
  • 网络china dream;chinese dream
  1. 2012年他被南方周末和东方卫视授予中国梦想践行家奖项。

    Cui was awarded the Chinese Dream Practitioner award in 2012 by the Southern Weekly and Shanghai 's Dragon Television .

  2. 2012年他被南方周末和东方卫视授予“中国梦想践行家”奖项。

    Cui was awarded " the Chinese Dream Practitioner " award in 2012 by the Southern Weekly and Shanghai 's Dragon Television .

  3. 眼下,整个世界都拭目以待中国梦想成真。

    For now however , one world waits for China 's dream to come true .

  4. 成为奥运会的东道主曾经是中国的梦想。

    Being host of Olympic games was a imagination of China .

  5. 这表明,金钱是中国海外梦想的一个目标。

    That suggests money is an object to Chinese ambitions .

  6. 这就是真谛,中国足球梦想成为世界冠军!

    This is a Championship not a dream ! O.K ?

  7. 长期以来中国人梦想进入太空。

    The Chinese nation has cherished a space dream for a long time .

  8. 行销与广告可能是中国汽车梦想的“要害”。

    Marketing and advertising could be the " Achilles Heel " in China 's automotive dream .

  9. 有史以来,中国的梦想就吸引着世界的想象力。

    The dream of China has captured the world 's imagination since the beginning of history .

  10. 萨马兰奇(前国际奥委会主席)∶2008年第29届奥运会主办城市为&北京。中国的梦想今晚实现了,现在,为达到奥林匹克目标的7年征程开始了。

    Sammaranch ( the former IOC president ): The games of the29th Olympiad in2008 are awarded to the city of Beijing .

  11. 所有这些都表明,其他国家很难取代法国,成为中国游客梦想的旅游目的地。

    All of which points to the challenges faced by rival tourism authorities in displacing France in the imaginations of Chinese travellers .

  12. 另一年夏天,她鼓励小弟托尼去实现挖地洞一直挖到中国的梦想。

    Another summer , she encouraged my younger brother Tony to pursue his dream of digging a hole all the way to China .

  13. 长久以来,中国一直梦想着打开国门,邀请世界各地的运动员来北京参加奥运会。

    For a long time , China has dreamed of opening its doors and inviting the world 's athletes to Beijing for the Olympic Games .

  14. 今天,我想跟你们谈谈梦想,关于畅想你们未来的梦想,关于中国的梦想。

    And today I want to talk to you a little bit about the dreams , about the dreams of your future , and dreams for this country .

  15. 帝国主义的侵略、封建主义和官僚资本主义的统治是造成近代中国工业化梦想破灭的根本原因。

    The root causes of the shattering of dream of modern China 's industrialization lie in the aggression of imperialism and the ruling of feudalism and bureaucrat - capitalism .

  16. 该报告警告称,随着中国海外梦想的扩展,美国海外投资委员会将不得不更加努力地证明,将实施正当的审查程序和监督,并让投资者相信,自己不会被用作保护主义工具。

    The report warns that as the scale of Chinese ambitions increases , the Cfius will have to work harder to demonstrate it is subject to due process and oversight and convince investors it is not being used as a tool for protectionism .

  17. 中国人民一直梦想进入太空。

    The Chinese people have been dreaming of going into space .

  18. 但现在,它们必须要切合中国人的梦想。

    Today , they have to speak to the Chinese dream .

  19. 科宝博洛尼,成就中国家居空间梦想!

    Kbbln achieves the dream of the Chinese household space !

  20. 那是千千万万中国人的梦想。

    It 's the one of millions of Chinese .

  21. 我要为你出一份力举办世博会成了中国人的梦想。

    I want to force you out of the exposition will become a Chinese dream .

  22. 纳斯达克中国公司的梦想

    Nasdaq , dream of Chinese companies

  23. 在中国男性儿时梦想职业排行中,高居第一位的是公务员。

    The top dream job for Chinese men in childhood is to be a public servant .

  24. 我们希望让中国每个拥有梦想的家庭体验到恒安标准人寿专业化的寿险和财务规划服务。

    We hope every family in China enjoys Heng An Standard Life 's professional financial planning service .

  25. 在韩国没有梦想,但我们韩国人认为,在中国仍有梦想。

    There is no dream in Korea , but our Korean people think there is still a dream in China .

  26. 千百年来,安度晚年、老有所养一直是中国人的梦想。

    For thousands of years , living with dignity , a sense of security has been the dream of the Chinese people .

  27. 实现国家的现代化是一百多年来先进中国人的梦想与不懈追求,而1949年中华人民共和国的成立则为中国现代化的发展提供了前提。

    It 's advanced Chinese people 's dreams and pursuits to accomplish national Modernization since 1840 . The establishment of PRC provided essential prerequisite to Chinese modernization .

  28. 而我当然也不只是为自己着想,只是追随自己的梦想,我对你们、对中国也有梦想。

    So I , of course , don 't just think and dream about myself , but I also have dreams for you , and dreams for China .

  29. 当今世界飞速发展,社会急剧变化,人们越来越多地关注思考人的全面发展与和谐社会的构建问题,这既是几千年来中国人的梦想,也是当前理论界研究的热点问题。

    Today , with the rapid development and change of the world , people pay more attention to the problem of " all-round development of human being " and the " socialism harmonious society " in China .

  30. 之后他说,总有一天我也要成为总统.我还想给你们举另外一个例子,那是一个名叫李安的中国人的梦想,他是世界上著名的导演之一,

    And after that he said , one day I want to be that man as well . And I will also give you another exampel , it 's a dream of a Chinese man , that is AngLee , one of the most famous directors in the world .