
  1. 当代中国政治制度建设的价值选择

    The regime building and value choice in the present age china

  2. 和谐社会:中国政治制度适应社会生态环境变迁的目标

    A Harmonious Society : the Target for Changes of Political System 's Socio-ecological Environment

  3. 《中国政治制度史》是政治和行政学专业的基础课程。

    《 Chinese History of Political System 》 is a basic course for politics and executive science .

  4. 第一部分主要对中国政治制度文明的建设历程与成就进行了阐述。

    The development process and achievements of the Chinese political system civilization are expatiated in the first part .

  5. 简论辛亥革命在中国政治制度史上的意义

    A Brief Discussion on the Significance of the Revolution of 1911 to the History of Chinese Political System

  6. 一些观察人士表示,中国政治制度目前面临的这类压力,不久以前也曾出现过。

    Some observers say there is a recent precedent for the sort of pressures the system is now facing .

  7. 改良与革命是控中国政治制度移植的路径选择,本文指出:人类文明是能够共享的,但又是不能简单移植的。

    This thesis suggests that the civilization of mankind can be shaneed , but never transplanted in a simple way .

  8. 虽然没有作品流传下来,但说明了李朝中后期,统治者已产生了对中国政治制度和文化成果的需要。

    Although we cannot see them now , such activities show that the ruling class needed Chinese political institution and cultural achievements .

  9. 辽代行政制度的二元化是中国政治制度史上一个颇具特色的现象。

    The dualization of the administration system of the Liao Dynasty was one of the most characteristic phenomena in China 's political system history .

  10. 清末新政作为中国政治制度近代化过程中不可缺失的一环在中国的政治制度史研究中有一席之地;

    The new deal as modern China 's political system can not process the missing link in China 's political system has a history research ;

  11. 村民自治是当代中国政治制度的重要构成部分,而宗族势力依然在当代社会生活中发挥着作用。

    Village autonomy is an important contemporary Chinese political system components , while the clan forces in contemporary social life is still a role to play .

  12. 宗法不仅制约中国政治制度的发展,而且影响中国法律制度的演进。

    Up to now , it has influenced not only the development China 's political system but also the gradual progress of China 's legal system .

  13. 论政治参与对政治制度变迁的影响&兼评近代中国政治制度之变迁

    On the Influence of Political Participation to Changes of Political Institution and at the Same Time on Reasons of the Political Institution Alteration in Modern Age China

  14. 观察议程设置模式的转换有助于我们领会中国政治制度的深刻变迁。

    It concludes that only by grasping subtle yet significant paradigm shifts in agenda-setting can one fully appreciate the extent to which China 's political system has transformed .

  15. 只要中国政治制度不变,就有可能再次度过难关。不过,若要认真解决其结构缺陷,所付代价可能就要高得多。

    Provided its political system remains intact , it could probably do so again - though at far higher cost than if its structural weaknesses are tackled seriously .

  16. 从确立政治制度文明理论入手,阐述了政治团体在中国政治制度文明建立和建设中的作用。

    From establishing the theory of political administration civilization , it discusses the role of political group playing in the establishment and construction of Chinese political administrative civilization .

  17. 但钱穆对于非专制论的理论探索是在学术史的范畴内,在理论上认为中国政治制度的背后都有一套精神与理想,这导致了钱穆的政治理论是一种理想型政治。

    He assumes that there is a serious of spirit and ideal back of politics of China , his political theory is just a kind of ideal politics .

  18. 不过,鉴于中国政治制度的构成方式,国有银行别无选择,只得遵从。国有银行占放贷总额的比例约为三分之二。

    The way the Chinese political system is constructed , however , the state banks , which account for about two-thirds of lending , had no choice but to comply .

  19. 转型期中国政治制度完善应以更加凸显公正性、适应性和整合性为着力方向。

    More efforts should be put on its justice , adaptation and integration when it comes to the construction and innovation of political institution in the transitional period of China .

  20. 立法与行政关系是近代以来人类政治生活中一对重要的政治关系,是近代中国政治制度史上引人关注的问题。

    The relationship between legislation and administration is an important political relationship in human political life since modern times , and also an attractive question in the political system in modern China .

  21. 严耕望(1916-1996)是我国现代史学史上著名的中古史研究大家,主要从事中国政治制度史及中国历史人文地理方面的研究。

    Yen Keng-wang ( 1916-1996 ) is a famous modern historian on Ancient Chinese History Study in China . He mainly engaged in the research of History of the Political Systems and Historical Humanities Geography .

  22. 外戚专权是封建社会常有的历史现象,它随着中国政治制度史的不断深入研究而被学者们重视的,外戚专权的研究有助于我们认识和掌握封建社会的政治制度的本质和规律。

    Dukes feudal autocracy is often historical phenomenon , it is the history of the Chinese political system as the deepening of being scholars emphasize the importance of the right of Dukes specifically help us to understand and grasp the political system of feudal society , the nature and law .

  23. 当受访者被问及更愿意生活在中国的政治制度下还是其他国家的政治制度下,选择中国政治制度的人所占比例在这一期间从70%增加到了83%。

    When respondents were asked whether they preferred living under China 's political system compared with others , the percentage of respondents who preferred China 's system increased from 70 percent to 83 percent over the same period .

  24. 中国的政治制度是长期发展形成的。

    The Chinese has evolved over a long period of time .

  25. 略论梁启超对中国近代政治制度的探索

    Liang Qichao 's Explorations of Modern Legal and Political Systems

  26. 其中的成功与中国的政治制度有着不可分离的联系。

    All of these accomplishments are well connected with the special Chinese political system .

  27. 重建与改革:中国的政治制度化建设(1978-1987)

    Reconstruction and Reform : The Building of China s Political Institutionalization ( 1978-1987 );

  28. 他试图以君主立宪来重构中国的政治制度。

    He decides that constitutional monarchy is the way to rebuild the Chinese political system .

  29. 在外来政治制度的影响下,中国传统政治制度开始了向现代转型。

    With the influence of western political system , Chinese traditional political system has been modernized progressively .

  30. 尽管他的制度构想未成于当时,但对中国传统政治制度的确立产生了深远影响。

    Although his ideas were not realized at that time , they greatly influenced Chinese traditional political system .