
  1. 五四精神与现代化建设

    On the Spirit of the May 4th Movement and the Construction of Modernization

  2. 五四精神的孵化器

    The Incubator of " the May Fourth " Spirit

  3. 弘扬五四精神培养跨世纪人才

    Promoting the Spirit of the May Fourth Movement to Foster Cross century Talents

  4. 五四精神与当代青年的历史使命

    " May Fourth Movement " Spirit and Historical Duty of Youth of Times

  5. 五四精神的内在本质和现代传承

    The Inherent Nature and Modem Succession of the Spirit of the May Fourth Movement

  6. 简论五四精神与当代青年

    May 4th Movement spirits and contemporary youth

  7. 用五四精神培养青年的时代意识

    To cultivate consciousness of times for youth by means of " May 4 " spirit

  8. 单体造型象一团火炬,又象一根破土而出的春笋,颂扬了伟大的五四精神。

    The shape looks like a torch and a shooting bamboo sprout as well , signifying the spirits of May4th Movement .

  9. 在20世纪的中国历史上,长期为人误解的张竞生,实际上是在五四精神影响下出现的一位赤诚率真的思想家。

    A sincere and frank thinker influenced by the May 4th spirit , Zhang Jingsheng was long misunderstood in the 20th-century China .

  10. 一种动态和谐的生态审美存在&五四精神光照下中国现当代文学的诗性构想

    One Dynamic , Harmonious , Ecological and Aesthetical Existence & Poetical Construction in the Chinese Contemporary Literature in the Light of May Fourth Movement

  11. 今天,在我们沿着建设有中国特色社会主义道路的新时期,在面临着强权政治和霸权主义挑战的情况下,弘扬五四精神,有着深远的历史意义和现实意义。

    During the new period of marching along the socialist direction with distinctive Chinese features , it is of historical and realistic significance for us to develop the spirit of the May 4th Movement facing the challenge of power politics and hegemonism .

  12. 中国开启现代性以来美学发展的曲折历程及存在的一系列问题说明,五四精神的美学要义还远未实现,中国美学现代性挑战与契机同在。

    China the founder of modern aesthetic development of the twists and turns and a series of problems since the aesthetic essence of the May Fourth spirit is still far from achieving the same in the modern challenges and opportunities of Chinese aesthetics .

  13. 玄学向为文化保守主义之壁垒,而实证主义之科学、进化精神及反玄学倾向,则促使醒狮派呼唤并回归五四精神,走向文化激进主义。

    Metaphysics had always been a bastion of cultural conservatism , but the scientific and evolutionary spirit and anti-metaphysical tendency of positivism encouraged the Awakening Lion Faction to call for and return to the May Fourth spirit and to turn to cultural radicalism .

  14. 这种追求,既是对五四精神的继承发扬,也是高长虹一生追求光明、追求真理、热爱祖国、热爱人民的具体体现。

    This pursuit was not only an inheritance and development of the spirit of " the May 4th Movement ", but a concrete embodiment that Gao Chang-hong pursued the brightness and the truth , and loved the motherland and the people all his life .

  15. 继承五四精神,消除文化的深层结构与科学精神传播的内在紧张,构建以科学精神为主体的新型文化,对当代中国社会发展具有极其重要的意义。

    It is of great significance for social development at present in China to inherit the spirit of May Fifth Movement , to eliminate the strain between inner structure of culture and the spread of scientific spirit and to create a new culture which is dominated by scientific spirit .

  16. 五四文学精神资源新论

    The Intellectual Resources of May Fourth Literature : A New Insight

  17. 因此,对五四的精神革命的继承应该从解构性的批判转换为建构性的批判。

    Therefore , we should set at variance from the deconstructive criticism to the constructive criticism .

  18. 现代语言观念的变革为重新观照五四文学精神提供了新的视角。

    Transformation of the outlook on modern linguistics casts a new light upon the spirits of the 5 · 4 literature .

  19. 当代中国青年应该在大力实践“三个代表”的过程中弘扬伟大的“五四”精神。

    The contemporary Chinese youth should carry forword the great spirit of the May 4th Movement in the process of energetically practicing the three Represents .

  20. 我们回顾发扬“五四”精神,认真思索着,自己应该拥有一个怎样的青春,怎样的人生。

    Recalling the spirit of " 54 ", we should think seriously , what kind of youth we have and what kind of life we should live .

  21. 他的和谐,不仅带有中国传统文化色彩,同时也受到了五四启蒙精神的影响,体现了审美现代性的追求。

    With Chinese traditional cultural coloring , and effected by the enlightening of the May 4th movement , his " harmony " embodies the pursuit of aesthetic modernity .

  22. 作为一个“非主流”作家,沈从文作品中的精神弑父方式在五四那个精神弑父的时代也是非主流而被人忽视的,但却又是独特而闪亮的。

    As a " non-mainstream " writer , the modality of psychological patricide in Shen Congwen 's works was non-mainstream and also had been neglected during the psychological-patricide-age period of May4th .

  23. 五四文学精神始终受着中国传统文化精神的制约,二者在思维理路上有着惊人的相似性

    However , the 5 · 4 literary spirits are always restricted by the traditional culture of China , and they two are surprisingly similar in the way and trend of thinking

  24. 五四文化精神给文学注入的个人话语,在20世纪20年代后期一批青年作家作品中主要表现为爱情受到压抑和摧残的苦闷。

    The individual discourse from the culture spirit of May the Fourth shows mainly the anguish when love is destroyed and oppressed according to the young writers ' works in the late of 1920s .

  25. 批评中的创造者形象,是对文学研究会纯客观批评的一种挑战,这一最能代表创造社文学精神的批评观念,也是对五四文学精神的一种承继。

    " The creator in criticism ", as the sign of the literal spirit of the Group of Creation , it is not only takes challenge to " purely objective criticism ", but also carries on the spirit of " May 4th " .

  26. 五四文学理性精神批判

    On the Rational Spirit of " May 4th " Literature

  27. 对五四新文学精神的继承与发展&论周文的文艺大众化思想

    On the inheritance and development of the spirit of New Literature of May 4th Movement & discussing the thought of Zhou Wen on popularization of literature

  28. 这些意见和看法隐含着胡风对世界文学经验的重视,既是其理论个性使然,又是“五四”时代精神对他的深刻影响所致。

    These comments , which imply his emphasis on world literary experience , are issued from both his theoretical personality and the deep influence of the May Fourth spirits on him .

  29. 其目的是激励中国的青年树立并传承五四运动的精神。五四运动是1919年由年轻中国学生和知识分子发起的反对帝国主义和封建主义的运动。

    The aim is to inspire the country 's youth to embrace and preserve the spirit of the May 4th Movement , which was launched in 1919 by young Chinese students and intellectuals to fight imperialism and feudalism .

  30. 对于五四新文学精神正本清源,特别是考察其在后来的影响和流变,从理论意义上讲也是对二十世纪中国文学所走过的道路、知识分子的精神传统的梳理和反思。

    The May 4th spirit radical new literature , in particular the investigation of their impact and in the subsequent flow from the theory of sense , it means the Chinese literature in the 20th century has traveled over the road , the spirit of traditional intellectuals carding and reflection .