
tóu qì
  • be congenial;congenial;getting along well;see eye to eye;agreeable;get alone well
投契 [tóu qì]
  • [get alone well;see eye to eye;be congenial] 投合;见解或意气相投

投契[tóu qì]
  1. 你不会与你的每一位老师都很投契。

    You wont click with every teacher that you have .

  2. 这两个男孩只见面了几分钟就很投契。

    The two boys hit it off only minutes after they have met .

  3. 第一节着重分析了柳氏对天台宗的投契及天台宗在柳诗中的反映;

    The first section analyzed Liu 's relation with Tian Tai Sect and the reflection of in Liu 's poem ;

  4. 第一章从时代、人群、个体的角度考究生活在二十世纪初期的闺阁四秀在思维认同、审美意向上呈示与女性经验相投契的,在古典与现代之间彷徨两可的风貌特征。

    Chapter ⅰ observes the fluctuant characteristics between the classic and modern trends of those who lived in the beginning of the 20th century with the similar thoughts , promoted aesthetic judgments , and aquatinted experiences , from the aspects of the era , group and individual .