
  • 网络safety ground;Safety Grounding
  1. 装卸油品码头的安全接地

    Safety ground in oil product discharging quay

  2. 给出了接地防护的建议,包括工作接地及安全接地措施。

    Advices are given for grounding protection , including working grounding and safety grounding .

  3. 外壳选用PTFE材料,内部使用外包PFA的电阻丝,含安全接地保护。

    It is made of PTFE shell , its resistance wire is capsuled with PFA and grounding wire for safety .

  4. GC-MS-DS系统的安全接地装置

    A Safety Earthing Device of GC-MS-DS

  5. 小区宽带机房设备防雷和防浪涌安全接地设计

    Safe Ground-Connection Design of Lightning-Proof and Anti-Surge Of Wide-Band Generator Rooms ' Equipments in Communities

  6. 安全接地与漏电保护

    Safe earth - connection and leakage protection

  7. 本文主要分析了电气系统的接地方法,接地装置的检查和维护,安全接地以及有关的注意事项等。

    Directing towards lightning protection , issues for grounding device design and installation that should be noticed are discussed .

  8. 开机前应检查本设备电器元件连接部位有无松动,检查电源连接是否正确,安全接地是否可靠。

    Make sure the parts of the machine is fasten , the power supply connected is correct , the grounding is reliable .

  9. 本文概述了确定接地保护装置动作值的依据,介绍了矿变电所和采场两级选择性接地保护系统和电源中性点经高电阻接地的安全接地系统的设计与应用。

    The paper outlines the basis for determining the action values of earthing protective device and describes the design and application of the two-stage selective earthing protective system in both mine 's power station and stope and the safe earthing system with neutral point earthing through high resistance .

  10. 智能建筑中供电安全与接地

    A Study on Safety Power Supply and Protective Ground for Intelligent Building

  11. 安全电路接地短路检测。

    Safety circuit ground short detection .

  12. 以某医院手术室的的强电设计为例,对洁净手术室的供配电、电气安全、接地与照明设计进行论述。

    In order to evaluate the reasonableness of the design plan , this paper simulates and analyses the indoor air distribution in1st grade clean operating room based on CFD technology .

  13. 对《规范》中两种安全用电接地型式的研究

    Study on Two Kinds of Safe Power Consuming Earth Pattern in the Standard

  14. 为了清洗施工的操作及设备运行的安全,查找接地现象的产生原因及处理方法。

    So , it takes great efforts to find out its reason and the approach can deal with it .

  15. 分析现代建筑多种接地方式之间存在的必然联系,给出安全有效的接地处理方法。

    The inevitable relations of the various earthed systems in modern building are also analysed , therefore , the safe and effective earth methods are proposed .

  16. 本文详细分析了人体的安全电压、接地电流和对地电压、接触电压和跨步电压,论述了电气设备的接地保护必要性。

    To equalize the potential and decrease touch voltage and step voltage on the earths surface , an optimum design of grounding systems is proposed in this paper .

  17. 高压开关柜中的接地开关是作为检修时,保证人身安全,用于接地的一种机械接地装置。

    The earthing switch in high-voltage switchgear is a kind of mechanical earthing device used at the time of maintenance and repair to insure the safety of personnel .

  18. 自动化仪表系统的接地主要有保护接地、信号接地、屏蔽接地、本质安全型系统接地、防静电接地、防雷接地等,相关规范对各种接地的要求也不尽相同。

    The grounding of automatic instrument system includes mainly protective grounding , signal grounding , shield grounding , intrinsic safety system grounding , electrostatic grounding and lightening stroke-proof grounding .

  19. 医疗卫生装备的安全用电与接地

    Safe Use of Electricity and Earth for Medical and Sanitary Equipment

  20. 医学影像设备的安全与抗干扰接地研究

    Grounding Technique for the Safety and Noise Rejection of Medical Imaging Equipments

  21. 改进接地刀闸安全色预防带接地刀闸合闸事故

    To Prevent Grounding Isolating Switch Close Fault to Improve Grounding Switch Safety Colour

  22. 地铁车站接地与安全设计中综合接地装置的应用

    Application of Integrated Grounding Connection in the Design of Grounding and Safety of Metro Stations

  23. 本文阐述了接地的安全与抗干扰接地的原则,研究了医学影像设备系统接地的方式选择,探讨了医学影像设备安全与抗干扰接地的要求。

    This paper expatiates the principles of the grounding safety , interference rejection earthing , and the grounding modes and the mode selection for each imaging devices and equipments , and related grounding requirements .