
  • 网络influence depth
  1. 真空预压的有效影响深度可以超过10m;

    The effective influence depth of vacuum preloading can be greater than 10m .

  2. 其影响深度约1m。

    Its influence depth is about lm .

  3. 对有效影响深度的分析结果表明,真空预压的有效影响深度与塑料排水板的打设深度具备一定关系,有效影响深度可以超过10m。

    The effective influence depth of vacuum preloading has relationship with PVDs depth and can be more than 10m .

  4. 脱落的反气旋涡对海温的影响深度约为130~180m。

    The influence of the shedding eddies on the temperature is about 130-180 meters .

  5. 在本试验条件下,施肥对氮素形态的最大影响深度为30cm左右。

    In the condition of our experiment , the deepest depth that fertilization affect was about 30 cm .

  6. 卸荷的影响深度约在坡面下120m左右及软弱面附近120m范围内,这些区域是边坡支护设计的重点。

    The influence of the unload focus on the area 120 meters under ground and the area of 120 meters around the discontinuities .

  7. 天然地基土承载力较高,但基础影响深度范围内存在软弱下卧层,不能满足设计要求的承载力和变形时,采用CFG桩法对软弱下卧层进行加固处理。

    When natural soil , higher bearing capacity and soft substratum in influence depth , cannot satisfy the request of bearing capacity and deformation , CFG piles are adopted to strengthen soft substratum .

  8. 文中重点研究了R波在强夯加固地基中的作用,并结合强夯时土体的振动特性,对R波的传播特点、影响深度、引起的变形和体积变化规律进行了讨论。

    In my dissertation , the research of reinforcement action of R-wave for foundation is be made in DC . , where the transmitting characteristics , the influenced depth , the law of the deformation and volume variation of R-wave are discussed by means of the vibration characteristics of soil .

  9. 从其计算结果中可以看出,Coriolis波浪应力使得潮流流速垂向重新分布,其影响深度为Stokes深度,根据不同的位置,会产生不同的影响。

    The following conclusions are made from the results : Vertical structure of tidal current redistribute in the effect of Coriolis wave stresses . The water depth affected by wave is same as " Stokes depth " . There are different influences in different position .

  10. 草原火烧后,土壤水分含量降低.平均影响深度为55cm.0~40cm范围内平均含水量的差异在每年的8月份消失。

    Following grassland burning , water content of soil decreased , effecting depth is about 55 cm . Difference of water content between burned site and unburned site disappeared in August in each year .

  11. 结合有限元法和Geddes公式的计算结果表明,筏板刚度还引起附加应力沿深度分布的变化及附加应力影响深度的变化。

    Combined the results by finite element analyzing and Geddes ′ stress formula calculating , the raft rigidities also impact the relationships between vertical additional stress and depth and stress ' respondence depth .

  12. 研究表明:既有开挖爆破对巷道围岩的影响深度为0.8~1.2m,根据钻孔的深度,在3.5~4.8m深度的岩体内进行爆破累积损伤效应研究是可行的;

    It was shown that the damage depth of surrounding rock caused by old blasting excavation was 0.8 ~ 1.2 m , and researches on cumulative damage effect within 3.5 ~ 4.8 m were feasible according to the depth of boring holes .

  13. 同时发现在一定临界影响深度范围内(20-30m),桩侧摩阻力随深度的增加而增加,且粘性土的稠度愈硬,临界深度愈浅。

    It is also observed that the pile shaft resistance increases with the increase of depth within a critical affect-depth ranging from 20 to 30 m , and the harder the clayey soil consistency is , the shallower the critical depth is .

  14. 呼伦贝尔典型草原自然降雨和冰雪的融化对土壤水分的影响深度为0~90cm,在该范围内的土壤水分明显受降雨的影响。90cm以下土壤在年内变化幅度较小,含水量在3%~5%之间。

    Secondly , the precipitation and the thaw of ice and snow affect the soil water that from 0 cm soil layer to 90 cm soil layer , and under 90 cm soil layer , the soil water change range smaller during a year .

  15. 试验结果表明,排水固结过程中填土层的单位沉降量远小于淤泥质软土,重锤夯实法的有效加固深度可以达到地表下3.5m,影响深度可达6.0m。

    The strengths of fill and soft clay were increased . The results of test show that the unit settlement of saturated soft clay is much more than that of fill soil in process of drainage consolidation ; the effective consolidation depth of tamping method is 3.5m ;

  16. 车辆荷载的影响深度及其影响因素的研究

    Research on influential depth of vehicle loads and its influencing factors

  17. 但其最大残余压应力值及应力影响深度有所降低。

    But its maximum compressive residual stress and influencing depth reduces .

  18. 强夯法加固地基的影响深度远大于有效深度;

    The effective reinforced depth was deeper than the influence depth .

  19. 确定周边控制爆破围岩影响深度的动力损伤计算方法

    Calculation on dynamic damage of surrounding rock caused by contour control blasting

  20. 关于强夯加固地基影响深度的研究

    A study of the influencing depth of dynamic consolidation for foundation strengthening

  21. 对非均质地基动力影响深度和参振土质量的研究

    On study of influence depth and inertia of soil for inhomogeneous soils

  22. 应力场的变化与卸荷影响深度的关系

    Relationship between Change of Stress Field and Depth of Influence for Unloading

  23. 强夯法机理及其影响深度

    The Mechanism and Influence Depth of Strong Rammer Method

  24. 土壤水物理蒸发影响深度可达2-3米。

    The soil depth affected by soil evaporation can reach 2-3 m deep .

  25. 落距和落锤重量的变化对强夯的有效影响深度的影响

    Influence of Variation of Drop-distance and Drop-hammer Weight on Effective Depth of Dynamic Compaction

  26. 基坑开挖卸荷影响深度的确定

    Depth of influence of unloading on Excavation

  27. 然而,波浪破碎对混合层的影响深度仅限于一个有效波高的尺度;

    The affecting depth of wave breaking is only limited in one significant wave height .

  28. 模型高度考虑了边界效应,其值应大于最大影响深度。

    The model height is inconsistent with the maximum influence depth for avoiding boundary effects .

  29. 岩溶作用对奥陶系碳酸盐岩储层的形成和分布具有重要的控制作用,其储层发育层段限制在岩溶作用影响深度范围内。

    The karstification is believed to control the formation and distribution of the Ordovician carbonate reservoirs .

  30. 应力水平和土体卸载影响深度的关系

    Relationship between the Change of Stress Level and the Depth of Unloading Influence of Soil Mass