
  1. 一种基于传统审美趣味和美学标准之上的摄影观看方式,决定着“影画合璧”的面貌。

    A way of photographic vision basing on traditional aesthetics and art standards decided this visage of combination of photography and painting .

  2. 文论家们上下求索,或固守传统,在中国传统思想文化中寻觅灵感;或追新逐异,紧跟西方阵阵思潮,摹影画形;或独辟蹊径,培育新的文论土壤。

    Theoretical researchers and practitioners study or stick to the tradition , find the inspiration in traditional Chinese culture ; or recover the new one different from the West following bursts of thought , Or inventive , nurturing a new literary theoretical soil .