
  1. 这些借用的词汇中有一些是直接借用的,许多是通过法语、有一些是通过其它的罗曼斯语系语言借用的。

    Some of these borrowings have been direct , a great many through French , some through the other Romance languages .

  2. 克里斯汀•罗曼斯和一些专家讨论了一些重要的经济指标。

    Christine Romans talked to some experts about the state of some important economic indicators .

  3. 罗曼斯留在了奎尔萨拉斯帮助大家重建家园,并等待王子的回归。

    Rommath remained in Quel'Thalas to help rebuild and await the prince 's return .

  4. 因为罗曼斯,艾泽拉斯的血精灵也学会了通过吸取魔力来解决魔瘾。

    Thanks to Rommath , the blood elves on Azeroth learned how to drain arcane magic and feed their addiction .

  5. 另外,相对于70%的人口讲德语,瑞士只有1%的人口使用其当地语言&罗曼斯语。

    Moreover , compared with the70 percent of the population who speaks German , 1 percent of the Swiss population speaks Romansch , which is a local language .

  6. 语言的使用率在1990年是:德语65%,法语18%,意语10%,罗曼斯语1%,其他6%。

    The distribution of the different languages in 1990 was : German 65 % , French 18 % , Italian 10 % , Romansh 1 % and others 6 % .