
  • 网络Sunshine Plaza;Suria KLCC;Sunshine Square
  1. 其中,阳光广场、方特欢乐大道、渔人码头是全开放式区域,游客可以免费自由参观。

    Among them , the Sunshine Plaza , joy Infante Avenue , Fisherman 's Wharf is an open area , tourists can visit for free free .

  2. 后来我们到了相对安全的宽敞地,学校的阳光广场开始讨论地震的问题,手机完全不通。

    Later we went to the relative safety of the spacious , sunny square of the school started to discuss the issue of the earthquake , the phone completely unreasonable .

  3. 阳光购物广场后压浆施工工艺

    Construction technique of rear mud jacking for the Sunshine Shopping Square

  4. 同时,从项目策划思路、形象定位、营销策划的具体操作方案等几个方面对阳光名仕广场项目的营销策划方案进行周密的设计。

    At the same time , from the project planning ideas , image positioning , marketing planning concrete operation scheme aspects of " sunshine project " famous square of marketing planning schemes for a detailed design .

  5. 烟台阳光100城市广场深基坑支护抛撑施工

    Throwing Support Construction of Foundation Excavation in Yantai Sunshine Plaza 100 Town Project