
  1. 预测了废热源驱动的有机朗肯循环(ORC)系统在变工况下的性能,循环工质为R245fa(1,1,1,3,3-五氟丙烷)。

    The performance predictions of organic Rankine cycle ( ORC ) using R245fa ( 1,1,1,3,3-pentafluoropropane ) as organic working fluid driven by exhaust were presented .

  2. 针对废热回收的有机朗肯循环进行了动态仿真和实验验证.循环工质为R245fa(1,1,1,3,3-五氟丙烷)。

    This article presented a dynamic simulation and validation of an organic Rankine cycle ( ORC ) system using R245fa ( 1,1,1,3,3-pentafluoropropane ) as organic working fluid for waste heat recovery .

  3. 最小毒作用浓度(LOEC)为37350mg/m3,未观察到毒作用浓度(NOEC)为12450mg/m3。[结论]二氯五氟丙烷(HCFC225)的急性毒性属于微毒;

    The Lowest Observed Effect Concentration ( LOEC ) is 37 350 mg / m 3 . The No Observed Effect Concentration ( NOEC ) is 12 450 mg / m 3 . [ Conclusion ] HCFC 225 belongs to slight toxicity grade .

  4. 在循环工质为HFC-245fa(1,1,1,3,3-五氟丙烷),环境温度为25℃时,系统输出功偏离额定工况达30%以上。

    The working medium of cycle system was HFC-246 fa ( 1,1,1,3,3-pentafluropropane ) . When the ambient temperature was 25 ℃, the power output of system would deviate from the nominal rating by greater than 30 % .