
  • 网络Metal crystallization;Metallic Cry-stals
  1. Nb对690镍合金带极堆焊金属结晶裂纹的影响

    Effect of Nb on welding solidification cracking of 690 nickel alloy surfacing metal

  2. 从形核理论出发,建立了金属结晶晶粒数的一般方程,利用VB编出的程序计算方程,并以Zn-5%Al合金为例对方程在不同冷却速度和润湿角因子下进行了计算分析。

    The general equation of the quantity of metal grain was established by the theory of nucleation . Taking Zn-5 % Al alloy as an example , the equation was resolved at different cooling rate and wetting angle factor by VB program .

  3. 高频脉冲电源提供的高频电流叠加在反极性电流DCEN上,利用电流的高频特性压缩电弧,改善焊缝金属结晶过程。

    A series of high-frequency pulse current is superposed on Direct-Current-Electrode-Negative ( DCEN ) current through the high-frequency pulse power supply , which is used to compress the arc and improve process of crystallization .

  4. 熔池的深浅,影响金属结晶生长方向改变及夹杂物和气体的去除过程。

    The bath depth influences the direction of crystal growth , nonmetallic inclusion removal , and the degassing process .

  5. 这是由于多孔氧化铝模板孔壁对金属结晶时的挤压和约束作用,使得金属在小孔径的氧化铝模板中自发的沿一定择优方向生长,从而表现出择优取向性。

    The metal spontaneously grow along the preferred orientation in small pore size AAO template is due to the extrusion and restriction effect of the wall of AAO templates .

  6. 用该模型建立了金属结晶凝固的稳定性转变的判别式,导出了金属凝固时的临界过冷度方程。

    Then according to this model a discrmination of metal solidification transportation of stability has also been set up , and a critical under-cooling equation derived as an application example .

  7. 同时结合金属结晶及热处理理论,对火灾作用对金属作用机理及物理性能变化的本质进行了初步探讨。

    And with the theory of metal crystallization and heat treatment , the paper also makes theoretical analysis preliminary discussion on the mechanism of fire on metals and changes of physical properties .

  8. 结合金属结晶精炼的实例,从扩散、有效分离系数等基本概念出发,推导了金属分步结晶精炼的动力学公式,分析了金属分步结晶精炼的判据。

    Coupled with the living examples of refining metal by fractional crystallization , the kinetic formula of fractional crystallization in the refining of metals were deduced according to the concepts of diffusion and effective coefficient of separation and criteria for the effective of fractional crystallization .

  9. 金属再结晶MonteCarloPotts模拟新模型

    New Monte Carlo Potts Model in Metal Recrystallization Simulation

  10. 金属再结晶过程中晶粒取向差分布的统计计算方法

    Statistical Calculation Method of Misorientation Distribution between Recrystallization Grains and Deformed Matrix

  11. 液态金属快速结晶的热力学驱动力

    Thermodynamic driving force for rapid crystallization of liquid metals

  12. 有色金属分步结晶精炼的热力学

    Thermodynamic Principle of Nonferrous Metal Refining by Fractional Crystallization

  13. 非晶硅和非晶硅锗薄膜的金属诱导结晶

    Metal-Induced Crystallization of Amorphous Silicon and Silicon Germanium Films

  14. 象冰或金属等结晶物质,则是在一定温度下才发生溶解。

    Crystalline substances , such as ice , or a metal , melt at a definite temperature .

  15. 控电流双阶跃法研究不锈钢表面金属电结晶两部阶跃预付电度计

    Electrocrystallization of Metal on Surface of Stainless Steel as Studied by the Method of Control Current Double Step Jump

  16. 设计和制造了1台双金属双结晶器连续铸造试验机,其特征是:①结晶器为水冷铜套内衬石墨套;

    We have developed a continuous casting machine with dual crystallizer for compund bimetal . The machine is characterized as follow : 1 , graphite sleeve set in water cooling copper sleeve ;

  17. 从被修饰的海泡石纤维表面形态角度考虑,均匀而致密的硅酸钠表面包裹状态是进一步获得理想金属盐类结晶包覆的前提条件和基础。

    From the point of surface configuration , the covered state of well-distributed particles and compact texture are premise or basis to obtain an ideal covering of metal salt over the surface of sepiolite .

  18. 金相分析表明,随焊电磁冲击改善了焊缝金属的结晶状态,细化了焊缝晶粒,减少了焊接缺欠,增强了抗热裂能力。

    Metallographic analysis indicated that pulse electromagnetic force improved the crystalline state of weld bead , refined the grain size and decreased the weld discontinuity . These all contribute to inhibit welding hot crack .

  19. 从金属分步结晶精炼的基本概念出发,用键参数结合已有热力学数据讨论了金属分步结晶精炼的晶体结构、固溶体、形核与晶核长大等问题。

    From the beginning of the basic concept of fractional crystallization from the melt , some thermodynamic problems such as crystal structure , solid solution , nucleus forming and growing-up , have been discussed by means of bond parameters in combination with the thermodynamic data .

  20. 大应变量冷轧金属Ni再结晶过程中∑3晶界演化

    Evolution of ∑ 3 boundaries during recrystallization of cold-rolled nickel deformed to high strain

  21. 研究了氢化n型金属诱导横向结晶多晶硅薄膜晶体管在热载流子应力下的场致关态电流模型。

    Study the field-enhanced-generated off-state current model of hydrogenated metal-induced laterally crystallized n-type polycrystalline silicon thin film transistors under the hot-carrier stress .

  22. p型金属诱导横向结晶多晶硅TFT直流应力下的退化研究

    Degradation of Metal-Induced Laterally Crystallized p-Type Polycrystalline Silicon Thin Film Transistors under DC Bias Stress

  23. 本文主要研究了典型尺寸的n型金属诱导横向结晶多晶硅薄膜晶体管在两种常见的直流应力偏置下的退化现象:热载流子退化和自加热退化。

    Device degradation behaviors of typical-sized n-type metal induced lateral crystallized polycrystalline silicon thin film transistors were investigated under two kinds of DC bias stresses : hot carrier stress and self-heating stress .

  24. 通过对薄膜样品的拉曼谱和X射线衍射(XRD)谱分析,我们认为金属低温诱导结晶成功与否跟诱导前薄膜的结构密切相关。

    We analyzed the Raman and X-ray diffraction spectrums of the samples and reached the conclusion that the success of metal-induced crystallization depends on the structure of the film before induced .

  25. 以金属铟和结晶四氯化锡为原料,通过加入各种添加剂制备了稳定的ITO前驱物浆料。

    The stable precursor slurry of indium-tin-oxide ( ITO ) was prepared using metal In and crystalloid tin tetrachloride as raw materials by adding different additives .

  26. 加热速度对冷变形金属的再结晶织构具有很大影响。

    Heating rates greatly affect the recrystallization textures of cold deformed metals .

  27. 金属材料再结晶国际会议取向硅钢二次再结晶机理研究的进展

    Advances in research on the mechanism of secondary recrystallization in grain oriented silicon steels

  28. 无机金属硼酸盐[结晶的,从天然卤分离出来的或化学制备的]

    Inorganic borate of metals [ crystallized , separated from natural brines or chemically prepared ]

  29. 金属在再结晶温度以下进行的塑性变形。

    The plastic deformation of a metal at a temperature below that at which it recrystallizes .

  30. 探讨了稀土元素对电铸金属镍晶粒结晶择优取向的影响。

    The change of crystal preferential orientation of matrix metal Ni caused by rare earths was investigated .