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  1. 肝肾阴虚证,治法:滋养肝肾、平肝潜阳,主方:杞菊地黄丸加减。

    Liver and kidney yin deficiency pattern , therapy : nourishing the liver and kidney , soothe the liver yang . The main decoction : Qijudihuang Pill .

  2. 阴中求阳理论及其主方肾气丸的研究探讨

    Discussing of Obtaining Yang from Yin Theory and Pills for Invigorating Kidney Qi

  3. 而肺主行水、心主行血又分别与肺阳、心阳的作用紧密相关,故心肺之阳在联结肺主行水与心主血脉的关系中起着重要的作用。

    Meanwhile lung regulating body fluids and heart regulating blood have close relationship with lung yang and heart yang respectively . So , the yang of heart and lung has important effect to relate the lung regulating body fluids and heart regulating blood .