
  • 网络The sun shines on the earth;The sun shines over the earth
  1. 阳光普照大地。

    The sun shines all over the world .

  2. 夏天的一个炎热的下午,明亮的阳光普照大地。

    It was a very hot summer afternoon . The sun was shining brightly .

  3. 新世纪的阳光普照大地,万象更新。

    The earth of sunshine illuminate all things of new century , every phenomenon is newer .

  4. 太阳冲破云层,金色的阳光普照大地。

    The sun burst through the clouds and cast its golden rays all over the land .

  5. 阳光普照大地,照进街上许多的足迹,人们正在寻找神,却不晓得他们匆匆的步伐,正是向神发出的呼求。

    Where the sun shines in the street There are very many feet Seeking God , all unaware That their hastening is a prayer .

  6. 我死后,你把屋后的那片土地整理出来,那是一片阳光普照的大地。

    After I am dead you must clear the land behind the house where the sun shines longest and brightest .

  7. 对别人发自内心的微笑能够驱散阴暗的云层,使阳光重新普照大地。

    The smile that bubbles from the heart will drive away the clouds of gloom , and make the sun shine again .

  8. 让以人为本的价值观像阳光一样普照大地乌云遮不住太阳,在疾风暴雨被驱散之后太阳的光辉依然普照大地

    Man-oriented Senses of Value Shining Over as Solar Light ; " Dark clouds can not shut out the sun , and when gales and storms are dispelled , the sun still shines over the earth "

  9. 阳光温暖的普照着大地,我们在阳光下尽情的吸收来自太阳的力量,空气中弥漫着让人窒息的气味,任何事情都有两面性!

    The sun shines warm the earth , we enjoy in the sun to absorb the power from the sun , the air was filled with the smell of people of suffocation , there are two sides to anything !