
yǐng dié
  • DVD;video disk
影碟[yǐng dié]
  1. 随着光碟技术的日益发展,DVD的发展不止在标清影碟播放阶段。

    With development of laser disc , DVD can not merely limit to play standard definition video disk .

  2. 影碟推出的前3周就卖出了300万张。

    The video has sold three million copies in its first three weeks on release .

  3. 她不得不跟那些刺有文身、偷盗影碟的大老粗为邻。

    She has to live cheek by jowl with oiks , people with tattoos and stolen videos .

  4. 影碟是由液晶聚合物制成的。

    The videodisc is made of liquid crystal polymers .

  5. 他正在看影碟。

    He is watching videodisk .

  6. 谷歌(Google):为新爸爸和新妈妈提供价值500美元的外卖、影碟租赁和纸尿裤补贴

    Google : $ 500 for takeout meals , movie rental and diapers for new parents

  7. Songkick是英国一家音乐演出信息推送初创公司,该公司会给新员工发一套《白宫群英》(TheWestWing)影碟。

    Songkick , the British gig listing start-up , gives new recruits a box set of The West Wing .

  8. 便宜一点的话,可以选他最喜欢的影碟或一张CD。

    For an inexpensive gift , purchase him his favorite movie on DVD or a CD he wants to buy .

  9. PMMA制品具有很低的双折射,特别适合制作影碟等。

    PMMA products with very low birefringence , particularly suitable for making VCDs .

  10. 我这样做,保持永久擦写的DVD影碟内燃烧。

    I do this by keeping a permanent rewritable DVD inside the DVD burner .

  11. 一种具有流媒体播放功能的DVD影碟机

    A DVD player with streaming media playback function

  12. 我知道他喜欢看电影,因此我们可以给他买些DVD影碟。

    I know he likes watching films so we 'll get him some DVDs .

  13. 该调查由华纳影业家庭娱乐公司发布,旨在庆祝电影《情人节》DVD影碟的发布。

    The survey was released by Warner Home Video to mark the movie Valentine 's Day going to DVD .

  14. 就像我所说的,我仍然没有有线电视或影碟机,但感谢上帝我有DSL网络。

    As I still do not have cable or dish , thank god I have DSL .

  15. 虽然Path.to的合作伙伴主要是中小型企业,但它的客户也包括了在线影碟租赁公司Netflix和福克斯新闻(FoxNews)等知名企业。

    To works mostly with small - to mid-sized companies , Netflix ( NFlx ) and Fox News are also among its current customers .

  16. 在线影碟租赁公司Netflix推出了Facebook应用,会在这个社交网络中广播使用者的行为。

    Why a Netflix ( NFlx ) Facebook app , which would broadcast user behavior on the social network , is illegal .

  17. 虽然你不能通过远端光驱播放DVD影碟或CD音乐,可是能拷贝文件、安装程序。

    You won 't be able to stream DVD movies or music CDs via remote disc , but it 's fine for getting files and installing apps .

  18. 蓝光影碟一般的推荐价格都在20英镑以上,这比普通DVD贵出一倍。

    Typically , the films cost the figure for an ordinary DVD , while many have a recommended price of more than ? 20 .

  19. (他们还允诺在10月15日之前发行激光唱片、CD及VCD影碟。)

    ( They also promise that laserdisc , CD and VCD recordings will be released by Oct. 15 . ) The eight performances , from Sept.

  20. 该芯片的其它模块与本文设计的单元整合之后,在FPGA验证平台上实现了播放VCD影碟和DVD影碟的功能。

    After integrating the buffer manager and other module in the chip , it can play VCD and DVD fluently based on the FPGA validate platform .

  21. 产品广泛应用于多媒体影碟机、打印机、功放音响、手机、MP3、电脑等各种电气设备中。

    Products are widely used in multimedia player , printer , power amplifier stereo , cell phone , MP3 , computers and other electrical devices .

  22. hd-dvd影碟机的价格低于蓝光影碟机。

    HD-DVD players are cheaper than Blu-ray devices .

  23. 之前,48岁的总统先生因送给英国首相戈登•布朗一套好莱坞电影DVD合辑受到批评,因为这份礼物貌似无法用欧洲的影碟机播放。

    The48-year-old was earlier criticized when he presented British Prime Minister Gordon Brown a DVD set of Hollywood films , which apparently did not work on a European player .

  24. 有许多电影提供以DVD影碟方式出租,不过往往对于不确定是否好看的电影我不太愿意购买。

    There are plenty of DVD options from Netflix to Best Buy , although I 'm often reluctant to purchase DVDs that I 'm not sure if I 'll enjoy .

  25. 里德·哈斯廷斯(ReedHastings)是在一家影碟租赁公司向他索取《阿波罗13号》40美元的滞纳金时,冒出了Netflix的灵感。

    Reed Hastings got the idea for Netflix when a video-rental agency presented him with a $ 40 late fee for " Apollo 13 . "

  26. 我国DVD影碟盗版现象分析及对策缴交论文时,请用包含著剪辑图像的压缩碟和书面论文两种方式。

    DVD Video Disc Pirate Phenomenon Analysis and Countermeasure of Our Country ; You will submit the " paper " on a zip disk with the clips , and on paper .

  27. 受网络冲击而消失的零售商是个很长的名单,其中包括销售影碟的Blockbuster,销售唱片的TowerRecords,以及二者兼顾的VirginMegastores。

    The list of retailers that have been vaporized by the Internet is long , including Blockbuster in movies , Tower Records in music and Virgin Megastores in both .

  28. 这栋豪宅的3D影院配有环绕音效系统和按摩椅,还收藏了一些好莱坞大片的DVD影碟,其中包括《肖申克的救赎》(ShawshankRedemption)和《爱丽丝漫游奇遇记》(AliceinWonderland)。

    And the mansion 's 3-D cinema has Surround-sound , massage chairs , and a small collection of Hollywood hits on DVD , including Shawshank Redemption and Alice in Wonderland .

  29. 这两种不同格式的光盘都有强大的后台。东芝和NEC以及一些好莱坞电影公司合作研发了高清影碟(HDDVD),而且好莱坞电影公司同意使用这种高清晰度光盘来发行他们的电影。

    Toshiba had developed the HD DVD format , partnering with NEC and a number of Hollywood studios , which agreed to use the format for their high definition releases .

  30. 利用《超级解霸》,从物美价廉的VCD影碟或其它影文件上抓取影视材料,来丰富多媒体影视素材源,是一种行之有效的弥补影像视素材有限的方法。

    Using super decode-king to obtain multimedia audio-video frequency material from VCD and some files is an effective method to make up the shortage of audio-video material .