
  1. 成都北部新城是承担大城市经济增长的重要载体。

    Chengdu city in northern New City is a commitment to economic growth , an important carrier .

  2. 成都北部新城显著特点有:①规模大,面积400平方公里,位于半城市化地区。

    Chengdu Metro North salient features are : ① large an area of 400 square kilometers , located in semi-urban areas .

  3. 随着实践检验的信息反馈,作者将继续对本文有待深入研究的问题进行思考,并跟踪成都北部新城的建设实践,以期在新城建设方面更进一步。

    With the feedback from the test of practice , the authors will continue to be in-depth study of this issue to reflect and track the construction of new town north of Chengdu , the practice with a view to building further on Metro .