
wǔ sè
  • five colors
  • multicolored
  • five colurs of blue,yellow,red,white and black
五色 [wǔ sè]
  • [five colurs of blue,yellow,red,white and black] 指青、黄、赤、白、黑五色,也泛指各种色彩

  • 五色纷披。--《徐霞客游记.游黄山记》

  1. 多重PCR和五色荧光检测在一起碎尸案中的应用

    The application of mutiplex amplification and five fluorescent technique in a corpse-chopping case

  2. ,针灯心草J.哈慈五行针治疗飞行人员高脂血症疗效观察五色与五行

    Therapeutic effect of acupuncture together with magnetotherapy on hyperlipidemia in flying personnel

  3. 方法应用毛细管电泳技术和五色荧光复合扩增的方法,检测597名汉族无关个体的15个STR基因座基因型。

    Methods The capillary electrophoresis and five-color fluorescent multi-amplifying were applied to detect the genotypes of 15 STR loci in 597 unrelated Chinese Han individuals .

  4. 冬季女装色彩预测中国传统绘画中的五色体系观

    Conception of the Five & color System in Chinese Traditional Paintings

  5. 是面部五色诊的基本内容。

    Consultation is the basic content of the face colored .

  6. 论五色审美观与中国古代色彩符号的历史嬗变

    On the Historical Evolution in Color Aesthetics and Ancient China 's Color Emblem

  7. 五色草的栽培与应用

    Cultivation and Applied for Explanation of Five Colors Grass

  8. 他们最好的办法是利用五色米。

    Their best method for doing this was goshiki-mai , which means five-colored rice .

  9. 中国传统五色理论在现代招贴设计中的运用研究

    Applied Research on the Theory of Chinese Traditional Five Colors in Modern Poster Design

  10. 迪奥五色眼影。化妆师的最爱,一盒包括多种匹配的颜色。

    The makeup artists'favorite for versatility , with five coordinating hues in one compact .

  11. 张书旗别开生面地创造了计白当黑、白分五色的用粉技法。

    Zhang Shu Qi spectacular white when creating black and white sub-colored powders techniques .

  12. 综合前五色真如不二之义更有明心见性之解!

    Comprehensive former colored really offers more justice for the nature of mind answers .

  13. 老子说过:五色使人盲。

    Laozi said : five colors blind people .

  14. 浅析五色草用于花坛种植的优势及养护管理

    Analysis of Advantages and Maintenance Management of applying Five Colors Grass to Flower Bed

  15. 五色海&马尔代夫日记

    The Five Colored Sea - a Diary

  16. 广义五色是对人们所关注的无数种色彩的五类划分。

    Extended colored people are concerned about is the myriad colors of the five division .

  17. 五色观念曾是古人进行旗幡设计的思维律。

    Five colors idea was once thinking law By which the ancient flags were designed .

  18. 此五色,均有一定的民俗含义:白色象征圣洁善良;

    This five colors , have certain folk custom meaning : White symbol holy good ;

  19. “五色”与“五行”的配属表明中国古典色彩具有丰富的文化内涵。

    Correlative of five colours and five elements declare that the Chinese ancient colours possess rich intension .

  20. 探讨中医五色理论在现代色彩心理学及色彩疗法方面的证据。

    To discuss the evidence of TCM Five-color Theory in the modern color psychology and Color Therapy .

  21. 火炉与菜案却是新的;屋角里插着把五色鸡毛的掸子。

    The stove and chopping board were brand-new , and in one corner stood a multicolored feather duster .

  22. 当时作为国旗的五色旗即象征五族为一体。

    The five-color flag used as the national flag at that time represented the unification of the five main races .

  23. 如果没有轻云薄雾把日光筛漏出五色霞彩来,天空该多么单调枯燥!

    Without light clouds and thin hazes sieving the sunshine and creating a colorful glow how boring the sky would be !

  24. 同时我指出了希伍德对顶点数套用数学归纳法的格式来证明“五色定理”的方法是错误的,从而否定了希伍德证明的“五色定理”。

    I is pointed out that Heawood applied the mathematical induction for the vertex number to prove'The Five Color theorem'is incorrect .

  25. 夜幕降临后,瀑布在五色斑谰的灯光照耀下,显得风情万种,妩媚无比,令人流连忘返。

    At night colored lights illuminate the falls and create a charming spectacle which viewers find hard to turn away from .

  26. 《述异记》一书中也谈到,天台山有五色的杏花;

    " narrate different to write down " also speak of in one book , weather station hill has5 kinds apricot flower ;

  27. 超越五色的玄素世界&论老庄哲学中的色彩符号

    The Sphere of Xuan and Su That Transcends Five-Colors & On Color Symbol in the Philosophy of Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi

  28. 有时天空乌云密布,但在正常情况下,天空是一个五色交融的苍穹,主色是蔚蓝色。

    Clouds map it up at times , but it is normally a dome of blending tints , and the main tint blue .

  29. 透过五色看中华民间灯彩的美学意蕴《三侠五义》中的鬼神崇拜及其文化意蕴

    Look at Aesthetic Implication of Chinese Folk Colored Lantern Through Five Colors ; The Spirits Worship and Cultural Implication of the Chivalrous Detective Novel

  30. 作为五行学说的衍生物,五色观念具有视觉的经验性、宇宙图式的神秘性和作为礼制的权威性。

    As a derivative of the five elements of theory , five color idea had vision experience , universe diagrammatic mystery and etiquette authoritativeness .