
  • 网络Operational Checks;Runtime Checks;Functional check;in-serve check
  1. 简述抗电强度试验和仪器运行检查的重要性

    The Brief Introduction about the Importance of Functional Check and Dielectric Strength Test

  2. 使用aixpert-c运行检查选项现在应该会起作用。

    Running the check option using aixpert-c should now work .

  3. 运行检查及其一种实现方法

    Operational check up and a method for its realization

  4. 中承式吊杆拱桥的运行检查及病害原因分析

    The Circulation Check and the Cause of Diseases of the Half-through Boom Arch Bridge

  5. 如果发现错误,将其纠正,再次运行检查程序。

    If any errors are found , correct the errors and run the check again .

  6. 浅谈建设工程质量检测机构如何开展检测仪器、设备的运行检查

    Opinion on How the Construction Engineering Quality Examination Institutions Carry on the Examination of the Running of the Inspection Instruments and Equipments

  7. 在做了一个模拟器,首先要定义的决议衣服模拟器和模拟运行检查某些帧的形状。

    After making a simulator , you first define resolution of the simulator and run simulation some frames to check shape of clothes .

  8. 安装完成后(保温层已安装完毕),作为预运行检查的一部分,重复绝缘抗住测试。

    After installation ( insulation layer has already been installed ), the test of insulation resistance needs to be repeated as a part of pre-operation check .

  9. 本文简述电子电气产品对绝缘系统的要求,以及在产品的安全测试中抗电强度试验和对测试仪器作运行检查的重要性。

    This paper briefly introduces the requirements about the insulation system of electronic product , and describes the importance of functional check and Dielectric strength in safety test .

  10. DB2在编译时而不是运行时检查该变量。

    DB2 checks this variable at compilation time & not at run-time .

  11. 因此,您可以将此文本字段留空(none)并在以后运行时检查是否选择了有效的证书。

    So you can leave this text field empty ( none ) and later check that a valid certificate is selected at run time .

  12. 然后组件视图在运行时检查这些属性的值,如果值为true,就绘制相应的UI部分。

    Then , at runtime , the component view checks the values of these properties and , if true , the corresponding section of UI is drawn .

  13. 如果您的计算机上有防火墙软件在运行,检查设置,核实设置允许cookies存在。

    If you have firewall software running on your computer , check the settings to make sure cookies are allowed .

  14. 如果怀疑mta数据库有损坏或看见事件日志中写入了错误,请运行mta检查工具。

    Run MTA check if you suspect corruption in the MTA database or see errors written to the event log .

  15. 因此,在运行时检查用户U2的特权,而不是检查运行应用程序的用户的特权。

    Thus at run-time , the privileges of the user U2 are checked , rather than the user running the application .

  16. 这要求nose读取项目中具有指定的扩展名的所有文本文件,运行并检查它找到的所有doctest。

    This asks nose to read through all text files in your project with the given extension , running and verifying any doctests that it finds .

  17. Swing不为正确的EDT使用提供任何运行时检查,而且大部分时候表面上“行为良好”的SwingUI实际上却破坏了这些规则。

    Swing does not provide any run-time checks for correct EDT usage and , most of the time , you can get away with an apparently " well behaved " Swing UI that breaks these rules .

  18. 选中此设置时(在Mail-General面板中),LotusiNotes会在发送消息之前自动运行拼写检查。

    When this setting ( on the Mail-General panel ) is selected , Lotus iNotes automatically runs a spell check prior to sending a message .

  19. 当然,这种要求需要编译器和运行时间检查。

    This requirement would mandate both compile and run-time checks , of course .

  20. 如果您担心脚本存在这样的问题,请在运行之前检查它们!

    If you are worried about the scripts please review them before running !

  21. 授权服务支持在运行时检查当前登录的租户用户的权限;

    An authorization service supports the runtime permission validation of current login tenant users ;

  22. 专项跟踪和运行时检查

    Specialized tracing and run time checks

  23. 完成这些配置和安装后,运行程序检查是否工作正常。

    Do this configuration in the Installation Phase and run the application to make sure it works .

  24. 交换机配置完成之后,可以在配置上运行完备性检查。

    After the switch configuration is complete , you can run a few sanity checks on your configuration .

  25. 未选定任何检查选项。请单击检查设计方案选项以选择希望运行的检查。

    No checks are selected . Click Design Checker options to select the checks you want to run .

  26. 传统的带钢运行状况检查和数据收集是由人工完成。

    The traditional strip running condition check is completed manually , which is inefficient and inconvenient for data query management .

  27. 因此,您必须在每次场景执行之后以及测试运行期间检查该文件。

    Therefore , you must check this file after each scenario is executed as well as during the test run .

  28. 在运行时检查类型或对象实例的元数据的能力是一个非常强大的功能。

    The ability to examine the metadata of a type or object instance at run time is a powerful feature .

  29. 所以在水泵的运行巡回检查过程中对填料函的检查是特别要注意!

    So check the pump to run during the tour of the stuffing of the check is paying particular attention to !

  30. 在运行时检查文件的完整性是非常关键的;因此,建议使用可信执行。

    Checking the integrity of the files at run time is very crucial ; therefore , using the Trusted Execution is recommended .