile 、 new Telecom and new Unicom formed a new pattern of competition , and they further strengthened the competitiveness of the telecommunications industry .

  17. 全业务运营时代竞争是全方位的,现阶段用户的争夺仍然是竞争的焦点,随着电信企业竞争加剧,客户对电信企业的服务需求也随之提高。

    Competition in the era of full-service operation is comprehensive . At this stage , the fight for customers remains the focus of competition . With the intensive competition of telecommunication enterprises , the customers ' demand for telecommunication enterprises has also improved .

  18. 韩国第二大零售商乐天百货公司(LotteShopping)正进行谈判,拟收购中国超市运营商时代零售集团(Times)的控股权,以此拓展其中国业务。中国是全球增长最快的主要经济体。

    LOTTE SHOPPING IN TALKS TO BUY CHINESE CHAIN Lotte Shopping , South Korea 's second-largest retailer , is in talks to buy a controlling stake in Times , the Chinese supermarket operator , to expand its presence in the world 's fastest-growing major economy .

  19. 品牌运营已经成为时代经济发展的一种潮流。

    Brand operation has become the trend of the economic development .

  20. 未来十年,广州地铁建设的高峰期就会过去,地铁运营维护的时代就要到来。

    It is predicted that the peak of metro construction will past in the coming 10 years .

  21. 什么样的战略能够帮助运营商在3G时代赢得顾客和市场,能够带来增长的利润和发展的持续,就成为电信运营商所要解决的首要问题。

    What kind of strategy can help the enterprises gain the market and the customers , and bring profit increase and sustainable development for the enterprises in the age of 3G ? It has become the chief problem for all telecom operators to resolve .

  22. 从虚拟到企业虚拟化运营&对信息时代一种微观经济范式创新的阐析

    From Virtuality to the Virtualized Operation of Enterprise

  23. 随着电信业重组完成和3G发牌,所有电信运营商进入了全业务运营时代,同质化的市场竞争日趋激烈。

    With the completion of the reorganization in telecommunication and licensing of 3G services , all telecom operators have entered the age of full-service and competition in homogeneous market becomes increasingly fierce .

  24. 随着3G牌照的发放,电信运营商开启了固定网络和移动网络全业务运营时代。

    With the issuing of the third-generation mobile telephone licenses , Telecom Operators open its all business operation times of both fixed network and mobile network .

  25. 随着电信运营商的重组和3G牌照的发放,中国电信业已进入全业务运营时代。

    While reconstructing of telecom operators and releasing of 3G license , Chinese telecom industry has entered the whole business operation times .

  26. 随着国内电信运营商重组的完成,3G牌照的正式发放,三家电信运营商都进入了全业务运营时代。

    With domestic telecommunications operator of the restructuring , the pictures of the complete 3 G officially extend , three telecommunications operator went into all the business operation period .

  27. 重组打破了原有的竞争格局,三家电信运营商在不同领域具有各自的优势和劣势,重组也带来新的竞争模式,全业务运营时代已经到来。

    Reorganization breaks the original competition pattern , thus , three telecom operators have their own merits and demerits in different field . Reorganization also brings new competition pattern , which indicates the era of full services operating has come .

  28. 在此背景之下,中国移动正在实现由移动运营商向综合服务提供商的转型,为客户提供包括无线语音、固定语音、无线宽带、有线宽带等多种业务服务,全面进入全业务运营时代。

    Under this background , the China Mobile Ltd is realizing the transformation from mobile network operator to comprehensive service provider whose service covers wireless / wired voice communication and wireless / wired broadband network .