
  • 网络Impact research;QIS;global social media impact study;MIRS;OGGI
  1. 全球社交媒体影响研究调查了欧盟的八个国家中16-18岁的Facebook用户,发现随着父母和年长用户渗透到Facebook,年少的用户们纷纷转向其他社交平台。

    Researching the Facebook use of 16-18 year olds in eight EU countries , the Global Social Media Impact Study found that as parents and older users saturate Facebook , its younger users are shifting to alternative platforms .

  2. 量化位数对GPS转发干扰的影响研究

    Researchs in Bit Influence on GPS Repeater Jamming

  3. 市售饮料对SD大鼠的龋齿记分和体重影响研究

    Drinks influence on dental erosion and weight of SD rats

  4. 钇铁石榴石薄膜材料的光吸收谱及Bi、Al掺入对谱的影响研究

    Effects of Bi and Al Substitution on Optical Absorption Spectrum of Yttrium Iron Garnet Film

  5. Tao的抽象的乘子理论来得到关健的双线性估计。引洮工程对甘肃中部地区水生态环境的影响研究

    Influence on the Environment of Tao River Water Project in Central Gansu Province

  6. NF-κB在迷路炎发病中的作用以及PDTC的影响研究

    Relationship between the Role of NF - κ B and PDTC in Labyrinthitis

  7. 化学调控剂对土壤和莴笋中Hg,Cd,Pb含量的影响研究

    Effects of Adjust Control Agent on Hg , Cd , Pb Content in Soil and Asparagus

  8. Na2CO3对O2/CO2气氛下CaCO3固硫特性的影响研究

    The Effect of Na_2CO_3 on Direct Sulfuration of CaCO_3 in the Atmosphere of O_2 / CO_2

  9. 通过对化学镀NiCuP合金的稳定剂、表面活性剂、光亮剂对镀层性能及镀液稳定性的影响研究,得出最佳实验配方。

    The performance of Ni Cu P alloy layer and stabilizing property of Ni Cu P solution are studied by adding stabilizing agents , surface active agents , brightening agents . The best experimental formulation is proposed .

  10. 通过对不同底物对内胞霉PPO酶促反应速度的影响研究证实橡单宁的降解不仅与单宁酶有关还与多酚氧化酶有关。

    By using model compound , catechol and pyrogallol , it was verified that at least both tannase and PPO were involved during degradation of tannins by the strain .

  11. 17β-雌二醇对大鼠肝纤维化的影响研究

    The Effects of 17 β - estradiol in Rat Liver Fibrosis

  12. 钢板结构损伤对其动力特性的影响研究

    Study on effects of steel plate damage fault on dynamic properties

  13. 文中列出了3种研究复杂数值模式舍入误差的实验方法,指出其一定条件下的等效性,和不同适用范围,对于其他模式的舍入误差影响研究有一定的参考价值。

    Round-off error has an influence on the numerical model computations .

  14. 信号控制对动态路线选择的影响研究

    Study of the influence of signal control on dynamic route choice

  15. 破损淀粉对面条蒸煮品质的影响研究

    Study on effect of damaged starch on cooking quality of noodles

  16. 我国乡村旅游产品体系及其影响研究

    Our National Rural Tourism Products System and its Impacts Research

  17. 供应链协同管理对企业交易成本的影响研究

    Supply Chain Coordination Management to Enterprise Transaction Cost Influence Research

  18. 体育教学中合作学习对大学生体育学习合作意愿与行为的影响研究

    Effect on Cooperative Ideas and Behaviors under the Background of Cooperative learning

  19. 当量温差对楼地面饰面面砖的影响研究

    Affecting of Equivalent Deference in Temperature to Vitreous Brick in Floor Finish

  20. 铀尾矿对地下水的环境影响研究

    Study on environmental impact of uranium mill tailings on Groundwater

  21. 鱼油日粮对鸡肉品质的影响研究

    Study on the Effect on Chicken Meat Quality of Fish Oil Diet

  22. 矢量控制感应电机参数变化的影响研究

    Effect of parameters variety on vector - controlled induction motor

  23. 石灰岩山区工程建设对水土流失的影响研究

    Soil Loss Affected by Engineering Construction in Limestone Mountain Area

  24. 直流电场对岩心润湿性的影响研究

    Effect of DC Electric Field on the Wettability of Cores

  25. 除冰盐对碱骨料反应的影响研究

    Study on the influence of de-icing salt on alkali-aggregate reaction

  26. 长江三角洲农业耗水的气候变化影响研究

    Impact of climate change on agriculture water consumption in the Yangtze Delta

  27. 成型压力对单颗粒型煤热解特性的影响研究

    The Study on Effect of Crush Strength on Briquette Pyrolysis

  28. 国际收支对货币供给的影响研究

    A Study on Effect of International Payments on Money Supply

  29. 随机因素对喷射系统压力波的影响研究

    Study of Effect of Random Factors on Injection Pressure Wave

  30. 异氰酸酯指数对木素型聚氨酯性能的影响研究

    Study on the Effects of Isocyanate Index on the Properties of Lignin-Based Polyurethane