
yǐnɡ dì
  • movie king;king of the silver screen
  1. 赛会的组织者已经发布了一个视频片段,是奥斯卡影帝丹尼·泊伊尔的表演的。其中身穿彩色剧服的舞蹈演员跟着70年代的摇滚乐队一起跳老虎舞。带着翅膀的自行车手则和披头士乐队一起表演,歌曲是著名的cometogether。

    Organisers have released a video clip giving a sneak preview of Oscar winner Danny Boyle 's opening ceremony , featuring groups in colourful stage outfits dancing to Tiger Feet by 1970s rock group Mud and cyclists with wings pedalling along to Come Together by the Beatles .

  2. 掌声欢迎两度奥斯卡影帝丹泽尔·华盛顿真好

    Please welcome two times Academy Awards winner Denzel Washington.Felt good .

  3. 说出十位奥斯卡影帝或影后的名字。

    Name ten Oscar winners for Best Actor or Actress .

  4. 他被誉为影帝不是没有道理的。

    They called him the king for good reason .

  5. 我们是不是很不尊重影帝。

    I think my oral English is not bad .

  6. 很多粉丝似乎很喜欢这种欢迎影帝的方式。

    Some fans seem to enjoy the welcome gifts China is giving the actor .

  7. 还有些认为个别网友应该控制一下自己,避免将影帝吓到。

    Others are cautioning Internet users to calm down a little before scaring the actor off .

  8. 主演还有嘎纳电影节影帝梁朝伟和中国青年演员汤唯。

    The film also stars Cannes best actor winner Tony Leung Chiu-wai and Chinese newcomer Tang Wei .

  9. 最大牌的演员当属以扮演“蝙蝠侠”而闻名的奥斯卡影帝克里斯蒂安•贝尔。

    The biggest name is certainly Oscar-winning star Christian Bale , who is known for playing Batman .

  10. 他以1988年的影片《雨人》证明了他的表演天赋,在该片中他与奥斯卡影帝达斯廷·霍夫曼演对手戏。

    He proved his dramatic talents in the1988 drama Rain Man , where he co-starred with Oscar-winner Dustin Hoffman .

  11. 鲍尔说这位奥斯卡影帝“很棒”,但由于年龄的原因,她没有得到这个角色。

    Ball said the Oscar-winning actor was " great " but didn 't get the part due to her age .

  12. 22岁的他成为了近80年来最年轻的奥斯卡影帝提名者。

    At 22 , he became the youngest actor in 80 years to receive an Oscar nomination for Best Actor .

  13. 杰米·福克斯(38岁):获得奥斯卡影帝后又重新出击歌坛的福克斯曾这样称赞凯莉&“她很火辣!”

    Jamie Foxx , 38 : He 's looking for an Oscar date – and has called Carey " hot !"

  14. 奥斯卡影帝乔治-克鲁尼尽管遇到些健康问题,但年届五十的他仍然身体健康,体型完美。

    Although the Oscar-winning actor has tackled some health problems , George Clooney is still healthy and in excellent shape at age50 .

  15. 今年还有许多在中国最负盛名的男女演员获得提名,包括金马影帝刘烨。

    Some of the countrys most well-regarded actors and actresses were also nominated this year , including Golden Horse Award-winning Liu Ye .

  16. 毕竟,谁又能想到这位年过半百的奥斯卡影帝为了他的第一部动作片学习格斗?

    After all , who might expect an Oscar-winning actor over 50 years old to learn to fight for his debut action movie ?

  17. 九月在为新片做宣传的奥斯卡影帝本承认他在贾斯汀旁边很缺少安全感,因为他太才华横溢。

    While promoting their film back in September , Oscar winner Ben admitted that he feels insecure around Justin because he is so talented .

  18. 他因出演1980年的《愤怒的公牛》,摘得奥斯卡影帝奖项。他在获奖感言中也向自己的父母表达了感谢。

    He also expressed his gratitude to his mother and father when he accepted the Best Actor Oscar for " Raging Bull " ( 1980 ) .

  19. 这名奥斯卡影帝将出演魔法动物学家和作者纽特——纽特的作品后来成为霍格沃兹魔法学院的教材。

    The Oscar winner will take on the role of magizoologist and author Newt , whose work later makes its way to the halls of Hogwarts .

  20. 菲利普西摩霍夫曼,这位因《卡波特》获得奥斯卡影帝,在荧幕和舞台上都广受赞誉的演员去世了,终年46岁。

    Philip Seymour Hoffman , the Oscar-winning star of Capote and one of the most acclaimed actors of screen and stage , has died at age 46 .

  21. 从那一贯的绅士风度、展露心声的表情以及带着一丝忧伤的眼神中,我读出的是一个奥斯卡影帝过人的演技。

    From the habitual gentlemen bearing , the emotional and sentimental expressions , and the gloomy-revealing eyes , I see in an Oscar winner his extraordinary skillful performance .

  22. 他曾两次提名奥斯卡,因主演1995年描述酒鬼的影片《逃离拉斯维加斯》获得奥斯卡影帝。

    He has twice been nominated for an Academy Award , winning the Oscar for his portrayal of a down-and-out alcoholic in the 1995 film Leaving Las Vegas .

  23. 另外,今日公布的台湾《金马奖》入围名单中,阿梅及学友的电影亦已报名,可望有机会再竞逐影帝影后宝座。

    For the Gold Horse Award , both Jacky and Ah Mui were applicants for the best actor and actress award respectively , the list of nomination will released today .

  24. 周六,奥斯卡影帝尼古拉斯凯奇在新奥尔良被捕,原因是他在一处住宅外与妻子发生醉酒争吵。

    Oscar-winning actor Nicolas Cage has been arrested in New Orleans after a drunken argument with his wife outside a residence in the French Quarter , police said on Saturday .

  25. 台湾演员赵又廷凭借《痞子英雄:黎明再起》荣获华鼎奖影帝,美国演员阿德里安布劳迪凭借《天将雄师》摘得最佳男配角。

    Taiwan-based actor Mark Zhao was awarded best actor for action film White and Black Episode 2 , and American actor Adrien Brody won best supporting actor for Dragon Blade .

  26. 一位喜爱收藏老照片的卖家正在出售一张南北战争时期的照片,照片中男子的长相与凯奇异常相似。该卖家声称,这位奥斯卡影帝其实是活了一世纪的现实版吸血鬼。

    The Oscar-winning actor is a centuries-old real-life vampire & according to an antique photo collector who ` s selling a Civil-War era photo of a man who is near-identical to Cage .

  27. 该片讲述了一位风光不再的影星的爱情故事。这部影片也诞生了奥斯卡史上首位法国影帝。剧中的狗狗Uggie也成为了大明星,并现身颁奖现场。

    The film , which tells a romantic story of a fading star , has brought the Oscar the first French best actor , and it has also made a dog star , Uggie , who made an appearance onstage .

  28. 成为奥斯卡历史上第三年轻的影帝提名者后,现年22岁的蒂莫西·柴勒梅德(甜茶)是今年好莱坞最火的小生之一。

    Timoth é e Chalamet ( now aged 22 ) became one of the hottest young things in Hollywood this year when he made Academy Awards history as the third youngest person ever to be nominated for the best actor Oscar .

  29. 正值风云莫测的电影颁奖季,奥斯卡最佳影片究竟花落谁家尚不可知,但有一点可以确定无疑:国际巨星莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥会在本周日的奥斯卡颁奖礼上,将影帝奖杯收归囊中。

    In a rollercoaster movie awards season with no clear favourite in the Oscars best picture race , there is one sure bet - Leonardo DiCaprio , one of the world 's biggest celebrities , will finally take home the best actor statuette on Sunday .

  30. 墨西哥女演员乌苏拉・普鲁内达凭借在影片《悲伤成梦》中扮演一位悲伤的妈妈,而摘得影后桂冠。首次走上大银幕的俄罗斯舞台剧演员弗拉德斯・巴格多纳斯凭借在《指挥家》中的出色表演摘得金爵奖影帝桂冠。

    Mexico 's Ursula Pruneda was named best actress for her role as a mourning mother in " The Dream of Lu , " and renowned Russian stage actor Vladas Bagdonas was named best actor for his debut film role in " The Conductor . "