
  • 网络werner;warner;worner
  1. 有关2011年FIFA选举的计划也涉及沃纳。

    The plan involving the 2011 FIFA election also involved Mr. Warner .

  2. 那么我们应该把功绩归于沃纳·V·布朗或对航天科学有过重大贡献的某个其他科学家或工程师吗?

    Then we should be attributed to Warner V Brown achievements or space science have had a significant contribution to some other scientist or engineer ?

  3. 沃纳先生本周公布了其新策略。

    Mr Werner unveiled his new strategy this week

  4. NPR新闻,沃纳·萨默国会山报道。

    Werner Summer , NPR News , the Capitol .

  5. 作为特立尼达岛独立自由党(IndependentandLiberalParty)的领导人,沃纳接着表示,美国官员主要是受了申办2022世界杯失败的刺激。

    Mr. Warner , the leader of Trinidad 's Independent and Liberal Party , went on to suggest that American officials were primarily motivated by losing a bid to host the 2022 World Cup .

  6. 腐败案中的一名共犯联系到了沃纳——起诉书中并未透露该人的名字,只是提到他是“FIFA和亚足联(AFC)的高级官员”,当时正在竞选FIFA主席。

    An unnamed co-conspirator , identified as " a high-ranking official at FIFA and AFC " who was running for FIFA president , reached out to Mr. Warner .

  7. 沃纳还说他感觉受到了威胁,“我事实上有理由为我的性命感到恐惧。”但在这个讲话播出之后不久,他就出现在他的独立自由党(IndependentLiberalParty)的一个集会上,并且似乎很坚定。

    Mr. Warner also said he felt threatened , saying , " I reasonably actually fear for my life . " Yet shortly after the speech was broadcast , he appeared at a rally for his Independent Liberal Party , and seemed resolute .

  8. 位于伦敦金融城、为改换职业者提供帮助的EscapeSchool的贝卡.沃纳(BeccaWarner)表示,促使人们做出这一选择的常见契机包括有了孩子、父母一方去世和达到某个年龄阶段。

    Becca Warner of the Escape School based in the City of London , which runs programmes for career changers , says common catalysts include having children , losing a parent and reaching an age milestone .

  9. 周日,世界足球管理机构国际足联(FIFA)前副主席杰克•沃纳(JackWarner)引用洋葱网(TheOnion)的一篇文章,就腐败指控为自己辩护。他似乎并不知道那是一篇讽刺文章。

    Jack Warner , a former vice president of world soccer 's governing body , FIFA , defended himself against corruption charges on Sunday by citing an article from The Onion , apparently unaware that it was satire .

  10. 在视频中,沃纳还说他感到欣慰,因为你们中的很多人通过博客、Twitter、Facebook及其它渠道,从始至终在大力支持我,现在依然如此。

    In the video , Mr. Warner also said he was consoled by the fact that many of you on the blogs , on Twitter , on Facebook , on other channels , throughout were very supportive of me and still are .

  11. 第二天早晨,沃纳召集CFU官员再次开会,因为一名CFU官员将付钱的事告知了中北美和加勒比地区足联(Concacaf),沃纳非常愤怒。

    The next morning , Mr. Warner called the C.F.U. officials to another meeting , angered that one of the C.F.U. officials had alerted Concacaf to the payments .

  12. 澳大利亚足球联盟(FootballFederationAustralia)主席弗兰·克洛伊(FrankLowy)在周三发表了一封公开信,在信中提及了Concacaf的一项调查,显示沃纳有欺诈行为,并挪用了资金。

    The chairman of Football Federation Australia , Frank Lowy , published an open letter on Wednesday in which he cited an investigation by Concacaf showing that Mr. Warner had committed fraud and misappropriated the funds .

  13. 布莱泽与沃纳早有交情,在1990年至2011年间担任Concacaf的秘书长。

    Mr. Blazer , a friend of Mr. Warner 's , was Concacaf 's general secretary from 1990 until 2011 .

  14. 该项指控是由美国人查克??布拉泽(ChuckBlazer)提出的,他是沃纳先生任主席的足联的秘书长,同时两人都为由24人组成的国际足联执委会(实质就是国际足联的内阁)的成员。

    The claims were made by Chuck Blazer , the American general secretary of Mr Warner 's group , who sits with both men on FIFA 's 24-member executive committee ( in effect , its cabinet ) .

  15. 沃纳曾是前中北美和加勒比地区足联(Concacaf)秘书长查克·布莱泽(ChuckBlazer)的亲密盟友。

    Mr. Warner was once a close ally of Chuck Blazer , the former general secretary of Concacaf , the governing body that oversees soccer in North America , Central America and the Caribbean .

  16. 当时担任FIFA执行委员会成员的沃纳让一名副手飞往巴黎,在一家酒店的房间里接受了一个手提箱,其中放满了一叠一叠的钞票,每叠1万美元。之后这名副手将这个手提箱转交给在特立尼达拉岛的沃纳。

    Mr. Warner , then a member of the FIFA executive committee , directed an associate to fly to Paris , accept a briefcase full of cash in $ 10000 stacks from a South African bid committee member in a hotel room , and return the briefcase to Mr. Warner in Trinidad .

  17. 沃纳·海森堡、保罗·迪拉克和莉泽·迈特纳也在场。

    Werner Heisenberg , Paul Dirac and Lise Meitner were there .

  18. 沃纳称政府需要在这个问题上牵头。

    Werner says the government needs to lead on the issue .

  19. 沃纳先生以创造新风格,而开辟新局面。

    Mr. Warner broke new ground by creating a new style .

  20. 这样的家庭和朋友的关系网支持着沃纳太太。

    This network of family and friends sustained Mrs. Werner .

  21. 沃纳太太迷恋图书,一开始读特罗洛普的小说就爱不释手。

    Mrs. Werner was passionate about books , tackling novels by Trollope .

  22. “我们强烈地感觉到我们必须做点什么,”沃纳清楚地表示。

    " We certainly feel the need to do something ," he said .

  23. 沃纳模型在大学生敏感性问题调查中的应用

    Application of Warner Model in the Investigation of a Sensitive Issue with University Students

  24. 他通过电汇向沃纳支付了363537.98美元。

    The co-conspirator wired Mr. Warner $ 363537.98 .

  25. 沃纳贸易公司从日本进口录像机。

    Warner Trading imports videos from Japan .

  26. 记得有一次,沃纳先生带我拜会了可敬的“林地诗人”约翰巴勒斯先生。

    Once Mr. Warner brought to see me the dear poet of the woodlands-mr. John Burroughs .

  27. 本文我们介绍了其中几个主要的模型-沃纳模型和西蒙斯模型以及后续的几个改进模型。

    In this paper , the author introduced the two important models and some modified models .

  28. 沃纳还说他感觉受到了威胁,我事实上有理由为我的性命感到恐惧。

    Mr. Warner also said he felt threatened , saying , I reasonably actually fear for my life .

  29. 沃纳太太身材瘦小,机智敏捷,在生日时从不想得到别人的礼物。

    Mrs. Werner , a tiny woman with a quick wit , never wanted presents on her birthday .

  30. 沃纳模型的质疑

    Interrogation about Warner model