
  • 网络safety standardization
  1. 危险化学品从业单位安全标准化是近年才正式推行的一种新的安全管理模式,与HSE管理体系相比,两者各有特点。

    The safety standardization of an enterprise producing dangerous chemicals is a new safety management model formally implemented in recent years , which has different characteristics comparing with HSE management system .

  2. 安全标准化管理系统是基于风险管理建立的文件化、痕迹化的管理系统,系统按照P-D-C-A的模式运行,通过其14个要素,对矿山企业各项安全工作进行全面控制。

    Safety standardization of management system was documented and recorded . The system is ran in accordance with P-D-C-A , which controlled the safety work in mining enterprises by its 14 elements .

  3. 化工企业安全标准化与职业健康安全管理体系整合应用研究

    Study on Integrative Management System Standardization of Chemical Enterprises and OHSMS

  4. 安全标准化系统发展模型及其理论研究

    Development Model and Its Theoretical Supposition of the Safety Standardization System

  5. 安全标准化考核是企业安全管理工作的重要组成部分。

    Safety standardization evaluation is an important part of enterprise safety management .

  6. 非煤矿山安全标准化在安全生产中的地位和作用

    Status and Role of Safety Standardization in Safety Production of Non-Coal Mine

  7. 金属非金属矿山安全标准化信息管理平台的开发

    Development of Information Management Platform on Metal and Non-mental Mining Safety Standardization

  8. 矿山安全标准化管理信息系统研究与开发

    Study and Development of Mining Safety Standardization Information Management System

  9. 有色金属选矿术语标准我国金属非金属矿山安全标准化问题及对策

    Safety standardization of China 's metal and nonmetal mine problems and its countermeasures

  10. 我国机械电气设备安全标准化的现状及展望

    Status quo and prospect of nation 's mechanical and electrical equipment security standardization

  11. 危险化学品企业推行安全标准化的经验探讨

    Experience Exchange for Safety Standardization Promotion in Chemical Enterprises

  12. 网络与信息安全标准化现状及下一步研究重点

    Status and Study Focuses of Information Security Standardization

  13. 煤矿安全标准化管理的措施与办法

    Measures of Coalmines ' Safety Standardized Management

  14. 危险化学品从业单安全标准化已经成为危化品行业的重要课题。

    The security of dangerous chemicals business single standardized goods industry has become an important topic of crisis .

  15. 在研究我国信息安全标准化现状和存在问题的基础上,提出我国信息安全标准化的发展建议。

    This paper researches problems in information security standardization , and gives some advice on development of information security standardization .

  16. 根据我国信息安全标准化的现状,指出信息安全标准化工作的三个发展趋势。

    At last , it points out three development trends of the standardization work of information security based on the status quo of China .

  17. 公司获得了国家危险化学品从业单位安全标准化二级企业证书;同时正在办理产品安全生产许可证;

    The company has gained the security certificate of national dangerous chemicals business unit standardization for the secondary unit , and also safety production license ;

  18. 安全标准化目标体系考核细则;对每一个目标的考核内容加以说明并划分,使之与三个维度一一对应。

    The details of safety standardization objective system . We illustrate the content of each evaluation target and divide it according to the three dimensions .

  19. 在国家安监局推广下,各行各业都积极开展安全标准化活动,为了安全标准化工作能够持续有效地开展,企业需要对安全标准化的运行情况进行考核。

    Under the promotion of the China State Administration of Work Safety , All walks of life are carrying out the safety standardization program actively .

  20. 在上述总体构建的基础上,认为地方政府的管理角色还应正确定位,以利多方合作,共同促进食品安全标准化系统监管机制的构建。

    Construction in general on the basis of the above , that the role of local government management should also be properly positioned to facilitate multi-party cooperation system for monitoring food safety standards Mechanism .

  21. 安全标准化考核是通过全面系统的检查企业安全标准化工作的运行情况,发现问题,持续不断的改进,实现企业制定的目标。

    Safety standardization evaluation is the process of checking the safety standardization operation situation of enterprise comprehensive and scientifically , found the problems , continuous improving the problems , in order to realize the goal of enterprise .

  22. 我国隧道施工主要人员为社会务工劳动者,缺乏相应的管理人员,因此迫切需要一套有针对性的瓦斯防治技术规范和安全标准化管理体系。

    Key personnel of tunnel construction workers , social workers and the lack of appropriate management personnel , an urgent need for a set of the targeted gas prevention and control technical specifications and safety standardization management system .

  23. 迄今,我国只有铁道部在这方面做了初步工作,颁布了《铁路瓦斯隧道技术规范》,但在其他部门以及在安全标准化管理方面,仍处于空白。

    Has so far , China Ministry of Railways preliminary work done in this respect , promulgated the " Railway gas tunnel technical specifications ", but in other sectors as well as in the management of safety standardization is still in the blank .

  24. 而吴江地区未来风险源企业的发展存在一些新的趋势,随着环境安全标准化建设、环境污染责任保险以及清洁生产的推广,吴江环境风险源企业的环境管理将更加完善。

    The future development of high-risk enterprises in Wujiang shows new tendency . With the construction of environmental and safety standards , environmental pollution liability insurance and the spread of clearer production , the environmental management of Wujiang high-risk enterprises will become more sophisticated .

  25. 值得高度重视的公共安全国际标准化发展动向

    Developing Activity Worthy of High Attention to Public Security International Standardization

  26. 在航空系统内企业开展安全质量标准化分析与探讨

    Analysis and Probe into Implementing Safety Quality Standardization in Aviation Industry

  27. 劳动安全卫生标准化现状及建议

    The status quo and suggestion of labor safety and health standardization

  28. 光爆技术提升煤矿安全质量标准化水平

    Appling Smooth Blasting to Lift Safe Quality Standard of Coal Mine

  29. 开展安全质量标准化提升企业安全管理水平

    Develop Standardization of Safety Quality to Raise Safety Management Level of Enterprise

  30. 玉溪矿业公司安全生产标准化矿山的创建与发展

    Establishing and Developing of Safety Production Standardization in Yuri Mine