
wǔ zhǐ shān
  • Wuzhi Mountain
五指山 [wǔ zhǐ shān]
  • [Wuzhi Mountains] 中国海南省中部山脉,以从东南望去五峰耸立,似人五指而得名,最高峰海拔1867米。山间分布有热带雨林

  1. 半个世纪以来海南省五指山土壤化学性质变化

    Change on Soil Chemical Properties of Hainan Wuzhi Mountain in the Last Half Century

  2. 海南五指山热带山地雨林主要种群结构特征分析

    Population structure of tropical montane rainforest on Wuzhi Mountain of Hainan

  3. 用RACE技术快速扩增五指山猪来源的猪内源性反转录病毒3'LTR

    Sequence determination and analysis of 3'LTR of porcine endogenous retrovirus using rapid amplification of cDNA ends

  4. 五指山不同海拔、光照条件下枫香的RAPD分析

    RAPD Analysis on the Liquidambar formosana at Different Altitudes and Under Different Sunlight

  5. 五指山猪H-FABP基因不对称PCR-SSCP研究

    Asymmetric PCR-SSCP Analysis on H-FABP Gene in WZS Pig

  6. 五指山猪H-FABP基因与生长性状的关联分析

    Associated Analysis of H-FABP Gene with WZS Partial Economic Traits

  7. 根据海南省五指山1954年和2003年不同时间土壤样品的分析结果,对半个世纪以来海南省五指山土壤的交换性H+、交换性Al3+和全N等化学性质变化进行了研究。

    Such changes of chemical properties as exchangeable hydrogen ? exchangeable aluminum and total nitrogen of soil of Wuzhi Mountain of Hainan Province in the last half century were researched according to analyzed results of the soil samples of different time in 1954 and 2003 in this paper .

  8. 海南省五指山土壤中的重金属元素含量

    Heavy Metal in Soils of Wuzhi Mountain in Hainan Province

  9. 我们可以看到五指山也可以看到椰子树。

    We can see the Five-Finger Mountains and also some coconut trees .

  10. 五指山小型猪近交系微卫星等位基因遗传规律的研究

    Study on Genetic Regulation of Loci Gene in Inbreeding Pig

  11. 大豆球蛋白经口诱发五指山小型猪过敏反应的实验研究

    Anaphylactic reactions in WZS minipig orally induced by glycinin

  12. 乘火车旅行经过五指山隧道使旅客所受剂量的变化

    Varied doses received by passengers in train when passing through Wuzhi Mountain Tunnel

  13. 我们店里有正宗的五指山野菜。

    We have local wild vegetables from Wuzhi Mountain .

  14. 五指山小型猪同期发情和超数排卵方法的探讨

    Study on Synchronization and Superovulation In Miniature Pig

  15. 五指山隧道施工通风问题

    Problems on construction ventilation of Wuzhi Shan Tunnel

  16. 在我国小型猪资源较为丰富,适于作医学动物实验的有五指山微型猪、环江香猪、巴马小型猪、西双版纳小型猪、芷猪等品种/品系。

    The mini-pig resource is abundance in China .

  17. 结果表明:海南岛五指山土壤交换性酸主要由交换性铝构成,土壤交换性氢含量不高。

    The result showed that the soil exchangeable acid was mainly constituted by exchangeable aluminum .

  18. 五指山不同海拔高度的土壤化学性质特征

    Characteristics of chemical properties of soil in Wuzhi Mountain at different altitudes in Hainan province

  19. 本文对五指山革命根据地建立的相关问题加以论述。

    This paper talks about the related problems with the establishment of Wuzhishan revolutionary base .

  20. 五指山小型猪心脏起搏器的放置

    Placing Cardiac Pacemaker in Mount Wuzhi Pig

  21. 五指山是海南海一高山,形状像人的五根手指。

    Wuzhi Mountain is the highest mountain in Hainan , it 's just like five fingers .

  22. 根据五指山市人口素质的现状,对经济的发展提出了几点建议。

    Are put forward some suggestions for development economy on the base of the existing state of population quality .

  23. 早盘又是游资行情,何不斗一斗困在五指山下的“孙猴子”呢?

    It was small-cap quotes in the morning market , why not tease that Monkey King under the troubles ?

  24. 海南岛五指山土壤指纹电荷特征及影响因素研究

    Charge Fingerprint and Its Main Affecting Factors of Perudic Luvisol and Perudic Cambisols on Wuzhi Mountain , Hainan Island

  25. 不同因素对五指山猪近交系表皮干细胞分离培养的影响

    Effects of Different Factors on the Isolation and Culture of ESCs of Wu Zhi Shan Pigs-the Inbred Mini Pigs for Lab Use

  26. 从物种相异性、物种多样性指数以及主要植物种类的重要值分布特征等方面比较分析了海南岛五指山不同坡向的植物物种多样性。

    The plant species diversity with different slope directions in Wuzhishan was compared from species dissimilarity , species diversity index and importance value distribution .

  27. 万泉河是海南岛第三大河,发源于五指山,全长163公里,流域面积3693平方公里。

    Hainan Island is third Wanquanhe rivers , originated in Wuzhishan , a total length of163 km , the basin area of3693 square kilometers .

  28. 本文论述《五指山基业》是海南少数民族教育研究的重要成果。

    The paper shows that the book The Foundation of the Five-finger Mountain is the important achievement of the educational study of minority nationalities in Hainan .

  29. 海南五指山春城机场是鈡保家先生投资的,因此他被称为中国民营机场投资第一人。

    He was called as " the first investor of the private owned airport in China " for his Chuncheng Airport in Wuzhishan city Hainan province .

  30. 可能包括西沙潜水水下传递、探访五指山黎族村寨传递、北回归线传递等方式,甚至考虑横渡琼州海峡传递。

    May include the Xisha diving underwater transmission , Li visited the village Wuzhishan transmission , including transmission of the Tropic of Cancer , even transfer across the Qiongzhou Strait .