
  1. 从罪恶的快乐网罗中,请将我藏在你里面。

    From the snare of sinful pleasure , hide Thou me !

  2. 我们整个现代世界陷于亚历山德里亚文化的网罗中;

    Our whole modern world is entangled in the net of Alexandrian culture .

  3. 烃源岩发育于中下侏罗统中。

    The Lower and Middle Jurassic contain the hydrocarbon source rock .

  4. 所得结果如下:本词出现于1560年,来自煤矿,高卢罗曼语中猫的常用名称。

    This term , dating back from 1560 , comes from mine , popular name of the cat in Gallo-Romance .

  5. 他们就去了,走遍那地,按着城邑分作七分,写在册子上,回到示罗营中见约书亚。

    And the men went and passed through the land , and described it by cities into seven parts in a book , and came again to Joshua to the host at Shiloh .

  6. 通过溶解态铝与营养盐含量的统计分析表明,罗纳河中的溶解态铝与初级生产之间不存在相关关系,它的含量主要受界面吸附过程控制。

    Statistical data analysis shows that there is no correlation between the dissolved aluminum and nutrients , the most important process controlling the concentration of aluminum is dominated by the adsorption / desorption reaction between the interfaces .

  7. 通过对常量元素的分析表明,罗纳河中常量阴阳离子的含量顺序为HCO-3>Ca2+>SO2-4>Na+>Cl->Mg2+>K+,流域内溶解态组份的含量主要受碳酸盐的溶蚀控制。

    The concentration order of the major elements is HCO - _3 > Ca 2 + > SO 2 - _4 > Na + > Cl - > Mg 2 + > K + , which is controlled by the weathering and erosion of carbonates .

  8. C罗在声明中称,孩子的母亲希望她的身份能够得到保密,并已同意C罗为孩子的唯一监护人。

    The child 's mother wishes to remain anonymous and has agreed to leave the footballer as sole , the statement said .

  9. 示罗的子孙中有长子亚帅雅和他的众子。

    Of the Shilonites : Asaiah the firstborn and his sons .

  10. 椭圆拟合方法在磁罗盘罗差校准中的应用

    Application of ellipse fitting method to calibration of magnetic compass deviation

  11. 在奥斯罗的一生中,他读了数量相当可观的书籍。

    In his lifetime , Osler read a significant library of books .

  12. 在希腊和罗骂神话中,森轮桩神是半人彪羊的样子。

    A is half man and half goat in Greek and Roman mythology .

  13. 南佛罗里达到中美洲和南美洲的灌木或小树。

    Shrub or small tree of southern Florida to Central and South America .

  14. 罗拉梳理中纤维运动的研究

    The fiber motion in roller carding process

  15. 通过在紫罗精溶液中加入钛离子,得到了一种新型互补塑的电致变色溶液。

    A new coupling electrochromic solution was investigated by introducing titanium ion into viologen solution .

  16. 罗家渠废水中致突变致癌物主要是萘、联苯等。

    The main mutagens and carcinogens in waste water from Luo Jia channel included naphthalene and biphenyl etc.

  17. 椭圆拟合在某新型磁定向系统罗差补偿中的应用研究

    Application Research on Ellipse Fitting in Deviation Compensation for a New Design of Magnetic Direction Finding System

  18. 通过把劲度系数扩展为矩阵形式,拉伸弹簧的形变与弹力在罗伦兹变换中得到了统一。

    By extending stiffness coefficient into stiffness matrix , the deformation and elastic force of tensile-spring coincides with Lorentz transformation .

  19. 祭司要从那一罗革油中取些倒在自己的左手掌里

    The priest shall then take some of the log of oil , pour it in the palm of his own left hand

  20. 铜、锌、钴、镍-邻菲罗啉体系中稀土元素与偶氮氯膦Ⅲ显色反应的研究

    Study on colour reaction of rare earth elements with Chlorophosphonazo ⅲ in the presence of copper , zinc , nickel and o-phenanthroline hydrate

  21. 是从亚嫩谷边的亚罗珥和谷中的城,并米底巴的全平原,直到底本;

    From Aroer , that is upon the bank of the river Arnon , and the city that is in the midst of the river , and all the plain of Medeba unto Dibon ;

  22. 测定了冷藏期间鲫鱼和罗非鱼肉中三甲胺、次黄嘌呤含量及鱼新鲜度的变化。

    The changes of trimethylamine and hypoxanthine contents in relation to fish freshness were studied on Carassius auratus and Tilapia which were pretreated with various solutions and stored at 4 ℃ and 2 ℃, respectively .

  23. 从亚嫩谷边的亚罗珥和谷中的城,直到基列,耶和华我们的神都交给我们了,没有一座城高得使我们不能攻取的。

    From Aroer on the edge of the valley of the Arnon and from the town in the valley as far as gilead , no town was strong enough to keep us out ; the Lord our God gave them all into our hands .

  24. 在此基础上,以上海市宝山区罗店镇开发中的政策创新及其优势条件为实例研究,分析了罗店镇开发的政策创新对上海市域城市群建设的意义。

    On this basis , the author takes the policy innovation and its advantages of Luodian Town , Baoshan District of Shanghai as an empirical study and analyses the meaning of the construction of policy innovation of Luodian Town to the regional urban agglomeration in Shanghai .

  25. 31岁的C罗的足球圈中的死敌、今年一月击败其荣膺世界足球先生的里奥·梅西在2015-2016年度收入5600万英镑,位居第二。

    His footballing rival Lionel Messi - who the 31-year-old beat to be crowned the World Player of the Year in January - was second on the list , taking home pound 56 million in 2015 / 16 .

  26. 三罗拉集聚装置中过桥齿轮易磨损原因分析

    Cause Analysis of the Idler Gear Wear-out in the Three-roll Compact Device

  27. 当晚罗力回到家中时,老先生对他十分慈祥。

    When Laurie returned home that evening the old man was very kind to him .

  28. 她是美国太空总署项目科学家,在罗塞塔计划中带领美国太空总署的团队,

    She was a NASA project scientist who spearheaded the NASA side of the Rosetta mission ,

  29. 盆地储层为上侏罗统,整个中新统三角洲和浅海沉积,在陆上也发现了古生界碳酸盐岩储层。

    Basin reservoirs of the Upper Jurassic , the entire Miocene delta and shallow marine sedimentary Paleozoic carbonate reservoir , also found on land . 5 .

  30. 届时,游客们能在公园中亲眼目睹罗琳魔法世界中的诸多著名地点,如霍格沃茨魔法学校里邓布利多的办公室、霍格莫德村的店铺等。

    The park will let visitors view the famed locations in Rowling 's magical world , like Dumbledore 's office in Hogwarts and the shops in Hogsmeade .