
  • 网络woking;Vol'jin;Working
  1. 这还不算,我们在沃金(Woking)的新剧院在经济衰退期间的盛夏时分揭牌。

    Add to this a new theatre in Woking , launched at the height of summer in the teeth of a recession .

  2. 沃金俱乐部很高兴向大家宣布关于立即任命尼尔-莱恩为一队助理教练的消息。

    Woking Football Club is pleased to announce the appointment of Neil Lyne as Assistant First Team Manager with immediate effect .

  3. 你看看沃金他都长这么大了。

    Look at joaquin . you 're growing up so fast .

  4. 沃金队本场比赛最佳球员:看起来回到了最佳状态的戈马-朗布。

    Man of the match Goma Lambu who looks back to his best .

  5. 卡尔洛斯·地狱吼吐了口水到沃金的脚上。

    Garrosh Hellscream spits at Vol'jin 's feet .

  6. 沃金,我选择卡尔洛斯担任大酋长是因为他真的有那个力量去领导人民度过这个非常时期。

    Vol'jin , I chose Garrosh because he has the strength to lead out people through these trying times .

  7. 沃金则发展了基差逐利型套期保值理论,认为套期保值是一种套期图利行为。

    Walking develops a hedging theory named as " pursuit for profit based on basic spread ", which holds that hedging is one interest-seeking activity .

  8. 当最后一分钟丹尼-邦斯拿球的时候本来没有任何危险,大家都期待着沃金队发起新一轮进攻。

    There seemed to be no danger at all when Danny Bunce had the ball in the final minute , with the expectation that he 'd try and launch the ball up field to kick-start another attack .