
  • 网络commissioning
  1. 介绍400kt/a硫磺制酸装置投料试车情况。

    Commissioning of a 400 kt / a sulphur-burning sulphuric acid plant is descried in detail .

  2. 二期450m~2烧结机设备的投料试车及对其分析

    Analysis on Commissioning Test Run of 450m  ̄ 2 Sintering Machine for the Second Phase Project

  3. 随着Shell粉煤气化装置一次投料试车成功,与之配套的耐硫变换装置由重油裂化气平稳过渡到Shell煤气化生产的合成气。

    Along with the successful trail run of the Shell pulverized coal gasification plant , the feed gas of the accessory sulfur-tolerant shift conversion section for the plant has smoothly transited from the heavy oil pyrolysis gas to the syngas produced by the Shell pulverized coal gasification plant .

  4. 布朗型合成氨装置总体投料试车方案及实施

    Conception and Execution of the General Startup Program of Braun Ammonia Unit

  5. 经过装置调试、投料试车,目前装置运行稳定。

    Now the devices are stable after device debugging and test run .

  6. 工程项目现已在接产单位投料试车成功。

    The project has now successfully been running .

  7. 参与组织编制、核化工试车、体试车及投料试车方案。

    Take part in the compile and review of schemes for chemical test running , general test and feed-test .

  8. 介绍了两套硫磺回收联合装置的概况,总结了装置投料试车及运行2年多的情况。

    The summary and start-up and operation over past two years in the two sulfur recovery units above mentioned were introduced .

  9. 根据农业部的农业投资机构菲律宾农业综合企业发展和商业公司的消息,这个工厂准备在2012年投料试车。

    According to the Department of Agriculture 's investment arm , the Philippine Agribusiness Development and Commercial Corp , the plant is set to be commissioned in2012 .

  10. 本项目生产八氟环丁烷的目的一是可以解决六氟丙烯项目化工投料试车的原料问题,二是可以丰富我厂的产品品种、提高六氟丙烯项目的综合经济效益。

    The purposes of manufacturing octafluorocyclobutane are firstly to solve feedstock problem during the commissioning of hexafluoropropylene project , and secondly to expand product mix in the plant and improve comprehensive economic benefits of the project .

  11. 装置从氮气置换开始,经催化剂干燥、冷氢试验、卸压试验、催化剂硫化、催化剂钝化、投料试车一直到产品质量合格,历时10天。

    At first , starting from nitrogen replacement , then catalyst desiccation , the test of cold hydrogen , pressure release , catalyst sulfuration and passivation were carried out until the qualities of production were eligible . It lasted 10 days .

  12. 提出了新建聚酯装置投产前工作准备和试车工作的要点,包括网络计划的编制,设备及管道系统的清洗,装置的标定,泄漏试验,联动试车及投料试车。

    Put forward the emphasis of preparing work and trial run before a new built PET plant start-up , including working out the network plan , washing the equipment and pipe system , calibrating the plant , and making the leakage test , the linkage and feeding trial run .

  13. 潞安示范项目核心浆态床装置于7月7日投料进入试车运行,7月10日生产出合成油品,预计将在7月底进入成品油装置试车。

    Feed material was led into the central slurry-bed reactor of Lu'an CTL demonstration unit on July7th and output on-spec oil on July10th .