
  • 网络genistein;sparteine;Cytisine;Tabex
  1. 金雀花碱异构物的旋光性与结构的关系

    Relationship Between the Structure and Optical Activity of Sparteine Isomer

  2. 金雀花碱类化合物的结构特殊,它们是由4个六元环稠合而成。

    The compound of sparteine has a rather special structure and consists of four hexatomic rings .

  3. Bergan提醒大家关于高金雀花碱在阻止癌症扩散中的用途还有很多不太明了。

    Bergan cautioned that much is unknown about use of genistein in preventing cancer spread .

  4. Bergan及其研究小组以前就证实过在前列腺癌细胞培养中高金雀花碱可抑制癌细胞从原始前列腺肿瘤中分离和抑制肿瘤细胞侵袭。

    Bergan and his team have previously demonstrated in prostate cancer cell cultures that genistein inhibits detachment of cancer cells from a primary prostate tumor and represses cell invasion .

  5. 探索从披针叶黄华种粒中提取并纯化金雀花碱的实验室新方法。

    Extraction and purification of cytisine from the seeds of thermopsis lanceolate were studied .

  6. 我们发现高金雀花碱前景的唯一方式就是来自于临床实验的执行。

    The only way we will find out how promising genistein is will be from conducting clinical trials .

  7. 高金雀花碱可以限制细胞的移动,癌细胞试图通过产生与转移相关的蛋白来弥补高金雀花碱的抑制作用。

    When genistein restricted their ability to do so , they tried to compensate by producing more protein involved in migration .

  8. 动物血液中高金雀花碱的含量和人类食用豆制品后血液含量差不多。

    The amount of genistein in the blood of the animals was comparable to human blood concentrations after consumption of soy foods , Bergan said .

  9. 某些化学物质对治疗癌症具有有利的效应,现在我们已经开展了临床前研究,我们需要证实高金雀花碱可能是一种很有前景的化学阻滞剂。

    Certain chemicals have beneficial effects and now we have all the preclinical studies we need to suggest genistein might be a very promising chemopreventive drug .

  10. 研究人员发现高金雀花碱不能减小前列腺中肿瘤的体积,但它可以完全阻止癌细胞向肺部转移。

    The researchers found that while genistein didn 't reduce the size of tumors that developed within the prostate , it stopped lung metastasis almost completely .

  11. 例如,该药物可能是人们食用的大豆中的复合物成分,这些人比那些仅仅刚开始服用高金雀花碱的病人受益更多。

    For example , it may be that the effects of the compound in people who have eaten soy all their lives is stronger than benefit seen in patients who have only started to use genistein .

  12. 确立了测定金雀花碱的最佳实验条件,并成功地测定了健康人血清中微量金雀花碱的含量,检出限为0.027ppm,变异系数为2.3%。

    The optimal experimental conditions are established . This method is applied successfully to determine the trace sparteine in human serum . The determination limit is 0.027 ppm , and the coefficient of variation is 2.3 % .